rlm@1: # All numeric values are in hexadecimal rlm@1: # Use TAB or EQUAL sign to separate name from value rlm@1: rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Key configuration (all numbers are in hexadecimal!) rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Keys values are in the format YXXX where Y is the device number. 0 means rlm@1: # keyborad and XXX is the SDL define for the desired key (read SDL_keysym.h). rlm@1: # rlm@1: # If Y is greater than 0, it means joystick number Y-1 and it uses the rlm@1: # following format for XXX: rlm@1: # rlm@1: # - if XXX < 20, XXX is the axis number multiplied by 2. An even number means rlm@1: # movement to the negative side (on the X axis, it means left). An odd rlm@1: # number means movement to the positive side (on the X axis, it mean rlm@1: # right). For the Y axis, negative means up and positive means down. rlm@1: # X axis is usally axis number 0 and Y is axis number 1. rlm@1: # - if 20 >= XXX > 30, then XXX is the HAT number multiplied by 4 plus the rlm@1: # direction: 0 for up, 1 for down, 2 for right and 3 for left. Example: rlm@1: # 0021 is HAT 0 down, 0026 is HAT 1 right. rlm@1: # - if 80 >= XXX > 100, XXX is the joystick button number (XXX-080). rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Default key configuration is (value in parenthesis): rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Left Left Arrow (0114) rlm@1: # Right Right Arrow (0113) rlm@1: # Up Up Arrow (0111) rlm@1: # Down Down Arrow (0112) rlm@1: # A Z (007a) rlm@1: # B X (0078) rlm@1: # L A (0061) rlm@1: # R S (0073) rlm@1: # Start ENTER (000d) rlm@1: # Select BACKSPACE (0008) rlm@1: # Speed up SPACE (0020) rlm@1: # Capture F12 (0125) rlm@1: # rlm@1: Joy0_Left=0114 rlm@1: Joy0_Right=0113 rlm@1: Joy0_Up=0111 rlm@1: Joy0_Down=0112 rlm@1: Joy0_A=007a rlm@1: Joy0_B=0078 rlm@1: Joy0_L=0061 rlm@1: Joy0_R=0073 rlm@1: Joy0_Start=000d rlm@1: Joy0_Select=0008 rlm@1: Joy0_Speed=0020 rlm@1: Joy0_Capture=0125 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Motion support keys. Same format as above rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Default keys are (value in parenthesis): rlm@1: # rlm@1: # Left Numeric Pad 4 (0104) rlm@1: # Right Numeric Pad 6 (0106) rlm@1: # Up Numeric Pad 8 (0108) rlm@1: # Down Numeric Pad 2 (0102) rlm@1: # rlm@1: Motion_Left=0104 rlm@1: Motion_Right=0106 rlm@1: Motion_Up=0108 rlm@1: Motion_Down=0102 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Frame skip setting. Allowed values are from 0 to 5 only. rlm@1: frameSkip=2 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Gameboy Frame skip setting. Allowed values are from 0 to 5 only. rlm@1: gbFrameSkip=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Video setting. 0=1x, 1=2x, 2=3x, 3=4x. rlm@78: video=2 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Use fullscreen mode. 0=false, any other value means true rlm@50: fullScreen=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Disables MMX support rlm@1: disableMMX=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Use bios file. 0=false, any other value means true rlm@1: useBios=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Bios file full path and name (ZIP not supported) rlm@1: biosFile=none rlm@1: rlm@1: # Filter to use. 0=no filter, 1=TV Mode, 2=2xSaI, 3=Super 2xSaI, 4=Super Eagle rlm@1: # 5=Pixelate, 6=Motion Blur, 7=AdvanceMAME Scale2x, 8=Simple 2x, rlm@1: # 9=Bilinear, A=Bilinear Plus, B=hq2x, C=lq2x rlm@1: filter=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Disable status messages. 0=false, any other value means true rlm@55: disableStatus=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enable Gameboy border. 0=false, any other value means true rlm@1: borderOn=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Gameboy emulator type. 0=automatic, 1=CGB/GBC, 2=SGB, 3=GB, 4=GBA, 5=SGB2 rlm@1: emulatorType=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enable washed colors. 0=false, any other value means true rlm@1: colorOption=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Directories. Not setting one them makes the file go the rom directory. rlm@1: rlm@1: # Save state directory rlm@1: #saveDir= rlm@1: rlm@1: # Screen shot Capture directory rlm@1: #captureDir= rlm@1: rlm@1: # Battery directory rlm@1: #batteryDir= rlm@1: rlm@1: # Screen capture format rlm@1: # 0=PNG, anything else for BMP rlm@1: captureFormat=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound quality rlm@1: # 1=44 Khz, 2=22Khz, 4=11Khz rlm@1: soundQuality=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound Echo rlm@1: # 0=false, anything else for true rlm@1: soundEcho=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound Low pass filter rlm@1: # 0=false, anything else for true rlm@1: soundLowPass=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound reverse stereo rlm@1: # 0=false, anything else for true rlm@1: soundReverse=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Remove GBA intros (not supported anymore) rlm@1: # 0=false, anything else for true rlm@1: # removeIntros=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Save Type rlm@1: # 0=automatic, 1=EEPROM, 2=SRAM, 3=Flash, 4=EEPROM+Sensor, 5=NONE rlm@1: saveType=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Flash size rlm@1: # 0=64K Flash, 1=128K Flash rlm@1: rlm@1: flashSize=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound volume rlm@1: # 0=1x, 1=2x, 2=3x, 3=4x rlm@1: soundVolume=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Interframe blending rlm@1: # 0=none, 1=motion blur, 2=smart rlm@1: ifbType=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Show emulation speed rlm@1: # 0=none, 1=percentage, 2=detailed rlm@78: showSpeed=2 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Show speed in transparent mode rlm@1: # 0=normal, anything else for transparent rlm@78: showSpeedTransparent=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enable/Disable auto frameskip rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else to enable rlm@78: autoFrameSkip=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sets the desired throttle rlm@1: # 0=disable, 5...1000 valid throttle speeds rlm@79: throttle=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Pauses the emulator when the window is inactive rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else to enable rlm@50: pauseWhenInactive=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enables AGBPrint support rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else to enable rlm@1: agbPrint=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enables GBA RTC support rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else to enable rlm@1: rtcEnabled=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound OFF flag rlm@1: # 0=sound on, anything else turns off sound rlm@78: soundOff=1 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Sound Enable rlm@1: # Controls which channels are enabled: (add values) rlm@1: # 1 - Channel 1 rlm@1: # 2 - Channel 2 rlm@1: # 4 - Channel 3 rlm@1: # 8 - Channel 4 rlm@1: # 100 - DirectSound A rlm@1: # 200 - DirectSound B rlm@1: # 30f=all enabled, 0=mute all rlm@1: soundEnable=30f rlm@1: rlm@1: # Controls automatic SGB border rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else enables automatic SGB border display rlm@1: borderAutomatic=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Skip bios code rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else skips BIOS code rlm@1: skipBios=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # The interval between the rewind saves rlm@1: # Minimum of 0 seconds to disable rewind support, rlm@1: # Maximum of 60 minutes. Value in seconds (hexadecimal numbers) rlm@1: rewindTimer=0 rlm@1: rlm@1: # Enable enhanced save type detection rlm@1: # 0=disable, anything else to enable (no longer used) rlm@1: #enhancedDetection=1