# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1331967602 18000
# Node ID d2e00c923bad3c1bdd8725d675a06fc8d5435dd1
# Parent  f8dadd9478a5f7d785f1127b147e684efee20385
need to add another mode to handle 16 bit start point

diff -r f8dadd9478a5 -r d2e00c923bad clojure/com/aurellem/assembly.clj
--- a/clojure/com/aurellem/assembly.clj	Sat Mar 17 01:23:47 2012 -0500
+++ b/clojure/com/aurellem/assembly.clj	Sat Mar 17 02:00:02 2012 -0500
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@
    0x00   ;D382                    ;    current-mode
    0x00   ;D383                    ;    bytes-to-write
    0x00   ;D384                    ;    start-point
-   0x00   ;D385                    ;    unused
+   0x00   ;D385                    ;    bytes-written
    0x00   ;D386                    ;    unused
@@ -659,12 +659,14 @@
    0xBF   ;D398
    0xD3   ;D399                    ; goto Mode 2 if A == 2
-   0x00   ;D39A
-   0x00   ;D39B
+   ;; GOTO Mode 3 (write-memory) if current mode is 3
+   0xFE   ;D39A
+   0x03   ;D39B
    0x00   ;D39C
-   0x00   ;D39D
-   0x00   ;D39E
-   0x00   ;D39F
+   0xCA   ;D39D
+   0xXX   ;D39E
+   0xXX   ;D39F
    0x00   ;D3A0
    0x00   ;D3A1
    0x00   ;D3A2
@@ -752,22 +754,81 @@
    0x1D   ;D3CB
    0xD3   ;D3CC
    ;;End Mode 2
-   0x00   ;D3CD
-   0x00   ;D3CE
-   0x00   ;D3CF
-   0x00   ;D3D0
-   0x00   ;D3D1
-   0x00   ;D3D2
-   0x00   ;D3D3
-   0x00   ;D3D4
-   0x00   ;D3D5
-   0x00   ;D3D6
    ;; Mode 3 -- write bytes mode
-   ;;      This is where RAM manipulation happens.
-   ;;      User supplies bytes every frame, which are written
-   ;;      sequentially to 
+   ;;      This is where RAM manipulation happens.  User supplies
+   ;;      bytes every frame, which are written sequentially to
+   ;;      start-point until bytes-to-write have been written. Once
+   ;;      bytes-to-write have been written, the mode is reset to 0.
+   ;;   compare bytes-written with bytes-to-write.
+   ;;   if they are the same, then reset mode to 0
+   0xFA   ;D3CD                   ; load bytes-to-write into A
+   0x83   ;D3CE
+   0xD3   ;D3CF
+   0x47   ;D3D0                   ; load A into B
+   0xFA   ;D3D1                   ; load bytes-written into A
+   0x82   ;D3D2
+   0xD3   ;D3D3
+   0xB8   ;D3D4                   ; compare A with B
+   0xCA   ;D3D5                   ; if they are equal, go to cleanup
+   ;;  Write Memory Section
+   ;;    Write the input-number, interpreted as an 8-bit number,
+   ;;    into the current target register, determined by
+   ;;    (+ start-point bytes-written).
+   ;;    Then, increment bytes-written by 1.
+   0x00   ;D3D6
+   0x00   ;D3D6                   
+   0x00   ;D3D7                   
+   0x00   ;D3D8                   
+   0x00   ;D3D9                   
+   0x00   ;D3DA                   
+   0x00   ;D3DB                   
+   0x00   ;D3DC                   
+   0x00   ;D3DD                   
+   0x00   ;D3DE                   
+   0x00   ;D3DF                   
+   0x00   ;D3E0                   
+   0x00   ;D3E1                   
+   0x00   ;D3E2                   
+   0x00   ;D3E3                   
+   0x00   ;D3E4                   
+   0x00   ;D3E5                   
+   0x00   ;D3E6                   
+   0x00   ;D3E7                   
+   0x00   ;D3E8                   
+   0x00   ;D3E9                   
+   0x00   ;D3EA                   
+   0x00   ;D3EB                   
+   0x00   ;D3EC                   
+   0x00   ;D3ED                   
+   0x00   ;D3EE                   
+   0x00   ;D3EF                   
+   0x00   ;D3F0                   
+   0x00   ;D3F1                   
+   0x00   ;D3F2                   
+   0x00   ;D3F3                   
+   0x00   ;D3F4                   
+   0x00   ;D3F5                   
+   0x00   ;D3F6                   
+   0x00   ;D3F7                   
+   0x00   ;D3F8                   
+   0x00   ;D3F9                   
+   0x00   ;D3FA                   
+   0x00   ;D3FB                   
+   0x00   ;D3FC                   
+   0x00   ;D3FD                   
+   0x00   ;D3FE                   
@@ -787,7 +848,7 @@
 (def current-mode 0xD382)
 (def bytes-to-write 0xD383)
 (def start-point 0xD384)
+(def bytes-written 0xD385)
 (defn write-memory []
   (-> (tick (mid-game))
@@ -803,6 +864,13 @@
 (def bytes-to-write 0xD383)
 (def start-point 0xD384)
+(defn print-blank-assembly
+  [start end]
+  (dorun
+   (map
+    #(println (format "0x00   ;%04X                   " %))
+    (range start end))))
 (defn test-mode-2 []
@@ -829,7 +897,7 @@
    (view-memory bytes-to-write)
    (view-memory start-point)
    (#(do (println "step with [:u :d :l :r]")%))
-   (step [:u :d])
+   (step [:u :d :l :r])
    (view-memory current-mode)
    (view-memory bytes-to-write)
    (view-memory start-point)