rlm@313: (ns com.aurellem.run.util rlm@313: (:use (com.aurellem.gb util gb-driver vbm characters)) rlm@313: (:import [com.aurellem.gb.gb_driver SaveState])) rlm@313: rlm@313: (def ↑ [:u]) rlm@313: (def ↓ [:d]) rlm@313: (def ← [:l]) rlm@313: (def → [:r]) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn first-difference rlm@313: [base alt difference-metric [moves root :as script]] rlm@313: (loop [branch-point root rlm@313: actions moves] rlm@313: (let [base-branch (step branch-point base) rlm@313: base-val (difference-metric base-branch) rlm@313: alt-branch (step branch-point alt) rlm@313: alt-val (difference-metric alt-branch)] rlm@313: (if (not= base-val alt-val) rlm@313: [(conj actions alt) alt-branch] rlm@313: (recur base-branch (conj actions base)))))) rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn repeat-until-different rlm@313: [buttons metric [moves root]] rlm@313: (let [baseline (metric root)] rlm@313: (loop [actions (vec moves) rlm@313: state root] rlm@313: (let [new-state (step state buttons) rlm@313: new-actions (conj actions buttons)] rlm@313: (if (not= (metric new-state) baseline) rlm@313: [new-actions new-state] rlm@313: (recur new-actions new-state)))))) rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: ;; (defn advance rlm@313: ;; ([base alt difference-metric [commands state]] rlm@313: ;; (let [[c s] rlm@313: ;; (first-difference base alt difference-metric state)] rlm@313: ;; [(concat commands c) s])) rlm@313: ;; ([base alt [commands state]] rlm@313: ;; (advance base alt AF [commands state])) rlm@313: ;; ([alt [commands state]] rlm@313: ;; (advance [] alt [commands state]))) rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: (def x-position-address 0xD361) rlm@313: (def y-position-address 0xD362) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn x-position rlm@313: ([^SaveState state] rlm@313: (aget (memory state) x-position-address)) rlm@313: ([] (x-position @current-state))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn y-position rlm@313: ([^SaveState state] rlm@313: (aget (memory state) y-position-address)) rlm@313: ([] (y-position @current-state))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn move rlm@313: [dir script] rlm@313: (let [current-position-fn rlm@313: (cond (#{← →} dir) x-position rlm@313: (#{↑ ↓} dir) y-position)] rlm@313: (repeat-until-different dir current-position-fn script))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn walk rlm@313: "Move the character along the given directions." rlm@313: [directions script] rlm@313: (reduce (fn [script dir] rlm@313: (move dir script)) script directions)) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn scroll-text rlm@313: ([script] rlm@313: (advance [:b] [:a :b] script)) rlm@313: ([n script] rlm@313: (reduce (fn [script _] rlm@313: (scroll-text script)) rlm@313: script rlm@313: (range n)))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn menu rlm@313: [directions script] rlm@313: (reduce (fn [script direction] rlm@313: (move direction script)) rlm@313: script directions)) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn end-text [script] rlm@313: (->> script rlm@313: (scroll-text) rlm@313: (play-moves [[] [:a]]))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn search-string rlm@313: [array string] rlm@313: (let [codes rlm@313: (str->character-codes string) rlm@313: codes-length (count codes) rlm@313: mem (vec array) rlm@313: mem-length (count mem)] rlm@313: (loop [idx 0] rlm@313: (if (< (- mem-length idx) codes-length) rlm@313: nil rlm@313: (if (= (subvec mem idx (+ idx codes-length)) rlm@313: codes) rlm@313: idx rlm@313: (recur (inc idx))))))) rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn do-nothing [n script] rlm@313: (->> script rlm@313: (play-moves rlm@313: (repeat n [])))) rlm@313: rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn critical-hit rlm@313: "Put the cursor over the desired attack. This program will rlm@313: determine the appropriate amount of blank frames to rlm@313: insert before pressing [:a] to ensure that the attack is rlm@313: a critical hit." rlm@313: [script] rlm@313: (loop [blanks 6] rlm@313: (let [new-script rlm@313: (->> script rlm@313: (play-moves rlm@313: (concat (repeat blanks []) rlm@313: [[:a][]])))] rlm@313: (if (let [future-state rlm@313: (run-moves (second new-script) rlm@313: (repeat 400 [])) rlm@313: rlm@313: result (search-string (memory future-state) rlm@313: "Critical")] rlm@313: (if result rlm@313: (println "critical hit with" blanks "blank frames")) rlm@313: result) rlm@313: new-script rlm@313: (recur (inc blanks)))))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn move-thru-grass rlm@313: [direction script] rlm@313: (loop [blanks 0] rlm@313: (let [new-script rlm@313: (->> script rlm@313: (play-moves (repeat blanks [])) rlm@313: (move direction)) rlm@313: rlm@313: future-state rlm@313: (run-moves (second new-script) rlm@313: (repeat 600 [])) rlm@313: rlm@313: result (search-string (memory future-state) rlm@313: "Wild")] rlm@313: (if (nil? result) rlm@313: (do rlm@313: (if (< 0 blanks) rlm@313: (do rlm@313: (println "avoided pokemon with" rlm@313: blanks "blank frames"))) rlm@313: new-script) rlm@313: (recur (inc blanks)))))) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn walk-thru-grass rlm@313: [directions script] rlm@313: (reduce (fn [script direction] rlm@313: (move-thru-grass direction script)) rlm@313: script directions)) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn slowly rlm@313: [delay moves script] rlm@313: (reduce rlm@313: (fn [script move] rlm@313: (->> script rlm@313: (do-nothing delay) rlm@313: (play-moves (vector move)))) rlm@313: script moves)) rlm@313: rlm@313: (defn multiple-times rlm@313: ([n command args script] rlm@313: (reduce (fn [script _] rlm@313: (apply command (concat args [script]))) rlm@313: script rlm@313: (range n))) rlm@313: ([n command script] rlm@313: (multiple-times n command [] script)))