log buy3.html

age author description
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre made it HTML 4.1 strict laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre saving progress. laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre made main drawing function capable of rendering style selection boxes. no more pics needed laserkard
2010-07-27 Robert McIntyre figured out how to scale down main display laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre basic drawing achieved laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre saving progress laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre got pure raphael color selector working laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre got three separate Raphael instances laserkard
2010-07-26 Robert McIntyre oops laserkard