# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1332819971 18000
# Node ID 7de2c855392c74c07b625d4e96a83c028abe2e4b
# Parent  0297d315b574ce06220b39266d1032354ac8ae7e# Parent  a44a2c459aeb693737c59c575f4037adb98167d2

diff -r 0297d315b574 -r 7de2c855392c clojure/com/aurellem/gb/hxc.clj
--- a/clojure/com/aurellem/gb/hxc.clj	Mon Mar 26 22:45:27 2012 -0500
+++ b/clojure/com/aurellem/gb/hxc.clj	Mon Mar 26 22:46:11 2012 -0500
@@ -382,6 +382,21 @@
+;; nidoran gender change upon levelup
+;; (->
+;;  @current-state
+;;  rom
+;;  vec
+;;  (rewrite-memory
+;;   (nth (hxc-ptrs-evolve) ((internal-id) :nidoran♂))
+;;   [1 1 15])
+;;  (rewrite-memory
+;;   (nth (hxc-ptrs-evolve) ((internal-id) :nidoran♀))
+;;   [1 1 3])
+;;  (write-rom!)
+;;  )
@@ -399,95 +414,103 @@
                              (drop 0x3E62D rom))))))
+(defn format-evo
+  [coll]
+  (let [method (first coll)]
+    (cond (empty? coll) []
+          (= 0 method) [] ;; just in case
+          (= 1 method) ;; level-up evolution
+          (conj (format-evo (drop 3 coll))
+                            {:method :level-up
+                             :min-level (nth coll 1)
+                             :into (dec (nth coll 2))})
+          (= 2 method) ;; item evolution
+          (conj (format-evo (drop 4 coll))
+                {:method :item
+                 :item (dec (nth coll 1))
+                 :min-level (nth coll 2)
+                 :into (dec (nth coll 3))})
+          (= 3 method) ;; trade evolution
+          (conj (format-evo (drop 3 coll))
+                {:method :trade
+                 :min-level (nth coll 1) ;; always 1 for trade.
+                 :into (dec (nth coll 2))}))))
-(defn format-evo
-  [[method x y z & _]]
-   (cond (= 0 method)
-         {:method :none}
-         (= 1 method)
-         {:method :level-up
-          :min-level x
-          :into y}
-         (= 2 method)
-         {:method :item
-          :item-id x
-          :min-level y
-          :into z}
-         (= 3 method)
-         {:method :trade
-          :min-level x
-          :into y}))
-(defn format-evo*
-  [[method x y z & _]]
-  (cond (= 0 method)
-        {:method :none}
-        (= 1 method)
-        {:method :level-up
-         :min-level x
-         :into (format-name (nth (hxc-pokenames) (dec y)))}
-        (= 2 method)
-        {:method :item
-         :item (format-name (nth (hxc-items)  (dec x)))
-         :min-level y
-         :into (format-name (nth (hxc-pokenames) (dec z)))}
-        (= 3 method)
-        {:method :trade
-         :min-level x
-         :into (format-name (nth (hxc-pokenames) (dec y)))}))
-(defn hxc-evolution
-  ([] (hxc-evolution com.aurellem.gb.gb-driver/original-rom))
+(defn hxc-ptrs-evolve
+  "A hardcoded collection of 190 pointers to evolution/learnset data,
+in internal order."
+  ([]
+     (hxc-ptrs-evolve com.aurellem.gb.gb-driver/original-rom))
      (let [names (hxc-pokenames rom)
            pkmn-count (count names)
-           evo-data (drop 0x33fef rom) 
-           (map (fn [[a b]](low-high a b))
+           (map (fn [[a b]] (low-high a b))
                 (partition 2
                            (take (* 2 pkmn-count)
-                                 (drop 0x3b1e5 rom))))
-           ]
+                                 (drop 0x3b1e5 rom))))]
+       (map (partial + 0x34000) ptrs)
+       )))
+(defn hxc-evolution
+  "Hardcoded evolution data in memory. The data exists at ROM@34000,
+  sorted by internal order. Pointers to the data exist at ROM@3B1E5; see also, hxc-ptrs-evolve."
+  ([] (hxc-evolution com.aurellem.gb.gb-driver/original-rom))
+  ([rom]
        (apply assoc {}
                 (map format-name (hxc-pokenames))
-                  (partial take 5)
-                  #(drop % rom)
-                  (partial + 0x34000))
-                 ptrs)))
+                  (partial take-while (comp not zero?))
+                  #(drop % rom))
+                 (hxc-ptrs-evolve rom)
+                 )))))
-       )))
+(defn hxc-evolution-pretty
+  "Like hxc-evolution, except it uses the names of items and pokemon
+--- grabbed from ROM --- rather than their numerical identifiers."
+  ([] (hxc-evolution-pretty com.aurellem.gb.gb-driver/original-rom))
+  ([rom]
+     (let
+         [poke-names (vec (map format-name (hxc-pokenames rom)))
+          item-names (vec (map format-name (hxc-items rom)))
+          use-names
+          (fn [m]
+            (loop [ks (keys m) new-map m]
+              (let [k (first ks)]
+                (cond (nil? ks) new-map
+                      (= k :into)
+                      (recur
+                       (next ks)
+                       (assoc new-map
+                         :into
+                         (poke-names
+                          (:into
+                           new-map))))
+                      (= k :item)
+                      (recur
+                       (next ks)
+                       (assoc new-map
+                         :item
+                         (item-names
+                          (:item new-map))))
+                      :else
+                      (recur
+                       (next ks)
+                       new-map)
+                      ))))]
-(defn hxc-evolution*
-  ([] (hxc-evolution com.aurellem.gb.gb-driver/original-rom))
-  ([rom]
-     (let [names (hxc-pokenames rom)
-           pkmn-count (count names)
-           evo-data (drop 0x33fef rom) 
-           ptrs
-           (map (fn [[a b]](low-high a b))
-                (partition 2
-                           (take (* 2 pkmn-count)
-                                 (drop 0x3b1e5 rom))))
-           ]
-       (apply assoc {}
-               (interleave
-                (map format-name (hxc-pokenames))
-                (map
-                 (comp
-                  format-evo*
-                  (partial take 5)
-                  #(drop % rom)
-                  (partial + 0x34000))
-                 ptrs)))
-       )))
+       (into {}
+             (map (fn [[pkmn evo-coll]]
+                    [pkmn (map use-names evo-coll)])
+                  (hxc-evolution rom))))))
@@ -535,12 +558,6 @@
      (filter-vals (partial submap? attribute-map)
                   (hxc-move-data rom))))
diff -r 0297d315b574 -r 7de2c855392c clojure/com/aurellem/world/practice.clj
--- a/clojure/com/aurellem/world/practice.clj	Mon Mar 26 22:45:27 2012 -0500
+++ b/clojure/com/aurellem/world/practice.clj	Mon Mar 26 22:46:11 2012 -0500
@@ -251,7 +251,8 @@
          (rest strs-or-ops))))))
 (def rewrite-rom
-  "Alters the ROM array using write-memory."
+  "Alters the ROM array using write-memory. Takes a list of
+various strings/bytes as data."
   (partial rewrite-memory (vec (rom(root)))))
 (defn restore-rom! [] (write-rom! original-rom))