# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1332869808 18000
# Node ID 68f4e87c8f51c7664616f8085e3f58d7e1b2c256
# Parent  210b465e4720d6f2cc8fa9720613016d0f6b641d
added script to automatically buy any combination of items from a store's inventory.

diff -r 210b465e4720 -r 68f4e87c8f51 clojure/com/aurellem/run/bootstrap_0.clj
--- a/clojure/com/aurellem/run/bootstrap_0.clj	Tue Mar 27 11:30:58 2012 -0500
+++ b/clojure/com/aurellem/run/bootstrap_0.clj	Tue Mar 27 12:36:48 2012 -0500
@@ -412,32 +412,140 @@
      (->> script 
           (walk [↑ ↑ ← ←]))))
-(defn-memo buy-initial-objects
-  ([] (buy-initial-objects
+(defn buy-item
+  "Assumes that the main item-screen is up, and buys
+   quantity of the nth item in the list, assuming that you
+   have enough money."
+  [n quantity script]
+  (if (= 0  quantity)
+    script
+    (let [after-initial-pause
+          (do-nothing 20  script)
+          move-to-item
+          (reduce (fn [script _]
+                    (->> script
+                         (play-moves [[:d]])
+                         (do-nothing 3)))
+                  after-initial-pause
+                  (range n))
+          select-item
+          (play-moves [[:a]] move-to-item)
+          request-items
+          (reduce (fn [script _]
+                    (->> script
+                         (play-moves [[:u]])
+                         (do-nothing 1)))
+                  select-item
+                  (range (dec quantity)))
+          buy-items
+          (->> request-items
+               (do-nothing 3)
+               (play-moves [[:a]])
+               (scroll-text)
+               (scroll-text)
+               (play-moves [[:a]])
+               (scroll-text))]
+      buy-items)))
+(defn buy-items
+  "Given a list of [item-no quantity], buys the quantity
+   from the shop's list. Assumes that the item list is
+   already up."
+  [item-pairs script]
+  (let [item-lookup (into {0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0} item-pairs)
+        initial-purchase
+        (->> script
+             (buy-item 0 (item-lookup 0))
+             (buy-item 1 (item-lookup 1))
+             (buy-item 2 (item-lookup 2)))]
+    (cond
+      (and
+       (not= 0 (item-lookup 3))
+       (not= 0 (item-lookup 4)))
+      (->> initial-purchase
+           (do-nothing 20)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 10)
+           (buy-item 0 (item-lookup 3))
+           (do-nothing 20)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 10)
+           (buy-item 0 (item-lookup 4)))
+      (and (= 0 (item-lookup 3))
+           (not= 0 (item-lookup 4)))
+      (->> initial-purchase
+           (do-nothing 20)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 10)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 10)
+           (buy-item 0 (item-lookup 4)))
+      (and (not= 0 (item-lookup 3))
+           (= 0 (item-lookup 4)))
+      (->> initial-purchase
+           (do-nothing 20)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 3)
+           (play-moves [[:d]])
+           (do-nothing 10)
+           (buy-item 0 (item-lookup 3))))))
+(defn test-buy-items
+  ([] (test-buy-itemss
-     (->> script
-          ;(do-nothing 200)
+     (->> [(first script) (set-money (second script)
+                                     999999)]
            [[] [:a] []])
           (do-nothing 100)
           (play-moves [[:a]])
           (do-nothing 100)
-          (play-moves [[:a]])
-          (do-nothing 100)
-          (play-moves [[:a]])
-          (do-nothing 100)
+          (buy-items
+           [[0 1]
+            [1 15]
+            [2 1]
+            [3 20]
+            [4 95]
+            ]))))
+(defn-memo buy-initial-items
+  ([] (buy-initial-items
+       (walk-to-counter)))
+  ([script]
+     (->> script
+          (play-moves
+           [[] [:a] []])
           (do-nothing 100)
           (play-moves [[:a]])
           (do-nothing 100)
-          (play-moves [[:a]])
-          (do-nothing 100))))
+          (buy-items
+           [[0 1]
+            [1 1]
+            [2 1]
+            [3 1]
+            [4 1]
+            ]))))
\ No newline at end of file