rlm@176: (ns com.aurellem.gb.pokemon rlm@190: (:use (com.aurellem.gb gb-driver util constants characters rlm@190: moves types items status dv species rlm@326: experience stats pokemon-presets rlm@190: )) rlm@176: (:import [com.aurellem.gb.gb_driver SaveState])) rlm@176: rlm@176: (def pokemon-names-start 0xD2B4) rlm@176: rlm@179: (defn set-party-number rlm@179: ([^SaveState state new-party-num] rlm@237: (-> state rlm@237: (set-memory 0xD162 new-party-num) rlm@237: (set-memory (+ 0xD162 new-party-num 1) 0xFF))) rlm@179: ([new-party-num] rlm@179: (set-party-number @current-state new-party-num))) rlm@176: rlm@176: (def party-number-address 0xD162) rlm@176: rlm@176: (defn party-number rlm@176: ([^SaveState state] rlm@176: (aget (memory state) party-number-address)) rlm@176: ([] (party-number @current-state))) rlm@176: rlm@176: (defn party-names rlm@176: ([^SaveState state] rlm@176: (let [raw-names rlm@176: (subvec (vec (memory state)) rlm@176: pokemon-names-start rlm@176: (+ pokemon-names-start rlm@176: (* name-width 6)))] rlm@176: (map rlm@176: read-name rlm@176: (take rlm@176: (party-number state) rlm@176: (partition name-width rlm@176: raw-names))))) rlm@176: ([] (party-names @current-state))) rlm@176: rlm@191: (defn pokemon-nickname rlm@191: ([^SaveState state poke-num] rlm@191: (nth (party-names state) poke-num)) rlm@191: ([poke-num] rlm@191: (pokemon-nickname @current-state poke-num))) rlm@191: rlm@176: (defn rename-pokemon rlm@176: ([^SaveState state n new-name] rlm@176: (assert (<= 0 n (dec (party-number state)))) rlm@176: (assert (<= (count new-name) max-name-length)) rlm@176: (set-memory-range rlm@176: state rlm@176: (+ (* n name-width) pokemon-names-start) rlm@176: (concat (str->character-codes new-name) [end-of-name-marker]))) rlm@176: ([n new-name] rlm@176: (rename-pokemon @current-state n new-name))) rlm@176: rlm@176: (def OT-start 0xD272) rlm@176: rlm@176: (defn original-trainers rlm@176: ([^SaveState state] rlm@176: (let [raw-names rlm@176: (subvec (vec (memory state)) rlm@176: OT-start rlm@176: (+ OT-start rlm@176: (* name-width 6)))] rlm@176: (map read-name rlm@176: (take (party-number state) rlm@176: (partition name-width raw-names))))) rlm@176: ([] (original-trainers @current-state))) rlm@176: rlm@192: (defn read-OT-name rlm@192: ([^SaveState state poke-num] rlm@192: (nth (original-trainers state) poke-num)) rlm@209: ([poke-num] (read-OT-name @current-state poke-num))) rlm@192: rlm@192: (defn set-OT-name rlm@176: "Set the OT name for a pokemon. rlm@176: Note that a pokemon is still considered 'yours' if rlm@176: the OT ID is the same as your own." rlm@176: ([^SaveState state poke-num new-name] rlm@176: (assert (<= 0 poke-num (dec (party-number state)))) rlm@176: (assert (<= (count new-name) max-name-length)) rlm@176: (set-memory-range rlm@176: state rlm@176: (+ (* poke-num name-width) OT-start) rlm@176: (concat (str->character-codes new-name) [end-of-name-marker]))) rlm@176: ([n new-name] rlm@209: (set-OT-name @current-state n new-name))) rlm@176: rlm@197: (def OT-ID-addresses [0xD176 0xD1A2 0xD1CE 0xD1FA 0xD226 0xD252]) rlm@176: rlm@192: (defn read-OT-id rlm@192: ([^SaveState state poke-num] rlm@192: (let [mem (memory state) rlm@192: start (OT-ID-addresses poke-num)] rlm@192: (glue-bytes rlm@192: (aget mem start) rlm@192: (aget mem (inc start))))) rlm@192: ([poke-num] (read-OT-id @current-state poke-num))) rlm@192: rlm@192: (defn set-OT-id rlm@192: ([^SaveState state poke-num new-OT-num] rlm@192: (assert (<= 0 poke-num 5)) rlm@192: (assert (<= 0 new-OT-num 0xFFFF)) rlm@176: (set-memory-range rlm@176: state rlm@192: (OT-ID-addresses poke-num) rlm@192: (disect-bytes-2 new-OT-num))) rlm@192: ([poke-num new-OT-num] rlm@209: (set-OT-id @current-state poke-num new-OT-num))) rlm@176: rlm@176: (def unknown "[[[UNKNOWN]]]") rlm@176: rlm@176: (def unknown "") rlm@176: rlm@189: (def pokemon-1-record rlm@176: {0xD16A "Color Map" ;; 0 rlm@176: 0xD16B "Current-HP (h)" ;; 1 rlm@176: 0xD16C "Current-HP (l)" ;; 2 rlm@182: 0XD16D "Unused" ;; 3 rlm@178: 0xD16E "Status" ;; 4 rlm@182: 0xD16F "Type 1" ;; 5 rlm@182: 0xD170 "Type 2" ;; 6 rlm@182: 0xD171 "scratch/C.R." ;; 7 rlm@176: 0xD172 "Move 1 ID" ;; 8 rlm@176: 0xD173 "Move 2 ID" ;; 9 rlm@176: 0xD174 "Move 3 ID" ;; 10 rlm@176: 0xD175 "Move 4 ID" ;; 11 rlm@176: 0xD176 "OT-ID (h)" ;; 12 rlm@176: 0xD177 "OT-ID (l)" ;; 13 rlm@176: 0xD178 "Exp. Points (h)" ;; 14 rlm@176: 0xD179 "Exp. Points (m)" ;; 15 rlm@176: 0xD17A "Exp. Points (l)" ;; 16 rlm@176: 0xD17B "HP Exp. (h)" ;; 17 rlm@176: 0xD17C "HP Exp. (l)" ;; 18 rlm@176: 0xD17D "Attack Exp. (h)" ;; 19 rlm@176: 0xD17E "Attack Exp. (l)" ;; 20 rlm@176: 0xD17F "Defense Exp. (h)" ;; 21 rlm@176: 0xD180 "Defense Exp. (l)" ;; 22 rlm@176: 0xD181 "Speed Exp. (h)" ;; 23 rlm@176: 0xD182 "Speed Exp. (l)" ;; 24 rlm@176: 0xD183 "Special Exp. (h)" ;; 25 rlm@176: 0xD184 "Special Exp. (l)" ;; 26 rlm@176: 0xD185 "DV Atk/Def" ;; 27 rlm@176: 0xD186 "DV Speed/Spc" ;; 28 rlm@176: 0xD187 "PP Move 1" ;; 29 rlm@176: 0xD188 "PP Move 2" ;; 30 rlm@176: 0xD189 "PP Move 3" ;; 31 rlm@176: 0xD18A "PP Move 4" ;; 32 rlm@176: 0xD18B "Current Level" ;; 33 rlm@176: 0xD18C "HP Total (h)" ;; 34 rlm@176: 0xD18D "HP Total (l)" ;; 35 rlm@176: 0xD18E "Attack (h)" ;; 36 rlm@176: 0xD18F "Attack (l)" ;; 37 rlm@176: 0xD190 "Defense (h)" ;; 38 rlm@176: 0xD191 "Defense (l)" ;; 39 rlm@176: 0xD192 "Speed (h)" ;; 40 rlm@176: 0xD193 "Speed (l)" ;; 41 rlm@176: 0xD194 "Special (h)" ;; 42 rlm@176: 0xD195 "Special (l)" ;; 43 rlm@176: }) rlm@176: rlm@189: (defn pokemon-record rlm@176: ([^SaveState state pokemon-num] rlm@176: (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5)) rlm@176: (let [base (+ (* pokemon-num pokemon-record-width) 0xD16A)] rlm@176: (subvec (vec (memory state)) base rlm@176: (+ base pokemon-record-width)))) rlm@189: ([pokemon-num] (pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num))) rlm@176: rlm@189: (defn set-pokemon-record rlm@176: ([^SaveState state pokemon-num new-data] rlm@176: (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5)) rlm@176: (let [base (+ (* pokemon-num pokemon-record-width) 0xD16A)] rlm@176: (set-memory-range state base new-data))) rlm@176: ([pokemon-num new-data] rlm@189: (set-pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num new-data))) rlm@176: rlm@189: (defn print-pokemon-record rlm@176: ([^SaveState state pokemon-num] rlm@176: (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5)) rlm@189: (let [poke-data (pokemon-record state pokemon-num) rlm@189: backbone (sort (keys pokemon-1-record))] rlm@176: (println "Pokemon " pokemon-num " -- " rlm@176: (nth (party-names state) rlm@176: pokemon-num) \newline) rlm@176: rlm@176: (println " Desc. | Hex | Dec | Binary |") rlm@176: (println "-------------------+------+-----+----------+") rlm@176: (dorun rlm@176: (map rlm@176: (comp println rlm@176: (fn [desc data] rlm@176: (format "%-16s | 0x%02X | %3d | %s |" rlm@176: desc data data rlm@176: (let [s (Integer/toBinaryString data)] rlm@176: (apply rlm@176: str rlm@176: (concat (repeat (- 8 (count s)) "0" ) rlm@176: s)))))) rlm@189: (map pokemon-1-record backbone) rlm@176: poke-data)))) rlm@176: ([pokemon-num] rlm@189: (print-pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num))) rlm@190: rlm@209: (defn pokemon rlm@191: ([^SaveState state poke-num] rlm@191: (assert (<= 0 poke-num 5)) rlm@191: (let [dv-values (read-DV state poke-num) rlm@191: type (read-type state poke-num) rlm@191: species (read-species state poke-num) rlm@191: species2 (read-species2 state poke-num) rlm@191: moves (read-moves state poke-num) rlm@191: moves-pp (mapv (partial read-pp state rlm@191: poke-num) rlm@191: (range (count moves))) rlm@191: nickname (pokemon-nickname state poke-num) rlm@191: status (read-status state poke-num) rlm@192: stats (read-stats state poke-num) rlm@191: experience (read-experience state poke-num) rlm@192: OT-name (read-OT-name state poke-num) rlm@193: ID (read-OT-id state poke-num)] rlm@193: {;; persistent rlm@193: :name nickname rlm@191: :species species rlm@191: :species2 species2 rlm@191: :type type rlm@191: :dv dv-values rlm@192: :original-trainer OT-name rlm@192: :ID ID rlm@196: :moves (mapv vector moves moves-pp) rlm@190: rlm@193: ;; ephemerial rlm@200: :status status rlm@192: :stats stats rlm@191: :experience experience rlm@193: })) rlm@191: ([poke-num] rlm@209: (pokemon @current-state poke-num))) rlm@195: rlm@202: (def status-message rlm@202: {:sleep-6 "sleeping. It will wake in six turns." rlm@202: :sleep-5 "sleeping. It will wake in five turns." rlm@202: :sleep-4 "sleeping. It will wake in four turns." rlm@202: :sleep-3 "sleeping. It will wake in three turns." rlm@202: :sleep-2 "sleeping. It will wake in two turns." rlm@202: :sleep-1 "sleeping. It will wake in one turn." rlm@202: :poisoned "poisoned." rlm@202: :frozen "frozen solid." rlm@202: :burned "burned." rlm@202: :paralyzed "paralyzed."}) rlm@202: rlm@202: rlm@195: (defn print-pokemon rlm@195: ([^SaveState state poke-num] rlm@209: (let [info (pokemon state poke-num)] rlm@195: (printf rlm@195: (str rlm@195: "##################################" rlm@195: "##################################\n" rlm@195: "# " rlm@195: " #\n" rlm@195: "# %-44s" rlm@195: "%-20s#\n" rlm@195: "# " rlm@195: " #\n" rlm@195: "##################################" rlm@195: "##################################\n\n") rlm@195: rlm@195: (str rlm@195: (:name info) rlm@195: (str rlm@202: " [" (.toUpperCase rlm@202: (.substring (str (:species info)) 1)) "]") rlm@195: (str " Lvl." (format "%-3d" (:level (:stats info))))) rlm@195: (str (:original-trainer info) " / " (:ID info))) rlm@195: rlm@195: (println rlm@195: (str rlm@195: (str "-----------------------------------" rlm@195: "---------------------------------\n" ) rlm@195: (str "| Stats | HP | Attack " rlm@195: "| Defense | Speed | Special |\n") rlm@195: (str "+-----------+----------+----------" rlm@195: "+----------+----------+----------+"))) rlm@195: rlm@195: (printf rlm@202: (str "|%-11s| %5d | %5d " rlm@202: "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n") rlm@195: "DV Values" (:hp (:dv info)) (:attack (:dv info)) rlm@195: (:defense (:dv info)) (:speed (:dv info)) rlm@195: (:special (:dv info))) rlm@195: rlm@195: (let [c (:stats info)] rlm@195: (printf rlm@202: (str "|%-11s|%8s | %5d " rlm@202: "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n") rlm@202: "Current" (str (:current-hp c) "/" (:hp c)) (:attack c) rlm@195: (:defense c) (:speed c) rlm@195: (:special c))) rlm@195: rlm@195: (let [e (:experience info)] rlm@195: (printf rlm@202: (str "|%-11s| %5d | %5d " rlm@202: "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n") rlm@195: "Experience" (:hp-exp e) (:attack-exp e) rlm@195: (:defense-exp e) (:speed-exp e) rlm@195: (:special-exp e))) rlm@195: (println rlm@195: (str "+-----------+----------+----------" rlm@195: "+----------+----------+----------+")) rlm@195: rlm@195: (print "\n") rlm@195: (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+") rlm@195: (println "| Move | PP | Max PP | PP UPs |") rlm@196: (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+") rlm@196: rlm@197: (dorun rlm@197: (for [[name {:keys [pp-ups current-pp]}] (:moves info)] rlm@197: (printf rlm@197: "| %-17s| %2d | %02d | %02d |\n" rlm@197: (.substring (str name) 1) rlm@197: current-pp (max-pp name pp-ups) pp-ups))) rlm@195: rlm@200: (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+\n") rlm@195: rlm@200: (println "Total Experience:" (:main-exp (:experience info))) rlm@202: (if (not= :normal (:status info)) rlm@202: (println "\n* This pokemon is currently" rlm@202: (status-message (:status info)))) rlm@200: (if (not= (:species info) (:species2 info)) rlm@202: (println "\n* This pokemon has a secondary species" rlm@200: (str rlm@200: "(" rlm@200: (.substring (str (:species2 info)) 1) ")\n") rlm@206: " that does not match its primary species.")) rlm@206: (if (not= (:type info) (pokemon->type (:species info))) rlm@206: (println "\n* This pokemon has a type" rlm@206: (str (:type info)) rlm@206: "which \n" rlm@206: " is inconsistent with the default type for its" rlm@206: "species.")))) rlm@195: ([poke-num] rlm@195: (print-pokemon @current-state poke-num))) rlm@192: rlm@202: (defn print-team [] rlm@202: (dorun (map print-pokemon (range (party-number))))) rlm@202: rlm@202: rlm@192: (defn give-status-all rlm@192: ([^SaveState state status] rlm@192: (reduce (fn [state num] rlm@192: (give-status state num status)) rlm@192: state rlm@192: (range (party-number state)))) rlm@192: ([status] rlm@192: (give-status-all @current-state status))) rlm@203: rlm@203: (defn expand-pokemon rlm@203: "Given a map describing a pokemon, fill in any missing rlm@203: values based on the ones already present." rlm@203: [pokemon] rlm@203: (-> (merge pokemon-base pokemon) rlm@203: ;; if no nickname is supplied, default to the rlm@203: ;; uppercase name of the species, as r/b/y do rlm@203: ;; when a pokemon is captured. rlm@203: ((fn [pokemon] rlm@203: (if (nil? (:name pokemon)) rlm@203: (assoc pokemon :name (.toUpperCase rlm@203: (.substring rlm@203: (str (:species pokemon)) 1))) rlm@203: pokemon))) rlm@203: ;; species2 should almost always just be the rlm@203: ;; same as species. rlm@203: ((fn [pokemon] rlm@203: (if (nil? (:species2 pokemon)) rlm@209: (assoc pokemon :species2 (:species pokemon)) rlm@209: pokemon))) rlm@203: rlm@203: ;; enable the date in :moves to be any combo of rlm@203: ;; [:move-1 :move-2] rlm@203: ;; [[:move-1 {:pp 20}] :move-2] rlm@203: ;; [[:move-1 {:pp 20 :pp-up 3}] :move-2] rlm@203: ;; default to full pp for the move, with no rlm@203: ;; pp-ups. rlm@203: ((fn [pokemon] rlm@203: (let [moves (:moves pokemon)] rlm@203: (assoc pokemon :moves rlm@203: (for [move moves] rlm@203: (cond rlm@203: (keyword? move) rlm@210: [move {:current-pp (max-pp move 0) :pp-ups 0}] rlm@203: (vector? move) rlm@203: [(first move) rlm@209: (merge {:current-pp (max-pp (first move) 0) rlm@209: :pp-ups 0} (second move))])))))) rlm@206: ;; The game stores the pokemon's type redundantly rlm@206: ;; along with the species. If it's not specified rlm@206: ;; then it should default to that species default type. rlm@206: ((fn [pokemon] rlm@206: (if (nil? (:type pokemon)) rlm@206: (assoc pokemon :type rlm@206: (pokemon->type (:species pokemon))) rlm@208: pokemon))))) rlm@208: rlm@237: (def mint-berry-item-code-gsc 0x54) rlm@237: rlm@209: (defn give-pokemon rlm@209: ([^SaveState state poke-num pokemon] rlm@209: (let [pokemon* (expand-pokemon pokemon)] rlm@209: (-> state rlm@209: ;; expand roster if necessary rlm@209: ((fn [state] rlm@209: (if (< (dec (party-number state)) poke-num) rlm@209: (set-party-number state (inc poke-num)) state))) rlm@209: (rename-pokemon poke-num (:name pokemon*)) rlm@209: (give-DV poke-num (:dv pokemon*)) rlm@209: (give-type poke-num (:type pokemon*)) rlm@209: (set-species poke-num (:species pokemon*)) rlm@209: (set-species2 poke-num (:species2 pokemon*)) rlm@209: (set-OT-id poke-num (:ID pokemon*)) rlm@209: (set-OT-name poke-num (:original-trainer pokemon*)) rlm@209: (give-moves-pps poke-num (:moves pokemon*)) rlm@209: (give-status poke-num (:status pokemon*)) rlm@209: (give-stats poke-num (:stats pokemon*)) rlm@212: (give-experience poke-num (:experience pokemon*)) rlm@212: (set-memory (+ 0xD16D rlm@212: (* pokemon-record-width poke-num)) rlm@237: mint-berry-item-code-gsc)))) rlm@209: ([poke-num pokemon] rlm@212: (give-pokemon @current-state poke-num pokemon))) rlm@212: rlm@212: (defn edit-pokemon rlm@212: ([^SaveState state poke-num new-pokemon-data] rlm@212: (give-pokemon state poke-num rlm@212: (merge (pokemon state poke-num) rlm@212: new-pokemon-data))) rlm@212: ([poke-num new-pokemon-data] rlm@212: (edit-pokemon @current-state poke-num new-pokemon-data))) rlm@326: rlm@326: (defn give-powerful-party rlm@326: ([^SaveState state] rlm@326: (-> state rlm@326: (give-pokemon 0 tauros) rlm@326: (give-pokemon 1 chansey) rlm@326: (give-pokemon 2 alakazam) rlm@326: (give-pokemon 3 golem) rlm@326: (give-pokemon 4 exeggutor) rlm@326: (give-pokemon 5 starmie) rlm@326: rlm@326: )) rlm@326: ([] (give-powerful-party @current-state)))