log clojure/com/aurellem/exp/pokemon-layout

age author description
2012-03-22 Robert McIntyre expanded pokemon-layout to include status effects.
2012-03-22 Robert McIntyre wrote functions to read and write pokemon DV values and status
2012-03-21 Robert McIntyre added functions to read and set DV values for pokemon.
2012-03-21 Robert McIntyre discovered locations of Stat experience and lost location of DV values
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre determined position of pokemon color maps
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre emabled setting pokemon moves and PP
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre found out how to increase Max PP of a move
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre finally found the species identifiers!
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre discovered location of pokemon DV values.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre filled out more of the pokemon map by extrapolating from pokemon 2 and testing.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre confirmed move-id locations.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre discovered hex-values for every move.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre found a few more values by randomly setting things to 0x00.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre learned some more about pokemon layout via inspection.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre discovered location of pokemon OT IDs.
2012-03-20 Robert McIntyre made a map of what I know about pokemon layout so far.