view src/win32/LuaOpenDialog.cpp @ 3:b05d00f19d80

fix some formatting
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 03 Mar 2012 10:33:11 -0600
parents f9f4f1b99eed
line wrap: on
line source
1 // LuaOpenDialog.cpp : implementation file
2 //
4 //#include "stdafx.h"
5 //#include "resource.h"
6 #include "LuaOpenDialog.h"
7 #include "MainWnd.h"
8 #include "WinResUtil.h"
9 #include "WinMiscUtil.h"
10 #include "VBA.h"
11 #include "Sound.h"
13 #include "../common/vbalua.h"
15 HWND LuaConsoleHWnd = NULL;
16 HFONT hFont = NULL;
17 LOGFONT LuaConsoleLogFont;
19 struct ControlLayoutInfo
20 {
21 int controlID;
23 enum LayoutType // what to do when the containing window resizes
24 {
25 NONE, // leave the control where it was
26 RESIZE_END, // resize the control
27 MOVE_START, // move the control
28 };
29 LayoutType horizontalLayout;
30 LayoutType verticalLayout;
31 };
32 struct ControlLayoutState
33 {
34 int x,y,width,height;
35 bool valid;
36 ControlLayoutState() : valid(false) {}
37 };
39 static ControlLayoutInfo controlLayoutInfos [] = {
40 {IDC_LUACONSOLE, ControlLayoutInfo::RESIZE_END, ControlLayoutInfo::RESIZE_END},
41 {IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH, ControlLayoutInfo::RESIZE_END, ControlLayoutInfo::NONE},
42 {IDC_BUTTON_LUARUN, ControlLayoutInfo::MOVE_START, ControlLayoutInfo::NONE},
43 {IDC_BUTTON_LUASTOP, ControlLayoutInfo::MOVE_START, ControlLayoutInfo::NONE},
44 };
45 static const int numControlLayoutInfos = sizeof(controlLayoutInfos)/sizeof(*controlLayoutInfos);
47 struct {
48 int width; int height;
49 ControlLayoutState layoutState [numControlLayoutInfos];
50 } windowInfo;
52 void PrintToWindowConsole(int hDlgAsInt, const char* str)
53 {
54 HWND hDlg = (HWND)hDlgAsInt;
55 HWND hConsole = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LUACONSOLE);
57 int length = GetWindowTextLength(hConsole);
58 if(length >= 250000)
59 {
60 // discard first half of text if it's getting too long
61 SendMessage(hConsole, EM_SETSEL, 0, length/2);
62 SendMessage(hConsole, EM_REPLACESEL, false, (LPARAM)"");
63 length = GetWindowTextLength(hConsole);
64 }
65 SendMessage(hConsole, EM_SETSEL, length, length);
67 //LuaPerWindowInfo& info = LuaWindowInfo[hDlg];
69 {
70 SendMessage(hConsole, EM_REPLACESEL, false, (LPARAM)str);
71 }
72 }
74 void WinLuaOnStart(int hDlgAsInt)
75 {
76 HWND hDlg = (HWND)hDlgAsInt;
77 //LuaPerWindowInfo& info = LuaWindowInfo[hDlg];
78 //info.started = true;
79 EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUABROWSE), false); // disable browse while running because it misbehaves if clicked in a frameadvance loop
80 EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUASTOP), true);
81 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUARUN), "Restart");
82 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LUACONSOLE), ""); // clear the console
83 // Show_Genesis_Screen(HWnd); // otherwise we might never show the first thing the script draws
84 }
86 void WinLuaOnStop(int hDlgAsInt)
87 {
88 HWND hDlg = (HWND)hDlgAsInt;
89 //LuaPerWindowInfo& info = LuaWindowInfo[hDlg];
91 HWND prevWindow = GetActiveWindow();
92 SetActiveWindow(hDlg); // bring to front among other script/secondary windows, since a stopped script will have some message for the user that would be easier to miss otherwise
93 if(prevWindow == AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd()) SetActiveWindow(prevWindow);
95 //info.started = false;
96 EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUABROWSE), true);
97 EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUASTOP), false);
98 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUARUN), "Run");
99 // if(statusOK)
100 // Show_Genesis_Screen(MainWindow->getHWnd()); // otherwise we might never show the last thing the script draws
101 //if(info.closeOnStop)
102 // PostMessage(hDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
103 }
105 INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgLuaScriptDialog(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
106 {
107 RECT r;
108 RECT r2;
109 int dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2;
111 switch (msg) {
114 {
115 // remove the 30000 character limit from the console control
116 SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LUACONSOLE),EM_LIMITTEXT,0,0);
118 GetWindowRect(AfxGetMainWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), &r);
119 dx1 = (r.right - r.left) / 2;
120 dy1 = (r.bottom - / 2;
122 GetWindowRect(hDlg, &r2);
123 dx2 = (r2.right - r2.left) / 2;
124 dy2 = (r2.bottom - / 2;
126 int windowIndex = 0;//std::find(LuaScriptHWnds.begin(), LuaScriptHWnds.end(), hDlg) - LuaScriptHWnds.begin();
127 int staggerOffset = windowIndex * 24;
128 r.left += staggerOffset;
129 r.right += staggerOffset;
130 += staggerOffset;
131 r.bottom += staggerOffset;
133 // push it away from the main window if we can
134 const int width = (r.right-r.left);
135 const int width2 = (r2.right-r2.left);
136 if(r.left+width2 + width < GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN))
137 {
138 r.right += width;
139 r.left += width;
140 }
141 else if((int)r.left - (int)width2 > 0)
142 {
143 r.right -= width2;
144 r.left -= width2;
145 }
149 RECT r3;
150 GetClientRect(hDlg, &r3);
151 windowInfo.width = r3.right - r3.left;
152 windowInfo.height = r3.bottom -;
153 for(int i = 0; i < numControlLayoutInfos; i++) {
154 ControlLayoutState& layoutState = windowInfo.layoutState[i];
155 layoutState.valid = false;
156 }
158 DragAcceptFiles(hDlg, true);
159 SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH, VBAGetLuaScriptName());
161 SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof(LOGFONT), &LuaConsoleLogFont, 0); // reset with an acceptable font
162 return true;
163 } break;
165 case WM_SIZE:
166 {
167 // resize or move controls in the window as necessary when the window is resized
169 //LuaPerWindowInfo& windowInfo = LuaWindowInfo[hDlg];
170 int prevDlgWidth = windowInfo.width;
171 int prevDlgHeight = windowInfo.height;
173 int dlgWidth = LOWORD(lParam);
174 int dlgHeight = HIWORD(lParam);
176 int deltaWidth = dlgWidth - prevDlgWidth;
177 int deltaHeight = dlgHeight - prevDlgHeight;
179 for(int i = 0; i < numControlLayoutInfos; i++)
180 {
181 ControlLayoutInfo layoutInfo = controlLayoutInfos[i];
182 ControlLayoutState& layoutState = windowInfo.layoutState[i];
184 HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg,layoutInfo.controlID);
186 int x,y,width,height;
187 if(layoutState.valid)
188 {
189 x = layoutState.x;
190 y = layoutState.y;
191 width = layoutState.width;
192 height = layoutState.height;
193 }
194 else
195 {
196 RECT r;
197 GetWindowRect(hCtrl, &r);
198 POINT p = {r.left,};
199 ScreenToClient(hDlg, &p);
200 x = p.x;
201 y = p.y;
202 width = r.right - r.left;
203 height = r.bottom -;
204 }
206 switch(layoutInfo.horizontalLayout)
207 {
208 case ControlLayoutInfo::RESIZE_END: width += deltaWidth; break;
209 case ControlLayoutInfo::MOVE_START: x += deltaWidth; break;
210 default: break;
211 }
212 switch(layoutInfo.verticalLayout)
213 {
214 case ControlLayoutInfo::RESIZE_END: height += deltaHeight; break;
215 case ControlLayoutInfo::MOVE_START: y += deltaHeight; break;
216 default: break;
217 }
219 SetWindowPos(hCtrl, 0, x,y, width,height, 0);
221 layoutState.x = x;
222 layoutState.y = y;
223 layoutState.width = width;
224 layoutState.height = height;
225 layoutState.valid = true;
226 }
228 windowInfo.width = dlgWidth;
229 windowInfo.height = dlgHeight;
231 RedrawWindow(hDlg, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE);
232 } break;
234 case WM_COMMAND:
235 switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
236 case IDOK:
237 case IDCANCEL: {
238 EndDialog(hDlg, true); // goto case WM_CLOSE;
239 } break;
242 {
243 char filename[MAX_PATH];
244 GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH, filename, MAX_PATH);
245 VBALoadLuaCode(filename);
246 } break;
249 {
250 VBALuaStop();
251 } break;
254 {
255 char Str_Tmp [1024];
256 SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg,IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH,WM_GETTEXT,(WPARAM)512,(LPARAM)Str_Tmp);
257 // tell the OS to open the file with its associated editor,
258 // without blocking on it or leaving a command window open.
259 if((int)ShellExecute(NULL, "edit", Str_Tmp, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) == SE_ERR_NOASSOC)
260 if((int)ShellExecute(NULL, "open", Str_Tmp, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL) == SE_ERR_NOASSOC)
261 ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, "notepad", Str_Tmp, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
262 } break;
265 {
266 systemSoundClearBuffer();
268 CString filter = winResLoadFilter(IDS_FILTER_LUA);
269 CString title = winResLoadString(IDS_SELECT_LUA_NAME);
271 CString luaName = winGetDestFilename(theApp.gameFilename, IDS_LUA_DIR, ".lua");
272 CString luaDir = winGetDestDir(IDS_LUA_DIR);
274 filter.Replace('|', '\000');
275 // char *p = filter.GetBuffer(0);
276 // while ((p = strchr(p, '|')) != NULL)
277 // *p++ = 0;
280 ZeroMemory( (LPVOID)&ofn, sizeof(OPENFILENAME) );
281 ofn.lpstrFile = luaName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
282 ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
283 ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
284 ofn.hwndOwner = hDlg;
285 ofn.lpstrFilter = filter;
286 ofn.nFilterIndex = 0;
287 ofn.lpstrInitialDir = luaDir;
288 ofn.lpstrTitle = title;
289 ofn.lpstrDefExt = "lua";
290 ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_EXPLORER; // hide previously-ignored read-only checkbox (the real read-only box is in the open-movie dialog itself)
291 if(GetOpenFileName( &ofn ))
292 {
293 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH), luaName);
294 }
295 return true;
296 } break;
299 {
300 char filename[MAX_PATH];
301 GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH, filename, MAX_PATH);
302 FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb");
303 EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUTTON_LUAEDIT), file != NULL);
304 if(file)
305 fclose(file);
306 } break;
309 {
312 ZeroMemory(&cf, sizeof(cf));
313 cf.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSEFONT);
314 cf.hwndOwner = hDlg;
315 cf.lpLogFont = &LuaConsoleLogFont;
317 if (ChooseFont(&cf)) {
318 if (hFont) {
319 DeleteObject(hFont);
320 hFont = NULL;
321 }
322 hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&LuaConsoleLogFont);
323 if (hFont)
324 SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_LUACONSOLE, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, 0);
325 }
326 } break;
329 {
330 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LUACONSOLE), "");
331 } break;
332 }
333 break;
335 case WM_CLOSE: {
336 SendMessage(hDlg, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
337 } break;
339 case WM_DESTROY: {
340 //VBALuaStop();
341 DragAcceptFiles(hDlg, FALSE);
342 if (hFont) {
343 DeleteObject(hFont);
344 hFont = NULL;
345 }
346 LuaConsoleHWnd = NULL;
347 } break;
349 case WM_DROPFILES: {
350 HDROP hDrop;
351 //UINT fileNo;
352 UINT fileCount;
353 char filename[_MAX_PATH];
355 hDrop = (HDROP)wParam;
356 fileCount = DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
357 if (fileCount > 0) {
358 DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0, filename, sizeof(filename));
359 SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_LUAPATH), filename);
360 }
361 DragFinish(hDrop);
362 return true;
363 } break;
365 }
367 return false;
369 }