annotate src/clojure/contrib/test_contrib/datalog/tests/test_literals.clj @ 10:ef7dbbd6452c

added clojure source goodness
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2010 06:25:44 -0400
rev   line source
rlm@10 1 ;; Copyright (c) Jeffrey Straszheim. All rights reserved. The use and
rlm@10 2 ;; distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public
rlm@10 3 ;; License 1.0 ( which can
rlm@10 4 ;; be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By
rlm@10 5 ;; using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the
rlm@10 6 ;; terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other,
rlm@10 7 ;; from this software.
rlm@10 8 ;;
rlm@10 9 ;; test-literals.clj
rlm@10 10 ;;
rlm@10 11 ;; A Clojure implementation of Datalog -- Literals tests
rlm@10 12 ;;
rlm@10 13 ;; straszheimjeffrey (gmail)
rlm@10 14 ;; Created 25 Feburary 2009
rlm@10 15
rlm@10 16
rlm@10 17 (ns clojure.contrib.datalog.tests.test-literals
rlm@10 18 (:use clojure.test)
rlm@10 19 (:use clojure.contrib.datalog.literals
rlm@10 20 clojure.contrib.datalog.database))
rlm@10 21
rlm@10 22
rlm@10 23 (def pl (eval (build-literal '(:fred :x ?x :y ?y :z 3))))
rlm@10 24 (def nl (eval (build-literal '(not! :fred :x ?x :y ?y :z 3))))
rlm@10 25 (def cl (eval (build-literal '(if > ?x 3))))
rlm@10 26
rlm@10 27 (def bl (eval (build-literal '(:fred))))
rlm@10 28
rlm@10 29 (def bns {:x '?x :y '?y :z 3})
rlm@10 30
rlm@10 31 (deftest test-build-literal
rlm@10 32 (is (= (:predicate pl) :fred))
rlm@10 33 (is (= (:term-bindings pl) bns))
rlm@10 34 (is (= (:predicate nl) :fred))
rlm@10 35 (is (= (:term-bindings nl) bns))
rlm@10 36 (is (= (:symbol cl) '>))
rlm@10 37 (is (= (:terms cl) '(?x 3)))
rlm@10 38 (is ((:fun cl) [4 3]))
rlm@10 39 (is (not ((:fun cl) [2 4])))
rlm@10 40 (is (= (:predicate bl) :fred)))
rlm@10 41
rlm@10 42 (deftest test-literal-predicate
rlm@10 43 (is (= (literal-predicate pl) :fred))
rlm@10 44 (is (= (literal-predicate nl) :fred))
rlm@10 45 (is (nil? (literal-predicate cl)))
rlm@10 46 (is (= (literal-predicate bl) :fred)))
rlm@10 47
rlm@10 48 (deftest test-literal-columns
rlm@10 49 (is (= (literal-columns pl) #{:x :y :z}))
rlm@10 50 (is (= (literal-columns nl) #{:x :y :z}))
rlm@10 51 (is (nil? (literal-columns cl)))
rlm@10 52 (is (empty? (literal-columns bl))))
rlm@10 53
rlm@10 54 (deftest test-literal-vars
rlm@10 55 (is (= (literal-vars pl) #{'?x '?y}))
rlm@10 56 (is (= (literal-vars nl) #{'?x '?y}))
rlm@10 57 (is (= (literal-vars cl) #{'?x}))
rlm@10 58 (is (empty? (literal-vars bl))))
rlm@10 59
rlm@10 60 (deftest test-positive-vars
rlm@10 61 (is (= (positive-vars pl) (literal-vars pl)))
rlm@10 62 (is (nil? (positive-vars nl)))
rlm@10 63 (is (nil? (positive-vars cl)))
rlm@10 64 (is (empty? (positive-vars bl))))
rlm@10 65
rlm@10 66 (deftest test-negative-vars
rlm@10 67 (is (nil? (negative-vars pl)))
rlm@10 68 (is (= (negative-vars nl) (literal-vars nl)))
rlm@10 69 (is (= (negative-vars cl) (literal-vars cl)))
rlm@10 70 (is (empty? (negative-vars bl))))
rlm@10 71
rlm@10 72 (deftest test-negated?
rlm@10 73 (is (not (negated? pl)))
rlm@10 74 (is (negated? nl))
rlm@10 75 (is (not (negated? cl))))
rlm@10 76
rlm@10 77 (deftest test-vs-from-cs
rlm@10 78 (is (= (get-vs-from-cs pl #{:x}) #{'?x}))
rlm@10 79 (is (empty? (get-vs-from-cs pl #{:z})))
rlm@10 80 (is (= (get-vs-from-cs pl #{:x :r}) #{'?x}))
rlm@10 81 (is (empty? (get-vs-from-cs pl #{}))))
rlm@10 82
rlm@10 83 (deftest test-cs-from-vs
rlm@10 84 (is (= (get-cs-from-vs pl #{'?x}) #{:x}))
rlm@10 85 (is (= (get-cs-from-vs pl #{'?x '?r}) #{:x}))
rlm@10 86 (is (empty? (get-cs-from-vs pl #{}))))
rlm@10 87
rlm@10 88 (deftest test-literal-appropriate?
rlm@10 89 (is (not (literal-appropriate? #{} pl)))
rlm@10 90 (is (literal-appropriate? #{'?x} pl))
rlm@10 91 (is (not (literal-appropriate? #{'?x} nl)))
rlm@10 92 (is (literal-appropriate? #{'?x '?y} nl))
rlm@10 93 (is (not (literal-appropriate? #{'?z} cl)))
rlm@10 94 (is (literal-appropriate? #{'?x} cl)))
rlm@10 95
rlm@10 96 (deftest test-adorned-literal
rlm@10 97 (is (= (literal-predicate (adorned-literal pl #{:x}))
rlm@10 98 {:pred :fred :bound #{:x}}))
rlm@10 99 (is (= (literal-predicate (adorned-literal nl #{:x :y :q}))
rlm@10 100 {:pred :fred :bound #{:x :y}}))
rlm@10 101 (is (= (:term-bindings (adorned-literal nl #{:x}))
rlm@10 102 {:x '?x :y '?y :z 3}))
rlm@10 103 (is (= (adorned-literal cl #{})
rlm@10 104 cl)))
rlm@10 105
rlm@10 106 (deftest test-get-adorned-bindings
rlm@10 107 (is (= (get-adorned-bindings (literal-predicate (adorned-literal pl #{:x})))
rlm@10 108 #{:x}))
rlm@10 109 (is (= (get-adorned-bindings (literal-predicate pl))
rlm@10 110 nil)))
rlm@10 111
rlm@10 112 (deftest test-get-base-predicate
rlm@10 113 (is (= (get-base-predicate (literal-predicate (adorned-literal pl #{:x})))
rlm@10 114 :fred))
rlm@10 115 (is (= (get-base-predicate (literal-predicate pl))
rlm@10 116 :fred)))
rlm@10 117
rlm@10 118 (deftest test-magic-literal
rlm@10 119 (is (= (magic-literal pl)
rlm@10 120 {:predicate {:pred :fred :magic true}, :term-bindings {}, :literal-type :clojure.contrib.datalog.literals/literal}))
rlm@10 121 (is (= (magic-literal (adorned-literal pl #{:x}))
rlm@10 122 {:predicate {:pred :fred :magic true :bound #{:x}},
rlm@10 123 :term-bindings {:x '?x},
rlm@10 124 :literal-type :clojure.contrib.datalog.literals/literal})))
rlm@10 125
rlm@10 126 (comment
rlm@10 127 (use 'clojure.contrib.stacktrace) (e)
rlm@10 128 (use :reload 'clojure.contrib.datalog.literals)
rlm@10 129 )
rlm@10 130
rlm@10 131
rlm@10 132 (def db1 (make-database
rlm@10 133 (relation :fred [:x :y])
rlm@10 134 (index :fred :x)
rlm@10 135 (relation :sally [:x])))
rlm@10 136
rlm@10 137 (def db2 (add-tuples db1
rlm@10 138 [:fred :x 1 :y :mary]
rlm@10 139 [:fred :x 1 :y :becky]
rlm@10 140 [:fred :x 3 :y :sally]
rlm@10 141 [:fred :x 4 :y :joe]
rlm@10 142 [:sally :x 1]
rlm@10 143 [:sally :x 2]))
rlm@10 144
rlm@10 145 (def lit1 (eval (build-literal '(:fred :x ?x :y ?y))))
rlm@10 146 (def lit2 (eval (build-literal '(not! :fred :x ?x))))
rlm@10 147 (def lit3 (eval (build-literal '(if > ?x ?y))))
rlm@10 148 (def lit4 (adorned-literal (eval (build-literal '(:joan :x ?x :y ?y))) #{:x}))
rlm@10 149
rlm@10 150 (deftest test-join-literal
rlm@10 151 (is (= (set (join-literal db2 lit1 [{'?x 1} {'?x 2} {'?x 3}]))
rlm@10 152 #{{'?x 1, '?y :mary} {'?x 1, '?y :becky} {'?x 3, '?y :sally}}))
rlm@10 153 (is (= (join-literal db2 lit2 [{'?x 1} {'?x 2} {'?x 3}])
rlm@10 154 [{'?x 2}]))
rlm@10 155 (is (= (join-literal db2 lit3 [{'?x 1 '?y 2} {'?x 3 '?y 1}])
rlm@10 156 [{'?x 3 '?y 1}])))
rlm@10 157
rlm@10 158 (deftest test-project-literal
rlm@10 159 (is (= ((project-literal db2 lit4 [{'?x 1 '?y 3}{'?x 4 '?y 2}]) {:pred :joan :bound #{:x}})
rlm@10 160 (datalog-relation
rlm@10 161 ;; Schema
rlm@10 162 #{:y :x}
rlm@10 163
rlm@10 164 ;; Data
rlm@10 165 #{
rlm@10 166 {:x 1, :y 3}
rlm@10 167 {:x 4, :y 2}
rlm@10 168 }
rlm@10 169
rlm@10 170 ;; Indexes
rlm@10 171 {
rlm@10 172 :x
rlm@10 173 {
rlm@10 174 4
rlm@10 175 #{{:x 4, :y 2}}
rlm@10 176 1
rlm@10 177 #{{:x 1, :y 3}}
rlm@10 178 }
rlm@10 179 }))))
rlm@10 180
rlm@10 181
rlm@10 182
rlm@10 183 (comment
rlm@10 184 (run-tests)
rlm@10 185 )
rlm@10 186
rlm@10 187 ;; End of file