Mercurial > moonlitnights
view stories/ccsadults.txt @ 0:ed1308d04df2 moonlitnights
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author | rlm |
date | Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:24:59 -0500 |
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1 Hello! ^-^ This is a CCS fic set an indefinite amount of time in the2 future. All3 characters are copyright CLAMP except for Bara-chan. I really hope4 you enjoy5 the fic. ^-^ Please tell me what you think if you get the chance.9 Final Heaven10 by Amazoness Duo11 amazonessduo@hotmail.com15 “Tomoyo-chan...”16 “But Sakura-chan like’s pink,” Tomoyo chides gently, as if reminding17 me of something I had forgotten. I just blush fiercely in response.18 She’s always19 had this affect on me, from when we were young girls. She has a way20 of getting21 me to go along with whatever it is she thinks. Yes, I do like pink.22 And I trust23 Tomoyo-chan’s judgement with things like that. I mean, she probably24 knows me25 better than I do. But the cloth is so ethereal. It almost sparkles26 in her hands. And27 I can see right through it. After all these years, I know what she28 must be29 thinking. Tomoyo-chan has a dirty mind. These days she makes almost30 all of my31 clothes. But I can only think of one place where I’d wear something32 made out of33 that. And it probably wouldn’t stay on for long at that.34 Hoe... I’m blushing even deeper now. And she knows it. Sometimes I35 think she can read my mind. I wouldn’t be surprised. She seems to be36 able to37 pick up on everything. It’s her own kind of magic. I have no idea38 how she39 knows so much. But that really doesn’t help me right now because40 that just41 makes it even more embarrassing. And I know she’ll get me to wear42 whatever43 she’ll make from that cloth, too.44 “Tomoyo-chan...” I say again, helplessly. I know it won’t change45 anything. I’ve known her far too long to think that. I’m just no46 good at arguing47 anything with her. She has this sweet way of always getting me to go48 along with49 what she has in mind. She always seems to know what she’s doing. And50 with51 her soft voice and her pretty blue eyes, she can be so persuasive.52 It’s like with53 her costumes. I can’t help going along with her when she looks so54 determined.55 Tomoyo pauses for a moment, her stormy blue eyes closed. She looks56 so deep in thought. It takes me a moment before I realize that I’m57 leaning closer,58 curiously. I sweatdrop and stand back up, still watching her. What59 could she be60 thinking? Her eyes flutter open, locking with mine. “Even Bara-chan61 likes it.62 She’s kicking for you, Sakura.” She smiles that sweet, loving smile63 that she’s64 been showering on me since I was young. I smile back excitedly,65 feeling a thrill66 shoot through me.67 “She is? Really?!” I ask anxiously, my body wanting to go in68 different69 directions all at once. Tomoyo-chan takes my hand gently and places70 it on the71 growing swell of her stomach. She’s right. I can feel our little72 daughter kicking73 inside of her. I can’t contain myself at that. It’s just so...74 right. My blush fades75 quickly, my mind focussing on our daughter. Our daughter. The symbol76 of our77 love. Well, that miracle took a little push from my magic, but she’s78 still our79 daughter. I blush again at Tomoyo’s loving gaze and return it,80 smiling happily at81 my wife. Oh, my knees are feeling week. This whole thing is just...82 hanyaa. I83 almost lunge forward at the growing warmth in my heart, hugging my84 very85 pregnant best friend as tightly as I can.86 “I love you, Sakura-chan,” she says in that gentle, sweet voice of87 hers.88 It sounds like she’s singing to me. I always feel so happy when I89 hear her say90 that. I always have. I just didn’t always understand them. But now I91 do.92 “I love you, too,” I say, pouring my whole heart into those few93 words.95 I think the baby is finally resting. She has so much energy. Just96 like her97 mother. I can’t wait to see her. I have to wonder if she’ll take98 more after me or99 Sakura-chan. I took a lot after Sakura’s mother and she took a lot100 after mine,101 which is a little strange if you don’t realize how much the cousins102 missed each103 other. So we were there way of remembering each other. But it104 doesn’t matter to105 me who Bara-chan looks like or which of us she takes after. I’m very106 happy to107 know that she’s our daughter. I’ll be happy as long as Sakura-chan108 and I can109 raise her together. I’m sure she’ll grow up to be a remarkable girl.110 Just like her111 mother.112 I continue to sing softly to the unborn child within me. I want her113 to114 feel safe, to feel loved. So I’ll continue singing to her, hoping115 that she can hear116 me somewhere in there. I want her to know how happy I am to be117 carrying her,118 our sweet daughter. To have something that’s ours, the product of my119 love for120 Sakura and hers for me, grow and develop inside of me. It’s a121 wonderful feeling.122 I have to admit that I never really thought about it much before. I123 just never124 thought I would wind up pregnant. I know mother was lonely when she125 had me126 and that I helped alleviate some of that, but I never thought that127 I’d wind up128 having a child of my own. That she could be Sakura’s. So despite the129 morning130 sickness and the mood swings and all of the doctor’s appointments,131 I’m132 deliriously happy to be having her.133 My hands rest on my stomach as I whisper soothingly to my baby girl.134 “I think you’ll like it here, Bara-chan. Sometimes it can be a135 little cold and a136 little lonely, but there is such beauty out there if you can only137 find it. And it will138 capture your entire soul. It’s breathtaking to behold. That139 something so perfect140 can exist is almost unbelievable. Please look for the beauty that’s141 out there,142 Bara-chan. I think you’ll be surprised. Especially if it looks back143 at you.” I smile144 at the thought, my eyes falling closed for a second. I’ve been much145 too tired146 lately. But I’m sure it’s easier for Bara to rest if I’m not busy147 running around.148 And why follow Sakura-chan around when she can come to me? Almost as149 if on150 cue, Sakura enters the room carrying a small bowl of soba. She looks151 so152 adorable in the floral design apron she has on with the big, pink153 house slippers154 on her feet. We have a chef for such things, of course, but Sakura155 insists on156 cooking herself from time to time. Even more so lately. I can't tell157 which of us is158 more anxious about the baby.159 “Singing to the baby again, Tomoyo-chan?” Sakura asks with a warm160 smile as she kneels next to the bed, blowing on the soba to cool it161 down. “She162 must love when you do that. It’s always so pretty.” She finally163 helps me up,164 handing me the bowl of soba. The sparkle in her emerald eyes hasn’t165 decreased166 in the slightest from when she was a child. In fact, sometimes it167 seems even168 brighter these days.169 I smile in return, glad to have her help with anything as I lean170 back171 against the head of the bed. “Arigato gozimasu, Sakura. I want her172 to know that173 we’re waiting for her. And that she has much to look forward to.” I174 reach out175 and stroke Sakura’s cheek softly. She blushes a bit but doesn’t176 avert her gaze. I177 can see all of the love I’ve always wanted to pour into her178 reflected back at me.179 That feeling warms me more than the soba possibly could. She takes180 the181 chopsticks and brings a bit to my mouth. It’s still a little hot,182 but it goes down183 well. “It’s delicious, Sakura-chan. I’m sure Bara-chan would like to184 thank you,185 too. She must be getting hungry. And what better than a dish cooked186 with187 Sakura’s special ingredient?”188 Sakura giggles at that, nodding as she takes another bit of the189 soba with190 the chopsticks and brings it back to my mouth. “A healthy dose of191 love for my192 sweet best friend and our cute little daughter. That’s why I sent193 the chef home194 for the day. I used to cook for my family back home a lot, even if195 it was a chore.196 So now I want to cook for my family here.” A happy smile crosses her197 lips,198 along with that spectacularly determined look in her eyes that I’ve199 always loved200 seeing. When Sakura-chan finally gets her mind set on something, she201 throws202 her whole heart into it. I’m so happy to be the focus of that203 determination now.204 “I’d be delighted to eat Sakura’s cooking for as long as she’ll205 make it.206 Or as long as you keep feeding it to me,” I state with another207 smile. She looks a208 little flustered as she gets another biteful and brings it up to my209 mouth. She’s so210 easy to embarrass. And she’s so kawaii when she blushes. I wonder if211 she knows212 that. I’ve told her enough by now that she has to. She blushed a213 whole lot back214 when we were dating. Whereas it doesn’t happen quite as much215 anymore, it’s216 still easy enough to bring a flush to her cheeks.217 “If you say so, Tomoyo. I still think the chef is better, but I218 wanted to219 make something for you and the baby myself. It may not be as good,220 but I feel221 better that way.” Sakura looks so emotional as her jade eyes watch222 me on the223 bed. I haven’t seen her this emotional since the morning of our224 wedding. And225 that’s quite a bit for her because she’s always a rather emotional226 woman. Which227 is one of the many, many things I love about her. I try to pick out228 all of the229 emotions I see in her at the moment. Joy, anticipation, anxiety,230 fear, happiness,231 contentment, wonder. All of them performing their wild dance through232 Sakura. I233 stroke her cheek again, my fingers trailing across the silky smooth234 skin. I smile235 up at her reassuringly, brushing back a lock of her brunette hair236 behind one cute237 ear. I always loved her ears. They’re just so kawaii. My fingers238 linger behind her239 left ear for a moment, her body relaxing slightly.240 “I love you, Sakura. I’m glad that you’d cook for the baby and me.241 That’s so sweet of you.” I watch her for a long time, her hands242 taking one of243 mine, giving it a squeeze. She leans down after a moment’s244 hesitation and kisses245 me. It’s a short but entirely sweet kiss and like always, it leaves246 me a little247 breathless with its implications. Her love is much more potent to me248 than249 anything I’ve ever felt. It laps at my soul like gentle waves. It’s250 just the way she251 is, a kind and gentle soul that tries so hard even when she has no252 idea what to253 do. That determined, genki spirit of hers has always quenched my254 thirsty soul.255 How could I not love her. My fingers slip from her cheek, but my256 eyes never257 leave her own.258 “Aishiteru, Tomoyo. I’m really happy that you like it. I’ll try to259 make260 some dessert in a bit.” Sakura scoots down across the bed as I start261 to take a few262 bites myself. Her hands run down my pale legs before stopping at my263 feet,264 making little swirls with her fingers before gently massaging them.265 It feels so266 perfect, having the Card Mistress right here with me, throughout all267 of this. We268 were trying to decide who should have the baby for a while when we269 first270 decided we wanted one. At first, we’d thought that it should be271 Sakura-chan.272 After all, she’s not as busy at Daidouji Toys as I usually am and it273 would be a274 wonderful experience. But the more we thought about it, the more I275 thought that276 I should carry our baby. It’s Sakura-chan’s magic at work, so I’d277 rather she use278 it on me anyway. And it gives her a chance to learn more about the279 company,280 even though mother still wants me to take it over when she retires.281 Besides all282 that, I’m overjoyed to be able to have this experience. To feel our283 baby inside of284 me fills me with a wonderfully indescribable feeling. It’s similar285 to the warmth286 that I feel from Sakura.287 I yawn tiredly, Sakura’s nimble fingers starting to relax me more288 than289 I’d realized. I move my foot in her hand, marveling at the feel of290 her soft fingers291 against my skin. “I’m sure Bara-chan will love dessert. But I’d292 rather have you293 here with me for now.” My eyes meet hers again. She crawls up along294 the bed as295 I set the soba bowl down, her arms wrapping around me. Her head296 rests on the297 pillow next to mine, dark gray hair right next to sweet brunette. My298 heart skips a299 beat at having my one, True Love so close to me. It yearns for her,300 as always,301 and so she complies, her warm heart beating next to my own.302 “Okay, Tomoyo-chan. I’ll wait until after you fall asleep before I303 go304 start on dessert. Just promise me you won’t come downstairs to try305 and306 videotape me this time. You need your rest. And I’ll go pick up some307 more308 videos to record more of the pregnancy when I go out tomorrow.”309 Sakura looks310 thoughtful for a moment, trying to go over anything she might be311 missing in her312 head. I disturb her thoughts with a quick kiss.313 “I promise, Sakura.” Her bright smile is all of the reward I need to314 convince me to stay in bed. Gazing into those beautiful emerald315 eyes, I slowly316 slip off to sleep, dreaming of our beautiful baby girl and my317 gorgeous wife.319 “But I don’t wanna be in the play. I’ll forget my lines and320 everyone will321 laugh.” I sigh, brushing some dark brown hair from my eyes. This is322 just awful.323 Awful. I don’t wanna be part of some stupid play at school. Why324 can’t I just325 help backstage where I don’t have to be out in front of everybody? I326 get stage327 fright too easily.328 “Bara-chan, you shouldn’t worry about that. I can help you learn329 your330 lines if you want. And I’m certain that you’ll do perfectly well in331 the play. Your332 mother made a spectacular prince in a play back when she was your333 age.”334 Tomoyo-mama smiles sweetly, that same smile she always has when335 talking336 about Sakura-mama. “It doesn’t matter if anyone laughs. I won’t. And337 I’ll be338 videotaping the whole thing.” She kneels down next to me, forgetting339 whatever340 it was she was sewing for the time being. Her pale hands brush my341 messy hair342 from my eyes where it had fallen again. “And Sakura will be there,343 too. We’ll be344 cheering for you.”345 I smile a bit at that. Well, maybe it wouldn’t be all bad. They346 would be347 there for the whole thing and at least I’d have help learning the348 lines. I sigh in349 defeat. “Hai, I know. I’m just so scared about being in front of350 everyone.”351 Tomoyo-mama smiles again, standing up. “You’ll do just fine, Bara-352 chan. How about after dinner we’ll start practicing your lines and I353 can try to354 give you some tips on stage fright? I was in choir for years and355 Sakura was in356 cheerleading, so maybe we can help.” She tilts my chin up so I meet357 her gaze,358 still smiling.359 I nod, more hair getting in my eyes. “That sounds good, Tomoyo-360 mama. Thanks! I’ll go get my script for the play.” With an approving361 nod from362 my mom, I dart off to my room at a slight limp. I’m still a little363 nervous about364 the whole thing, but maybe she’s right. It can’t be all bad,365 especially if I have366 people to do it for. And now that I’m not in dance class until my367 ankle heals, it368 would be nice to have something to show them. It’s just so much369 easier when370 I’m dancing. You don’t have to think about anything. You just dance.371 It doesn’t372 matter who’s watching. Too bad I hadn’t noticed Chisa dancing so373 close. Oh374 well. The doctor said it should just be a few weeks until my ankle’s375 back to376 normal.377 Grabbing my bookbag from my bed, I start sifting through it. It has378 to379 be in here somewhere. Plenty of notebooks, some pictures I drew in380 class, a few381 notes...382 “What are you looking for?” a voice asks from behind me. I turn383 quickly, startled. Why does she always have to surprise me like384 that? I face my385 mirror image for a moment and smile brightly before going back to386 searching.387 It’s nice to see her at least. I was wondering where she’d gone off388 to. I’m a little389 awkward at school and I’m shy so it’s hard for me to make friends.390 At least with391 normal girls my age. Then again, I guess I’m not really normal with392 my parents.393 The head of the Daidouji Corporation and the world’s strongest394 magician. It’s so395 much easier to make friends with mom’s Sakura Cards.396 “Just the script for the play. Tomoyo-mama said we could go through397 it398 after dinner and she could help me with it,” I explain as I finally399 find the stapled400 together script. “Found it!”401 My ‘twin’ looks thoughtful for a moment as she sits down next to me.402 She has the same dark brown hair and lavender eyes that I do. She’s403 even404 wearing my school uniform, though I changed out of that a few405 minutes ago.406 “Oh yeah, that was today, wasn’t it? I could always go for you if407 you want. I408 wouldn’t want you to get too nervous about it.”409 “That’s okay, Mirror. I’d hate to disappoint Sakura-mama and410 Tomoyo-mama if they’re going to come to it. I could use the help411 going over my412 lines for the next few days, though,” I explain, sitting on my bed.413 She sits next to414 me after a moment. The only real difference in her appearance is415 that she416 doesn’t have the cast on her ankle. I sigh, flipping through the417 pages.418 “I’d love to help,” Mirror says with a smile, reading bits and419 pieces420 over my shoulder. “I hope I can go and watch you, too. I’m sure421 you’ll be422 great.”423 A knock on the door grabs my attention before I can reply. Sakura-424 mama sticks her head in, her brunette hair near her shoulders. “It’s425 dinner time,426 Bara-chan.” She waits for me as I tuck the script under my arm and427 hurry over.428 “And Tomoyo said that you got a part in the play. I can’t wait to429 see it.”430 I nod quickly, holding out the script. “I get to be Juliet. But431 they must432 have picked the wrong person. Misato or Ming Pha would both make much433 better Juliets.”434 Sakura-mama shakes her head, helping me down the stairs. “I don’t435 think so. Sometimes we get surprised by things like that, but it436 doesn’t mean437 we’re wrong for the part.”438 “Hai. Like Sakura as the prince. She made an absolutely darling439 prince440 at that,” Tomoyo-mama adds, sparkles in her eyes. Something tells me441 I’ll be442 watching a tape of the whole play tonight. I smile and nod, taking443 my seat.444 Yeah, if Sakura-mama made a good prince, maybe I can make a good445 Juliet.446 “Thanks, Tomoyo-mama, Sakura-mama. I’d really appreciate the help.”447 I take a bite of the meal that Tomoyo-mama made for dinner, feeling448 more at449 ease. I spot Mirror watching me from the stairs and wave at her. She450 blushes a451 bit when she realizes I spotted her and waves back. I still don’t452 really know how453 it will all turn out, but maybe that doesn’t matter. There’s still454 so much waiting455 for me. I just know it.