log clojure/com/aurellem/run/basic_choreo.clj

age author description
2012-09-01 Robert McIntyre saving progress.... sleepy time :)
2012-08-30 Robert McIntyre condensed gameboy program into a contigous sequence of bytes.
2012-08-23 Robert McIntyre update choreo files.
2012-06-28 Robert McIntyre all synching issues resolved.
2012-06-27 Robert McIntyre i believe this latest change will correct all A/V synching problems.
2012-06-27 Robert McIntyre trying to fix AV sync issues.
2012-06-26 Robert McIntyre created video, but there are problems with it synching.
2012-06-25 Robert McIntyre working on generating first major video.
2012-06-25 Robert McIntyre working on basic choreo.