changeset 36:99519a031813 pygar svn.37

[svn r37] moved the server into audioCorePipeline
author punk
date Tue, 04 May 2010 18:54:54 -0400 (2010-05-04)
parents 14f7a7ace3f5
children 0475235d1513
files modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/#Processor.bsv# modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreRRR.rrr modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreSystem.cpp modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/Processor.bsv modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCore.bsv modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCorePipeline.bsv modules/bluespec/Pygar/lab4/processor_library.awb
diffstat 7 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/#Processor.bsv#	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     1.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/#Processor.bsv#	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     1.3 @@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
     1.4  import FIFOF::*;
     1.5  import SFIFO::*;
     1.6  import RWire::*;
     1.7 +
     1.8  import Trace::*;
     1.9  import BFIFO::*;
    1.10 +import MemTypes::*;
    1.11  import ProcTypes::*;
    1.12  import BRegFile::*;
    1.13  import BranchPred::*;
    1.14 @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@
    1.16  // Local includes
    1.17  //`include "asim/provides/processor_library.bsh" (included above directly)
    1.18 -`include "asim/rrr/remote_server_stub_AUDIOCORERRR.bsh"
    1.19 +
    1.20  `include "asim/provides/common_services.bsh"
    1.21  `include "asim/dict/STATS_PROCESSOR.bsh"
    1.22  `include "asim/provides/processor_library.bsh"
    1.23 @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@
    1.25    // Interface to Audio Pipeline
    1.26    interface Get#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleOutput;
    1.27 +  interface Put#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleInput;
    1.29  endinterface
    1.31 @@ -225,12 +228,6 @@
    1.32  module  [CONNECTED_MODULE] mkProc( Proc );
    1.34     //-----------------------------------------------------------
    1.35 -   // Debug port
    1.36 -   
    1.37 -   ServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR server_stub <- mkServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR();   
    1.38 -
    1.39 -   
    1.40 -   //-----------------------------------------------------------
    1.41     // State
    1.43     // Standard processor state
    1.44 @@ -248,10 +245,13 @@
    1.45     FIFO#(PCStat)           pcQ <-mkSizedFIFO(3);
    1.46     SFIFO#(WBResult, Rindx) wbQ <-mkSFIFO(findwbf);
    1.48 +   // NEED TO ADD CAPABILITY FOR RESET (should be able to just say if I get valid in and these are flagged, clear them.
    1.49     Reg#(Bit#(32)) cp0_tohost   <- mkReg(0);
    1.50     Reg#(Bit#(32)) cp0_fromhost <- mkReg(0);
    1.51     Reg#(Bool)     cp0_statsEn  <- mkReg(False);
    1.52 -
    1.53 +   Reg#(Bool)     cp0_audioEOF <- mkReg(False);  // Register to let code that EOF is reached
    1.54 +   Reg#(Bool)     cp0_progComp <- mkReg(False);  // Register to let processor know that the program is complete (as this terminates)
    1.55 +    
    1.56     // Memory request/response state
    1.58     FIFO#(InstReq)  instReqQ    <- mkBFIFO1();
    1.59 @@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
    1.62     // Statistics state (2010)
    1.63 -//   Reg#(Stat) num_cycles <- mkReg(0);
    1.64 -//   Reg#(Stat) num_inst <- mkReg(0);
    1.65 +   //   Reg#(Stat) num_cycles <- mkReg(0);
    1.66 +   //   Reg#(Stat) num_inst <- mkReg(0);
    1.68     //Or:
    1.69     // Statistics state
    1.70 @@ -486,11 +486,14 @@
    1.72        // -- Cop0 ------------------------------------------------------
    1.74 -      tagged MTC0  .it : 
    1.75 +      tagged MTC0  .it : //Recieve things from host computer
    1.76  	 begin
    1.77 +	    $display( " PROCESSOR MTC0 call\n");
    1.78              case ( it.cop0dst )
    1.79  	       5'd10 : cp0_statsEn <= unpack(truncate(rf.rd1(it.rsrc)));
    1.80  	       5'd21 : cp0_tohost  <= truncate(rf.rd1(it.rsrc));
    1.81 +	       5'd26 : cp0_progComp <= unpack(truncate(rf.rd1(it.rsrc))); //states audio program completed and termination okay
    1.82 + 	       5'd27 : outAudioFifo.enq(tagged Sample unpack(truncate(rf.rd1(it.rsrc))));  //Bit size is 16 not 32 
    1.83  	       default :
    1.84  	       $display( " RTL-ERROR : %m : Illegal MTC0 cop0dst register!" );
    1.85  	    endcase
    1.86 @@ -498,13 +501,27 @@
    1.87  	 end
    1.89  //this is host stuff?
    1.90 -      tagged MFC0  .it :
    1.91 +      tagged MFC0  .it :  //Things out
    1.92  	 begin
    1.93 +	    $display( " PROCESSOR MFC0 call\n");
    1.94              case ( it.cop0src )
    1.95  	    // not actually an ALU instruction but don't have the format otherwise
    1.96                 5'd10 : wbQ.enq(tagged WB_ALU {dest:it.rdst, data:zext(pack(cp0_statsEn)) });
    1.97                 5'd20 : wbQ.enq(tagged WB_ALU {dest:it.rdst, data:cp0_fromhost });
    1.98                 5'd21 : wbQ.enq(tagged WB_ALU {dest:it.rdst, data:cp0_tohost   });
    1.99 +	       5'd25 : begin
   1.100 +			  $display( "**** EOF Requested\n ");
   1.101 +			  wbQ.enq(tagged WB_ALU {dest:it.rdst, data:zext(pack(cp0_audioEOF)) });  // Reading clears bit
   1.102 +			  cp0_audioEOF <= False;
   1.103 +		       end
   1.104 +	       5'd28 : begin
   1.105 +			  $display( "***** Reqesting Sample \n");
   1.106 +			  let sample = inAudioFifo.first();        // is this going to cause perf. delay?
   1.107 +			  if (sample matches tagged Sample .audio) // if it is EOF another rule sets the cp0_audioEOF  
   1.108 +	      		     wbQ.enq(tagged WB_ALU {dest:it.rdst, data:zext(pack(audio)) });  // do I need pack?
   1.109 +			  else $display ( "Audio File EOF Reached.  Invalid sample request.");
   1.110 +			  inAudioFifo.deq();
   1.111 +		       end
   1.112                default : 
   1.113                  $display( " RTL-ERROR : %m : Illegal MFC0 cop0src register!" );
   1.114              endcase
   1.115 @@ -559,41 +576,27 @@
   1.116        num_cycles.incr();
   1.117    endrule
   1.119 -(* conservative_implicit_conditions *)
   1.120 -  rule handleCPUToHost;
   1.121 -   let req <- server_stub.acceptRequest_ReadCPUToHost();
   1.122 -    case (req)
   1.123 -     0: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(cp0_tohost);
   1.124 -     1: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(pc);
   1.125 -     2: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(zeroExtend(pack(stage)));
   1.126 -    endcase
   1.127 +
   1.128 + // for now, we don't do anything.
   1.129 +//  rule connectAudioReqResp;
   1.130 +//    $display("rlm: PROCESSOR copies a datum\n");
   1.131 +//    outAudioFifo.enq(inAudioFifo.first());
   1.132 +//    inAudioFifo.deq;
   1.133 +//  endrule
   1.134 +
   1.135 +  rule flagAudioEnd (inAudioFifo.first() matches tagged EndOfFile);
   1.136 +     $display (" Proc Says End Audio Flag Set ");
   1.137 +     cp0_audioEOF <= True;
   1.138 +     inAudioFifo.deq;
   1.139    endrule
   1.141 - // for now, we don't do anything.
   1.142 -  rule connectAudioReqResp;
   1.143 -//    $display("rlm: PROCESSOR copies a datum\n");
   1.144 -    outAudioFifo.enq(inAudioFifo.first());
   1.145 -    inAudioFifo.deq;
   1.146 +  rule sendAudioEnd (cp0_progComp);
   1.147 +     $display (" PROCESSOR Says Program Complete ");
   1.148 +     outAudioFifo.enq(tagged EndOfFile);
   1.149 +     cp0_progComp <= False;  //only send one.  And functions to reset
   1.150    endrule
   1.152 -  // Server items & rules:
   1.154 -   rule feedInput;
   1.155 -     let command <- server_stub.acceptRequest_SendUnprocessedStream();
   1.156 -     AudioProcessorControl ctrl = unpack(truncate(command.ctrl));
   1.157 -     if(ctrl == EndOfFile)
   1.158 -	begin
   1.159 -//	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received EOF   ");
   1.160 -          inAudioFifo.enq(tagged EndOfFile);
   1.161 -       end
   1.162 -     else 
   1.163 -	begin
   1.164 -//	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received Data   ");
   1.165 -          inAudioFifo.enq(tagged Sample unpack(truncate(command.sample)));
   1.166 -       end
   1.167 -   endrule     
   1.168 -  
   1.169 - 
   1.170    //-----------------------------------------------------------
   1.171    // Methods
   1.173 @@ -609,17 +612,20 @@
   1.175    interface Get statsEn_get = toGet(asReg(cp0_statsEn));
   1.177 -//  interface CPUToHost tohost;
   1.178 -//    method Bit#(32) cpuToHost(int req);
   1.179 -//      return (case (req)
   1.180 -//       0: cp0_tohost;
   1.181 -//       1: pc;
   1.182 -//       2: zeroExtend(pack(stage));
   1.183 -//      endcase);
   1.184 -//    endmethod
   1.185 -//  endinterface
   1.186 -     
   1.187 +  /*
   1.188 +  interface CPUToHost tohost;
   1.189 +    method Bit#(32) cpuToHost(int req);
   1.190 +      return (case (req)
   1.191 +       0: cp0_tohost;
   1.192 +       1: pc;
   1.193 +       2: zeroExtend(pack(stage));
   1.194 +      endcase);
   1.195 +    endmethod
   1.196 +  endinterface
   1.197 +  */
   1.198 +   
   1.199    interface Get sampleOutput = fifoToGet(outAudioFifo);
   1.200 +  interface Put sampleInput = fifoToPut(inAudioFifo);
   1.202  endmodule
     2.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreRRR.rrr	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     2.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreRRR.rrr	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     2.3 @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
     2.4      server hw (bsv, connection) <- sw (cpp, method)
     2.5      {
     2.6          method ReadCPUToHost  (out UINT32[32] regValue, in UINT32[32] dummy);
     2.7 -        //method SendUnprocessedStream (in UINT32[32] ctrl, in UINT32[32] sample);
     2.8 +        method SendUnprocessedStream (in UINT32[32] ctrl, in UINT32[32] sample);
     2.9  	//rlm: here it is modified to take N
    2.10 -	method   SendUnprocessedStream (in UINT32[32] channel, in UINT32[32] ctrl, in UINT32[32] sample);
    2.11 +//	method   SendUnprocessedStream (in UINT32[32] channel, in UINT32[32] ctrl, in UINT32[32] sample);
    2.13      };
     3.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreSystem.cpp	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     3.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/AudioCoreSystem.cpp	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     3.3 @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
     3.4  {
     3.5    //rlm: two files
     3.6    FILE *inputFile;
     3.7 -  FILE *inputFile1;
     3.8 +  //  FILE *inputFile1;
     3.9    UINT16 sample;
    3.10 -  UINT16 sample1;
    3.11 +  //UINT16 sample1;
    3.13    //rlm: not sure if normal ints are ok here; using UINT16 because I know it works
    3.14    UINT16 channel0 = 0;
    3.15 -  UINT16 channel1 = 1;
    3.16 +  //UINT16 channel1 = 1;
    3.18    //init processor 
    3.19    int sleepCount = 0;
    3.20 @@ -78,8 +78,6 @@
    3.22    bool coreFin = false; 
    3.24 -  
    3.25 -
    3.26    fflush(stdout); 
    3.28    // Convert input wav to pcm
    3.29 @@ -88,16 +86,15 @@
    3.30    //rlm: for now we are going to going to just have 2 files with "common names"
    3.32    generate_pcm("input.wav","input.pcm");
    3.33 -  generate_pcm("input1.wav", "input1.pcm");
    3.34 -
    3.35 +  //generate_pcm("input1.wav", "input1.pcm");
    3.38    //Send data to the machine here.
    3.39    //rlm: two files
    3.40    inputFile = fopen("input.pcm","r");
    3.41 -  inputFile = fopen("input1.pcm", "r");
    3.42 +  // inputFile = fopen("input1.pcm", "r");
    3.44 -  assert(inputFile1);
    3.45 +  //assert(inputFile1);
    3.46    assert(inputFile);
    3.48    int count = 0;
    3.49 @@ -106,7 +103,8 @@
    3.51    //rlm: here we read both files. later refactor into a function.
    3.52    // also, this will terminate when the FIRST file reaches its end.
    3.53 -  while( (fread(&sample, 2, 1, inputFile)) && (fread(&sample1, 2 , 1, inputFile1))) {
    3.54 +  while( (fread(&sample, 2, 1, inputFile)) )//&& (fread(&sample1, 2 , 1, inputFile1))) 
    3.55 +    {
    3.56      if (!coreFin && (result = clientStub->ReadCPUToHost(0)) != 1) 
    3.57      {
    3.58        sleepCount++;
    3.59 @@ -131,8 +129,9 @@
    3.60      sem_wait(&throttle);
    3.62      //rlm: two files.
    3.63 -    clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel0 , Data,(UINT32)sample);
    3.64 -    clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel1 , Data,(UINT32)sample1);
    3.65 +    clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream( Data,(UINT32)sample);
    3.66 +    //clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel0 , Data,(UINT32)sample);
    3.67 +    //clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel1 , Data,(UINT32)sample1);
    3.69    } 
    3.71 @@ -143,8 +142,9 @@
    3.73    //rlm: have to send end-files to both voices.  
    3.74    // all of these operations wil eventually be moved into functions.
    3.75 -  clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel0, EndOfFile,0);
    3.76 -  clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel1, EndOfFile,0);
    3.77 +  clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(EndOfFile,0);
    3.78 +    //clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel0, EndOfFile,0);
    3.79 +    // clientStub->SendUnprocessedStream(channel1, EndOfFile,0);
    3.81    printf("main: wait for end of file\n");
     4.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/Processor.bsv	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     4.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/Processor.bsv	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     4.3 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
     4.5  // Local includes
     4.6  //`include "asim/provides/processor_library.bsh" (included above directly)
     4.7 -`include "asim/rrr/remote_server_stub_AUDIOCORERRR.bsh"
     4.8 +
     4.9  `include "asim/provides/common_services.bsh"
    4.10  `include "asim/dict/STATS_PROCESSOR.bsh"
    4.11  `include "asim/provides/processor_library.bsh"
    4.12 @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
    4.14    // Interface to Audio Pipeline
    4.15    interface Get#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleOutput;
    4.16 +  interface Put#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleInput;
    4.18  endinterface
    4.20 @@ -227,12 +228,6 @@
    4.21  module  [CONNECTED_MODULE] mkProc( Proc );
    4.23     //-----------------------------------------------------------
    4.24 -   // Debug port
    4.25 -   
    4.26 -   ServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR server_stub <- mkServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR();   
    4.27 -
    4.28 -   
    4.29 -   //-----------------------------------------------------------
    4.30     // State
    4.32     // Standard processor state
    4.33 @@ -581,15 +576,6 @@
    4.34        num_cycles.incr();
    4.35    endrule
    4.37 -(* conservative_implicit_conditions *)
    4.38 -  rule handleCPUToHost;
    4.39 -   let req <- server_stub.acceptRequest_ReadCPUToHost();
    4.40 -    case (req)
    4.41 -     0: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(cp0_tohost);
    4.42 -     1: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(pc);
    4.43 -     2: server_stub.sendResponse_ReadCPUToHost(zeroExtend(pack(stage)));
    4.44 -    endcase
    4.45 -  endrule
    4.47   // for now, we don't do anything.
    4.48  //  rule connectAudioReqResp;
    4.49 @@ -610,24 +596,7 @@
    4.50       cp0_progComp <= False;  //only send one.  And functions to reset
    4.51    endrule
    4.53 -  // Server items & rules:
    4.55 -   rule feedInput;
    4.56 -     let command <- server_stub.acceptRequest_SendUnprocessedStream();
    4.57 -     AudioProcessorControl ctrl = unpack(truncate(command.ctrl));
    4.58 -     if(ctrl == EndOfFile)
    4.59 -	begin
    4.60 -	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received EOF   ");
    4.61 -          inAudioFifo.enq(tagged EndOfFile);
    4.62 -       end
    4.63 -     else 
    4.64 -	begin
    4.65 -	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received Data   ");
    4.66 -          inAudioFifo.enq(tagged Sample unpack(truncate(command.sample)));
    4.67 -       end
    4.68 -   endrule     
    4.69 -  
    4.70 - 
    4.71    //-----------------------------------------------------------
    4.72    // Methods
    4.74 @@ -643,17 +612,20 @@
    4.76    interface Get statsEn_get = toGet(asReg(cp0_statsEn));
    4.78 -//  interface CPUToHost tohost;
    4.79 -//    method Bit#(32) cpuToHost(int req);
    4.80 -//      return (case (req)
    4.81 -//       0: cp0_tohost;
    4.82 -//       1: pc;
    4.83 -//       2: zeroExtend(pack(stage));
    4.84 -//      endcase);
    4.85 -//    endmethod
    4.86 -//  endinterface
    4.87 -     
    4.88 +  /*
    4.89 +  interface CPUToHost tohost;
    4.90 +    method Bit#(32) cpuToHost(int req);
    4.91 +      return (case (req)
    4.92 +       0: cp0_tohost;
    4.93 +       1: pc;
    4.94 +       2: zeroExtend(pack(stage));
    4.95 +      endcase);
    4.96 +    endmethod
    4.97 +  endinterface
    4.98 +  */
    4.99 +   
   4.100    interface Get sampleOutput = fifoToGet(outAudioFifo);
   4.101 +  interface Put sampleInput = fifoToPut(inAudioFifo);
   4.103  endmodule
     5.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCore.bsv	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     5.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCore.bsv	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     5.3 @@ -46,7 +46,10 @@
     5.4     interface Client#(MainMemReq,MainMemResp) mmem_client;
     5.6     interface Get#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleOutput;
     5.7 -      
     5.8 +   interface Put#(AudioProcessorUnit) sampleInput;
     5.9 +	 
    5.10 +//   interface CPUToHost tohost;
    5.11 +   
    5.12  endinterface
    5.14  module   [CONNECTED_MODULE]  mkCore( Core );
    5.15 @@ -72,5 +75,8 @@
    5.16     interface mmem_client = marb.mmem_client;
    5.18     interface sampleOutput = proc.sampleOutput;
    5.19 +   interface sampleInput = proc.sampleInput;
    5.20 +
    5.21 +//   interface CPUToHost tohost = proc.tohost;
    5.23  endmodule
     6.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCorePipeline.bsv	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     6.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/core/audioCorePipeline.bsv	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     6.3 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     6.4  `include "asim/dict/VDEV_SCRATCH.bsh"
     6.6  `include "asim/rrr/remote_client_stub_AUDIOCORERRR.bsh"
     6.7 -//`include "asim/rrr/remote_server_stub_AUDIOCORERRR.bsh"
     6.8 +`include "asim/rrr/remote_server_stub_AUDIOCORERRR.bsh"
    6.10  module [CONNECTED_MODULE] mkConnectedApplication ();
    6.11     Core core <- mkCore;
    6.12 @@ -60,6 +60,12 @@
    6.13    // Make this big enough so that several outstanding requests may be supported
    6.14    FIFO#(Bit#(MainMemTagSz)) tags <- mkSizedFIFO(8);
    6.16 +   //-----------------------------------------------------------
    6.17 +   // Debug port
    6.18 +   
    6.19 +   ServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR server_stub <- mkServerStub_AUDIOCORERRR();   
    6.20 +
    6.21 +   
    6.22    // this is for the tracing
    6.23    rule printCycles;
    6.24      cycle <= cycle+1;
    6.25 @@ -99,4 +105,20 @@
    6.26       endcase
    6.27     endrule
    6.29 +   //*****  SERVER Side  *****
    6.30 +
    6.31 +   rule feedInput;
    6.32 +     let command <- server_stub.acceptRequest_SendUnprocessedStream();
    6.33 +     AudioProcessorControl ctrl = unpack(truncate(command.ctrl));
    6.34 +     if(ctrl == EndOfFile)
    6.35 +	begin
    6.36 +	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received EOF   ");
    6.37 +          core.sampleInput.put(tagged EndOfFile);
    6.38 +       end
    6.39 +     else 
    6.40 +	begin
    6.41 +	  $display("lsp: PROCESSOR received Data   ");
    6.42 +          core.sampleInput.put(tagged Sample unpack(truncate(command.sample)));
    6.43 +       end
    6.44 +   endrule     
    6.45  endmodule
     7.1 --- a/modules/bluespec/Pygar/lab4/processor_library.awb	Tue May 04 12:14:24 2010 -0400
     7.2 +++ b/modules/bluespec/Pygar/lab4/processor_library.awb	Tue May 04 18:54:54 2010 -0400
     7.3 @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
     7.5  %attributes PYGAR
     7.7 -%public Trace.bsv BFIFO.bsv MemTypes.bsv FIFOUtility.bsv GetPutExt.bsv SFIFO.bsv CBUFF.bsv BRegFile.bsv BranchPred.bsv
     7.8 +%public Trace.bsv BFIFO.bsv MemTypes.bsv FIFOUtility.bsv GetPutExt.bsv SFIFO.bsv CBUFF.bsv BRegFile.bsv BranchPred.bsv Divider.bsv