Mercurial > vba-clojure
changeset 471:5f87c3e46c22
Added interactive Pokemon cries.
author | Dylan Holmes <> |
date | Sun, 29 Apr 2012 20:35:58 -0500 (2012-04-30) |
parents | c02108ddcb35 |
children | 69d1787522c7 1bc26d1826e5 |
files | org/ |
diffstat | 1 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+] |
line wrap: on
line diff
1.1 --- a/org/ Sun Apr 29 19:48:43 2012 -0500 1.2 +++ b/org/ Sun Apr 29 20:35:58 2012 -0500 1.3 @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ 1.4 #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/ 1.5 #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/ 1.6 #+BABEL: :exports both :noweb yes :cache no :mkdirp yes 1.7 +#+OPTIONS: num:2 1.8 + 1.9 1.10 # about map headers 1.11 # map headers Yellow 1.12 @@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ 1.13 above, or browse the [[#sec-9-1][map of the ROM]], below. 1.14 1.15 1.16 -(If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail 1.17 +If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail 1.18 1.19 1.20 ** COMMENT Getting linguistic data: names, words, etc. 1.21 @@ -527,6 +529,134 @@ 1.22 1.23 1.24 ** Pok\eacute{}mon cries 1.25 +*** See the data 1.26 + 1.27 +Here, you can see that each Pok\eacute{}mon's cry data consists of 1.28 +three bytes: the =cry-id=, which is the basic sound byte to use, the 1.29 +=pitch=, which determines how high or low to make the sound byte, and 1.30 +the =length=, which is the amount of the sound byte to play. 1.31 + 1.32 +Even though there are only a few different basic sound bytes (cry 1.33 +ids) to build from, by varying the pitch and length, 1.34 +you can create a wide variety of different Pok\eacute{}mon cries. 1.35 + 1.36 +#+begin_src clojure :exports both :cache no :results output 1.37 +(ns 1.38 + (:use ( assembly characters gb-driver util mem-util 1.39 + constants)) 1.40 + (:import [ SaveState])) 1.41 + 1.42 +(->> 1.43 + (rom) 1.44 + (drop 0x39462) 1.45 + (take 12) 1.46 + (println)) 1.47 + 1.48 +(->> 1.49 + (rom) 1.50 + (drop 0x39462) 1.51 + (take 12) 1.52 + (partition 3) 1.53 + (map vec) 1.54 + (println)) 1.55 + 1.56 +(->> 1.57 + (rom) 1.58 + (drop 0x39462) 1.59 + (take 12) 1.60 + (partition 3) 1.61 + (map 1.62 + (fn [[id pitch length]] 1.63 + {:cry-id id :pitch pitch :length length})) 1.64 + (println)) 1.65 + 1.66 +#+end_src 1.67 + 1.68 +#+results: 1.69 +: (17 0 128 3 0 128 0 0 128 25 204 1) 1.70 +: ([17 0 128] [3 0 128] [0 0 128] [25 204 1]) 1.71 +: ({:cry-id 17, :pitch 0, :length 128} {:cry-id 3, :pitch 0, :length 128} {:cry-id 0, :pitch 0, :length 128} {:cry-id 25, :pitch 204, :length 1}) 1.72 + 1.73 + 1.74 +It is interesting to note which Pok\eacute{}mon use the same basic 1.75 +=cry-id= --- I call these /cry groups/. Here, you can see which 1.76 +Pok\eacute{}mon belong to the same cry group. 1.77 + 1.78 +#+begin_src clojure :exports both :cache no :results output 1.79 +(ns 1.80 + (:use ( assembly characters gb-driver util mem-util 1.81 + constants)) 1.82 + (:import [ SaveState])) 1.83 + 1.84 +(println "POKEMON CRY GROUPS") 1.85 +(doall 1.86 + (map println 1.87 + (let [cry-id 1.88 + (->> 1.89 + (rom) 1.90 + (drop 0x39462) ;; get the cry data 1.91 + (partition 3) ;; partition it into groups of three 1.92 + (map first) ;; keep only the first item, the cry-id 1.93 + (zipmap (hxc-pokenames)) ;; associate each pokemon with its cry-id 1.94 + )] 1.95 + 1.96 + (->> (hxc-pokenames) ;; start with the list of pokemon 1.97 + (remove (partial = :missingno.)) ;; remove missingnos 1.98 + (sort-by cry-id) 1.99 + (partition-by cry-id) 1.100 + (map vec))))) 1.101 + 1.102 +#+end_src 1.103 + 1.104 +#+results: 1.105 +#+begin_example 1.106 +POKEMON CRY GROUPS 1.107 +[:nidoran♂ :sandshrew :sandslash :nidorino] 1.108 +[:nidoran♀ :nidorina] 1.109 +[:slowpoke] 1.110 +[:kangaskhan] 1.111 +[:rhyhorn :magmar :charmander :charmeleon :charizard] 1.112 +[:grimer :snorlax] 1.113 +[:voltorb :electabuzz :electrode] 1.114 +[:gengar :muk] 1.115 +[:marowak :oddish :gloom] 1.116 +[:nidoking :moltres :articuno :raichu] 1.117 +[:nidoqueen :mankey :primeape] 1.118 +[:exeggcute :diglett :doduo :dodrio :dugtrio] 1.119 +[:lickitung :hitmonchan :seel :dewgong] 1.120 +[:exeggutor :drowzee :jynx :hypno] 1.121 +[:pidgey :poliwag :ditto :jigglypuff :wigglytuff :poliwhirl :poliwrath] 1.122 +[:ivysaur :dragonite :pikachu :dratini :dragonair :bulbasaur :venusaur] 1.123 +[:spearow :farfetch'd] 1.124 +[:rhydon] 1.125 +[:tangela :hitmonlee :golem :koffing :weezing] 1.126 +[:blastoise :kakuna :beedrill] 1.127 +[:pinsir :chansey :pidgeotto :pidgeot] 1.128 +[:arcanine :weedle] 1.129 +[:scyther :kabuto :caterpie :butterfree :goldeen :seaking] 1.130 +[:gyarados :onix :arbok :ekans :magikarp] 1.131 +[:shellder :fearow :zapdos :kabutops :cloyster] 1.132 +[:clefairy :cubone :meowth :horsea :seadra :clefable :persian] 1.133 +[:tentacool :venonat :eevee :flareon :jolteon :vaporeon :venomoth :tentacruel] 1.134 +[:lapras] 1.135 +[:gastly :kadabra :magneton :metapod :haunter :abra :alakazam :magnemite] 1.136 +[:tauros :zubat :golbat :squirtle :wartortle] 1.137 +[:mew :staryu :parasect :paras :mewtwo :starmie] 1.138 +[:slowbro :growlithe :machoke :omanyte :omastar :machop :machamp] 1.139 +[:mr.mime :krabby :kingler] 1.140 +[:psyduck :golduck :bellsprout] 1.141 +[:rattata :raticate] 1.142 +[:aerodactyl :vileplume] 1.143 +[:graveler :vulpix :ninetales :geodude] 1.144 +[:ponyta :rapidash :porygon :weepinbell :victreebel] 1.145 +#+end_example 1.146 + 1.147 + 1.148 + 1.149 + 1.150 + 1.151 + 1.152 +*** Automatically grab the data 1.153 #+name: pokecry 1.154 #+begin_src clojure 1.155 (defn hxc-cry