
age author description
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre removed one opcode
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre all tests passed.
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre finally made it to the actual writing part...
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre this f@#@# thing oh my god.
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre allowed non-even initial blank inputs.
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre fixed bug where variables would be overwritten.
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre use E as scratch instead of C
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre fixed bug where A was always 0 when the self-modigying code was executed.
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre set H for real
2012-04-13 Robert McIntyre set H, but found flaw in program flow.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress....
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress...
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre had to change programs to prevent repeats.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre saving progress...
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre changed scratch ragisters from BC to DE.
2012-04-12 Robert McIntyre working on mode-dispatch
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre completed read-user-input by working off of Dylan's version.
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre saving progress.
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre decreased frame-metronome by one opcode
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre frame-metronome no longer needs any state.
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre leave HL unmolested
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre simplifying frame-metronome
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre created efficient frame-metronome program
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre working on main bootstrap program
2012-04-11 Robert McIntyre modifying dylan's assembly bootstrap program so that my primitive item-writer program can write it to memory.
2012-04-10 Robert McIntyre add demo moves
2012-04-10 Robert McIntyre merge
2012-04-09 Dylan Holmes Found some tile sprites for printable characters. Neato.
2012-04-09 Dylan Holmes merged changes
2012-04-09 Dylan Holmes Added more sandbox stuff in rom.org to show how the memory is laid out.
2012-04-08 Dylan Holmes fixed a few blocks that were not tangling properly.
2012-04-10 Robert McIntyre script: wrote memory pattern from within game!
2012-04-10 Robert McIntyre cleaning up code
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: item-program completely deposited. Will test tomorrow :)
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre saving progress...
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre almost halfway there!
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre more progress.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre saving progress...]
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: made it to celadon poke-center.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre route repaired.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre repairing route
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: got leomnades and TM13, shopping is complete.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre got guard spec & x-accuracy; floor five complete.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre got elemental stones; floor four complete.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: got TM18; floor three complete.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: bought status healing items; floor two complete.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: bought TMs on second floor.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre adjusting run to use 0x00 items for money since they are worth a half million each.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre wrote skeleton for celadon purchase spree.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre mapped celadon store inventories.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre merge dylan's changes.
2012-04-08 Dylan Holmes fixed a few blocks that were not tangling properly.
2012-04-08 Dylan Holmes finished working for now. i've completed more carving up of code blocks.
2012-04-08 Dylan Holmes more progess: now rom.org tangles into hxc.clj; i'll be subdividing the code blocks as I write more.
2012-04-08 Dylan Holmes Saving progress. Cleaned up documentation a little; found more ROM stuff, including names of status ailments and amount of HP restored by potions.
2012-04-09 Robert McIntyre script: made it to cereulean with TM55s worth 2 million.
2012-04-08 Robert McIntyre item layout is complete.