- misc. fixes.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- misc. fixes.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- spellcheck2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- fix formatting of lists.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- first draft of explination.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- preparing org file for write-up.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- added video without buttons.2012-09-03, by Robert McIntyre
- final video rendered.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- rendered final video.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed flaw in advanced move recording.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- cache advanced moves.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- fix silly glitch.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- also write moves to vbm file.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- use png to save memory.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- going to render the advanced choreo.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- added dylan's chibi gb image.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- determined that I cannot shorten the long B sequeuce during bootstrap.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.... sleepy time :)2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- improved route from celadon dept. store to celadon pokemon center.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- increased speed to travel to floor two of celadon dept. store.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added buttons2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- modified 9 so it doesn't clash with E2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- modified cutie mark image to remove white outline2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- cleanup.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added blank character.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- remove unnecessary code.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- can now remove hack to regenerate D and E from render-glyph b/c of fixing bug in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed problem in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- cosmetic improvements revealed glitch in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed glyph display bug, going to apply cosmetic corrections now and remove testing cruft.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- tracked down error to set=HL-from-row-and-column2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- row and columns increment correctly now.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- implemented row glyph drawing.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- removed max-glyph-count handling code as it is unnecessary.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- glyph display works partially, but does not write all glyphs.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- implemented video-memory pointer logic.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- implemented row and column increment logic.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- minor formatting changes.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added row and column variables; clear-screen logic works now.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- clear-screen complete2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added code to save rows and columns to RAM.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added skeleton for clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- add code to load row and column into DE.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- changed jump from relative to absolute to allow for display-glyph code greater than 128 numbers.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- simplified return program.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- added blank glyph.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- new glyph rendering skeleton complete.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- restored previous functionality of glyph-display program.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- problem was improper value for starting position in memory for glyph-display-program.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- trying to track down major problem with storing variables in RAM.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- more cleanup code.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- created scaffold for displaying terminal characters.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- tightened up control transfer waiting period.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- progress.2012-08-31, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress for the night.2012-08-30, by Robert McIntyre
- moduralized main-bootstrap-program2012-08-30, by Robert McIntyre
- condensed gameboy program into a contigous sequence of bytes.2012-08-30, by Robert McIntyre
- going to explore a cool new idea for the final video.2012-08-30, by Robert McIntyre
- update choreo files.2012-08-23, by Robert McIntyre
- yay.2012-06-27, by Robert McIntyre
- all synching issues resolved.2012-06-27, by Robert McIntyre
- i believe this latest change will correct all A/V synching problems.2012-06-27, by Robert McIntyre
- audio now syncs properly, but moves no longer sync with main display.2012-06-27, by Robert McIntyre
- trying to fix AV sync issues.2012-06-27, by Robert McIntyre
- created video, but there are problems with it synching.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- working on generating first major video.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- working on basic choreo.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- allow path back to bootstrap program from image-kernel.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- cleanup.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- song sucessfully plays.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- allow repositioning of music data.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- investigating a problem with bad sound when writing RAM with bootstrapping program2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- refactored functionality of play-midi into midi-bytes for reuse.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- minor change to make button presses more dramatic.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- minor fix to create render dir if it does not already exist.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- completed clojure functions to generate final video.2012-06-25, by Robert McIntyre
- trying to find out map problem.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- added full recording function.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- added download script to get needed libraries for Dylan.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- remove print statement.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- sound recording complete.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- sound recording test now works.2012-06-24, by Robert McIntyre
- working on recording sound. almost have it, but there is still unexplained popping sounds.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- added sound introspection abilities.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- added RAM display.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- going to work on functions relating to doing the final video, ram-display, sound, etc.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- reduced colors in pinkie pie mark to exactly 4.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- added pinkie pie cutie mark.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- generated gameboy palette for gimp for Dylan.2012-06-23, by Robert McIntyre
- switched tile and pallette assembly.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- cosmetic change. need to investigate why switching pallet and tile assembly does not work.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- colors now work properly.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- can now display black and white images (still working on color).2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- accuracy of displayed image is much improved, but there the palettes are still messed up.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- going to correct premium stupdity.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- got an image to display, but it doesn't tile correctly.2012-06-22, by Robert McIntyre
- efficient data writing assembly complete.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- problem turned out to be nothing.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- trying to track down pesky assembly bug.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to slice up an image into an appropriate representation for the GB.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- fix compilation problem.2012-06-20, by Robert McIntyre
- resolved conflict.2012-06-18, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-06-14, by Robert McIntyre
- created function to deconstruct image into tiles and translate into gb-rgb color space.2012-06-13, by Robert McIntyre
- working on confirming accuracy of color map.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered that the gb has far fewer unique colors than I initially thought.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- generated graphical representation of the gb color map.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered gameboy->vga color map.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- reversed pixel image.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- pixel introspection. but entire image is upside down.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- merged changes from trip to wichita.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- improbed color display kernel.2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- can now display a single color :)2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- fleshing out image color calibration code.2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to pack gb-rgb bytes2012-05-24, by Robert McIntyre
- edit to image.clj2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- cleanup.2012-05-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added rgb->gbRGB translation code.2012-05-07, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-05-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added image.clj2012-05-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added reference c program for converting vga rgb to vb rgb.2012-05-06, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-05-06, by Robert McIntyre
- added save state2012-05-02, by Robert McIntyre
- adjusted drum beats.2012-05-05, by Robert McIntyre
- slight cleanup.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- added csv files, completed demo :)2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- adjusted mother.mid for easy mini-midi conversion.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- increased tempo of regret2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- formatted ship-of-regret-and-sleep.mid for smooth mini-midi conversion.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- shortened song.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- adding ship-of-regret-and-sleep.mid.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- merge dylan's changes.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- Fixed error with wild pokemon demographics; will need to alter the way hxc-wilds format of data returned by hxc-wilds to incorporate encounter rates.2012-05-02, by Dylan Holmes
- Fixed type effectiveness; added it to the ROM map. (I've been remiss...)2012-05-02, by Dylan Holmes
- Added interactive Pokemon cries.2012-04-29, by Dylan Holmes
- Added introduction.2012-04-29, by Dylan Holmes
- remove useless :duty from drum track.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- got drums to work.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- working on drums.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- working on noise.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- remove dead code.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- removed duplicate notes in drum track.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- enabled duty-selection via title information in the midi file.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- implememted automatic detection of tracks.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- implemented adjustable wave-duty for the two pitch channels.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- added trill and extended last note.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- remove csv file.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- going to work on another song.2012-05-04, by Robert McIntyre
- rescaled intro.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed silence at end, and increased tempo.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- synchronized pony song.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- exporting to midi file.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- removed all overlapping notes.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- removed overlapping notes in drum track.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- move some notes between tracks.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- simplified notes2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- merge drum tracks2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- change insturments.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- removed some tracks.2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- added music2012-05-03, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-27, by Robert McIntyre
- mapped most of music-playing RAM2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- mapped more of RAM music-playing data structure.2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered meanig of first 8 bytes of music.2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- can cange music; trying to understand music format.2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- investigating the game's music.2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-26, by Robert McIntyre
- can now play midi files with two tracks.2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- now I can play two voices at once!2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- created basic frame system for multiple voices.2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- workig on two voices using square wave generators.2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- paramaterized music-step2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- paramaterized do-message2012-04-25, by Robert McIntyre
- reordered assembly in music-kernel.2012-04-24, by Robert McIntyre
- remove crufty comment.2012-04-24, by Robert McIntyre
- correctly handles notes longer than 1 second.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- investigating infinite loop in note-codes.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- correctly handle silent spaces in midi files.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- sucessfully played third-kind.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- completed basic midi parser using midicsv2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- implemented note-code message.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- changed assembly to handle mini-midi messages of different lengths.2012-04-23, by Robert McIntyre
- increased resolution of music-kernel timer.2012-04-17, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-04-17, by Robert McIntyre
- Found assembly scripts for GiveItem and GivePokemon.2012-04-14, by Dylan Holmes
- Found HP restored by SODA POP, FRESH WATER, LEMONADE; also found number of steps for REPEL, SUPER REPEL, MAX REPEL.2012-04-14, by Dylan Holmes
- Figured out how NPC Pokemon teams are encoded.2012-04-14, by Dylan Holmes
- completed basic music playing kernel2012-04-17, by Robert McIntyre
- made basic tone player.2012-04-16, by Robert McIntyre
- everything works :) now I have total control over the game.2012-04-14, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress before debugging.2012-04-14, by Robert McIntyre
- moved asseitem-writer assembly to rlm-assembly.2012-04-14, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-04-14, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...2012-04-13, by Dylan Holmes
- Saving work -- found Pokedex menu text, and other things.2012-04-13, by Dylan Holmes
- Added several new things: NPC Pokemon names, Celadon prize data, NPC Trainers' Pokemon.2012-04-13, by Dylan Holmes
- brought documentation up to date.2012-04-14, by Robert McIntyre
- merge dylan's changes.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- Astoundingly, it is not generally possible to convert decimal representations into hexadecimal simply by prepending 0x.2012-04-12, by Dylan Holmes
- Found in-game pointers to type names; ready to remove manually-coded list.2012-04-12, by Dylan Holmes
- removed repeated nybbles, length is now 69 opcodes.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- got main-bootstrap-program down to 67 opcodes.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- removed one opcode2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- all tests passed.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- finally made it to the actual writing part...2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- this f@#@# thing oh my god.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- allowed non-even initial blank inputs.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed bug where variables would be overwritten.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- use E as scratch instead of C2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed bug where A was always 0 when the self-modigying code was executed.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- set H for real2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- set H, but found flaw in program flow.2012-04-13, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress....2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- had to change programs to prevent repeats.2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- changed scratch ragisters from BC to DE.2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- working on mode-dispatch2012-04-12, by Robert McIntyre
- completed read-user-input by working off of Dylan's version.2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- decreased frame-metronome by one opcode2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- frame-metronome no longer needs any state.2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- leave HL unmolested2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- simplifying frame-metronome2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- created efficient frame-metronome program2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- working on main bootstrap program2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- modifying dylan's assembly bootstrap program so that my primitive item-writer program can write it to memory.2012-04-11, by Robert McIntyre
- add demo moves2012-04-10, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-04-10, by Robert McIntyre
- Found some tile sprites for printable characters. Neato.2012-04-09, by Dylan Holmes
- merged changes2012-04-09, by Dylan Holmes
- Added more sandbox stuff in to show how the memory is laid out.2012-04-09, by Dylan Holmes
- fixed a few blocks that were not tangling properly.2012-04-08, by Dylan Holmes
- script: wrote memory pattern from within game!2012-04-10, by Robert McIntyre
- cleaning up code2012-04-10, by Robert McIntyre
- script: item-program completely deposited. Will test tomorrow :)2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- almost halfway there!2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- more progress.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...]2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- script: made it to celadon poke-center.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- route repaired.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- repairing route2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- script: got leomnades and TM13, shopping is complete.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- got guard spec & x-accuracy; floor five complete.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- got elemental stones; floor four complete.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- script: got TM18; floor three complete.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- script: bought status healing items; floor two complete.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- script: bought TMs on second floor.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- adjusting run to use 0x00 items for money since they are worth a half million each.2012-04-09, by Robert McIntyre
- wrote skeleton for celadon purchase spree.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- mapped celadon store inventories.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- merge dylan's changes.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed a few blocks that were not tangling properly.2012-04-08, by Dylan Holmes
- finished working for now. i've completed more carving up of code blocks.2012-04-08, by Dylan Holmes
- more progess: now tangles into hxc.clj; i'll be subdividing the code blocks as I write more.2012-04-08, by Dylan Holmes
- Saving progress. Cleaned up documentation a little; found more ROM stuff, including names of status ailments and amount of HP restored by potions.2012-04-08, by Dylan Holmes
- script: made it to cereulean with TM55s worth 2 million.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- item layout is complete.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- constructing exact item-pc layout for item-writer.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- completed testing of item-writer; looks good.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- brought item-writer down to 20 items.2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- preliminary item-writer complete2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- rewriting basic-writer assemly so that it is valid items2012-04-08, by Robert McIntyre
- created 40-byte program to bootstrap main bootstrap program2012-04-07, by Robert McIntyre
- restore memoization.2012-04-07, by Robert McIntyre
- Fixed two major bugs related to restart events which were causing desync. The entire video now syncs properly.2012-04-07, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed major bug with first-difference which was causing de-sync.2012-04-07, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed problem with rival's name.2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- solving problem with rival name becomming a key item.2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- improved do-save-corruption2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- made more progress, have burn heals and correct name for rival.2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- improved efficiency of delayed-difference2012-04-06, by Robert McIntyre
- improved delayed-difference with memoization2012-04-05, by Robert McIntyre
- corrected compilation bugs2012-04-05, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress before trip to Liberal.2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- improved efficiency of set-cursor2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed set-cursor so that moving the cursor backwards works2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- created functions to set the cursor to any position in any list2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to determine wuantity of items currently selected2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- created function to determine total item-offset2012-04-04, by Robert McIntyre
- located item-list related addresses.2012-04-03, by Robert McIntyre
- adapting bootstrap to new util functions.2012-04-03, by Robert McIntyre
- fixing runs to use new util functions.2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- remove crufty functions.2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- greatly speed up scroll-text by using binary-search.2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- scroll text works robustly but is slow2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- major refactoring; made (walk) more robust2012-04-02, by Robert McIntyre
- Added more to the rom map.2012-04-01, by Dylan Holmes
- began writing out my notes on the ROM in an org file.2012-04-01, by Dylan Holmes
- added hxc-intro-pkmn for seeing which pokemon is displayed in oak's intro, and sxc-intro-pkmn! for modifying it.2012-04-01, by Dylan Holmes
- made progress on music; fixed several music pointers I grabbed from the internet.2012-03-31, by Dylan Holmes
- moved the memory manipulation functions out of world.practice and into a separate location, gb.mem-utils, to avoid cyclic load dependency. will adjust the dependent files shortly.2012-03-31, by Dylan Holmes
- completed cry functions.2012-03-31, by Dylan Holmes
- beginning to work on cry data2012-03-31, by Dylan Holmes
- improve testing program2012-03-31, by Robert McIntyre
- improve testing program2012-03-31, by Robert McIntyre
- item manipulation program works!2012-03-31, by Robert McIntyre
- going to test bootstrapping program.2012-03-31, by Robert McIntyre
- inserted backwards jump into bootstrap program to fit it into item-pc space2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- found program that works as valid items, but now the program is too long...2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- mapped out the rest of relevant characters-as-objects space2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- found a second good character-item that can serve as a target2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- mapping out characters-as-items to avoid corrupt items.2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- restored deposit-one-item, working on getting rival's name into item computer.2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- dylan thought of a better program using op 0x70.2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- preliminary idea for a better pre-bootstrapping program.2012-03-30, by Robert McIntyre
- Tinkering with types and encounters.2012-03-30, by Dylan Holmes
- script: creating header for initial bootstrap program.2012-03-29, by Robert McIntyre
- script: walked to poke-center computer.2012-03-29, by Robert McIntyre
- Fixed missing delimiter in gb.moves; preparing to play with type effectiveness.2012-03-29, by Dylan Holmes
- Made hxc-pokenames and hxc-items return keywords instead of strings by default; added hxc-pokenames-raw and hxc-items-raw for the string version.2012-03-29, by Dylan Holmes
- merge2012-03-28, by Robert McIntyre
- added give-empty-pokedex2012-03-28, by Robert McIntyre
- Found the hardcoded pokedex order!!2012-03-28, by Dylan Holmes
- script: bought 96 burn heals2012-03-28, by Robert McIntyre
- Added the hardcoded list of moves that the TMs and HMs teach.2012-03-28, by Dylan Holmes
- added price data. also, shop data seems a bit off.2012-03-28, by Dylan Holmes
- Replaced manually listed move data in gb.moves with a call to hxc-move-data. Also, began work on hxc-shops, which lists shop inventory. todo: find out how the game converts internal order to pokedex order; todo: get hardcoded tm data.2012-03-27, by Dylan Holmes
- reorginazed save corruption code2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- script: save corruption2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- script: bought initial 5 items.2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- fix compiliation errors2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- added script to automatically buy any combination of items from a store's inventory.2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- refactored walking code from buy-initial-objects to its own function.2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- further improvements on hxc-pokemon-base.2012-03-27, by Dylan Holmes
- beginning work on hxc-pokemon-base, the collection of base stats, battle sprite data, etc.2012-03-27, by Dylan Holmes
- script: went back to viridian store.2012-03-27, by Robert McIntyre
- script: delivered oak's parcel; got pokedex.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- script: made it to oak's lab from viridian mart.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- Since the game uses zeros as delimiters in the evolution/learnset section, it increments all of the move/pokemon indices by 1. Altered my code so that all returned values are consistently non-incremented.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- Added hardcoded learnsets.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- script: got oak's parcel2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- script: made it to viridian mart2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- Corrected hxc-evolution so that pokemon with branched evolutions (i.e. eevee) will be fully included. As a result, altered hxc-evolution to return a list of hashes, one per evolution.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- script: left oak's lab.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- script: defeated rival.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- Added hardcoded evolution data.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- script: got pikachu.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- continued work on unoptimized script2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- improved scroll-text to scroll through multiple lines of text2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- unicode walking :)2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed incompetence.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- added delicious unicode characters to the character-map.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- minor correction.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- updated title and save_corruption to work with all the recent updates2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- Reworked the hxc definitions; they are now fns that optionally take a single rom arg and dynamically grab the data. Their commonalities are also consolidated into a single template function, hxc-thunk. Minor fixes include stripping pokenames of their padding and splitting the huge hxc-dialog string into a list.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- mrege.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- starting work on unoptimized bootstrap script.2012-03-26, by Robert McIntyre
- Got hardcoded move effect data, put it into a map hxc-move-data. Since descriptions are handwritten, they may be buggy.2012-03-26, by Dylan Holmes
- forgot to include Bird type with the list of available type names for type advantage data. now hxc-advantage is correct.2012-03-25, by Dylan Holmes
- minor fixes2012-03-25, by Dylan Holmes
- Added the list of types and advantages to the hardcoded collection.2012-03-25, by Dylan Holmes
- making interesting data insights.2012-03-25, by Dylan Holmes
- still working on overall stragety... going to sleep on it.2012-03-25, by Robert McIntyre
- working on preliminary script to bootstrap my way into a RAM writing program2012-03-25, by Robert McIntyre
- revived a functional version of Dylan's assembly.2012-03-25, by Robert McIntyre
- found appropriate map-function on Route 32012-03-25, by Robert McIntyre
- continuing work on map-function-addresses.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- working on item-injection; fixed off-by-one error in print-pokedex.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress...2012-03-24, by Dylan Holmes
- succesful return of control to the game upon item injection.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- preliminary map data region in cart.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- going to start work on item hack.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- working on map memory, modified view-memory to output hex and decimal as well as binary2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- working out how 0xD367 affects game play2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed badge order, added HM-mew, mapped out some more memory2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- Added functions for getting and setting badges.2012-03-24, by Dylan Holmes
- reformat2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- added functions for setting rival's name and text speed2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- added functions for setting current money.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- pokedex manipulation functions complete.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- enabled pokedex printing.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- extended range of catrography.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- rename pokemon-layout to cartography.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- adjusted default ditto's base stats.2012-03-24, by Robert McIntyre
- moved hardcoded stuff into its own namespace.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- differentiated between normal=pp-ups and glitched key-like pp-ups.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- remove debug stuff from pokemon.clj2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed give-pokemon to give a properly formatted pokemon for pokemon with less than 4 moves.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- Added spelling bee.2012-03-23, by Dylan Holmes
- fixed compilaition error in dylan's code2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed minor bug in give-pokemon2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- give pokemon appears to work.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- More hardcode expeditions.2012-03-23, by Dylan Holmes
- augmented print-pokemon to report inconsistent types; fixed error in give-type2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- default type list complete.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- constructing default types....2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- have to add default types for all pokemon.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- enhanced pokemon printing to print out current HP as well as current total HP.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- correct grammar lol.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- pokemon printing complete.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- merge2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- competed move-table printing component of pokemon printing function.2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- break for eating!2012-03-23, by Robert McIntyre
- changed :moves to give a vector instead of hash-map because move order is important2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- working on printing pokemon in a nicely formatted way.2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- Further explorations in memory.2012-03-23, by Dylan Holmes
- minor reformatting.2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed compilation problems, added more functionality to pokemon-info2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to set ROM2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- extending functionality of support namespaces in prepreation of give-pokemon2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- renamed *pokemon-data* to *pokemon-record*2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- merged changes2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- successfully captured program counter!2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- merged changes.2012-03-22, by Dylan Holmes
- added world directory for practice worldbuilding.2012-03-22, by Dylan Holmes
- Added a worlds directory for worldbuilding practice, and added some assembly-reading utilities.2012-03-22, by Dylan Holmes
- merged assembly2012-03-21, by Dylan Holmes
- finished mapping out pokemon memory region.2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- modified give-items to work with glitched items.2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- determined location of pokemon types; added functions for reading/setting them.2012-03-22, by Robert McIntyre
- cleaned up code; added gb.saves2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- add status to pokemon-data printout.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- expanded pokemon-layout to include status effects.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- wrote functions to read and write pokemon DV values and status2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- beginning test of latest assembly code. 240->70.2012-03-21, by Dylan Holmes
- made functions more convienent for repl use.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- saved corrupted save.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- add DV info to print-pokemon-data2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed compilation problems.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- added facilities to corrupt any state.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- added functions to read and set DV values for pokemon.2012-03-21, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered locations of Stat experience and lost location of DV values2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- made facilities for printing pokemon info.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- determined position of pokemon color maps2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- need to determine how colormaps for pokemon work.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- working on functions to control species.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed gb.moves2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- moved important move code out of exp and into gb.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- emabled setting pokemon moves and PP2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered hex values for pokemon species.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- found out how to increase Max PP of a move2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- finally found the species identifiers!2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered location of pokemon DV values.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- filled out more of the pokemon map by extrapolating from pokemon 2 and testing.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- confirmed move-id locations.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered hex-values for every move.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- found a few more values by randomly setting things to 0x00.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- learned some more about pokemon layout via inspection.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- fix stackoverflow error.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered location of pokemon OT IDs.2012-03-20, by Robert McIntyre
- made a map of what I know about pokemon layout so far.2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- can now get/set pokemon OT name2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- can now determine the number of pokemon in the party.2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- made function to get the sixth pokemon's full name2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- major refactoring complete.2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- preparing to refactor:2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- determined location of sixth pokemon's name's first character.2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- moved set-memory to proper position, added pokemon.clj2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- added save states, since many functions now depend on them.2012-03-19, by Robert McIntyre
- added driver for dylan's code, verified that it works.2012-03-19, by Dylan Holmes
- write-memory-assembly* confirmed...stage one.2012-03-19, by Dylan Holmes
- saving progress on state machine; 240 ops -> 90 ops (provided it withstands debugging)2012-03-19, by Dylan Holmes
- Checkpoint: about to include the state machine in the assembly* code.2012-03-18, by Dylan Holmes
- minor tweaking; incremental results: 91 -> 582012-03-18, by Dylan Holmes
- Wrote a more efficient input-number-assembly program; 91 oc -> 60 oc.2012-03-18, by Dylan Holmes
- removed hardcoded /home/r/ strings from paths and made them relative to user.home2012-03-18, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-18, by Robert McIntyre
- converted rival-name letter-map to hexadecimal2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- added rival-name letter-map2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- going to make a bootstrap program for the first bootstrap program2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- removed literal 0xFFs from assembly code since they interfere with the item-list.2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- dylan added some code2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- preliminary memory bootstrapping program complete.2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- completed mode 32012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- need to add another mode to handle 16 bit start point2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed problem with mode transitions2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-03-17, by Robert McIntyre
- working on proper timing for modes2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- finished Mode 2 of bootstrapping program2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- finished Mode 1 of bootstrapping program2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- wrote test case for write-memory skeleton2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- mode 0 of bootstrapping state machine complete2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- functional number-input bootstrap code complete2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- working on preliminary bootstrap code2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- added test for count-frames2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- completed frame-counting machine language program with dylan's help2012-03-16, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- now I have an assembly program that can read button presses!2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- changed display for memory and registers to binary2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- fix typo2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- working on the start of the bootstrap program; expanded register array to 29 elements2012-03-15, by Robert McIntyre
- better functional assembly interface; removed frame numbers from SaveStates2012-03-14, by Robert McIntyre
- working on some actual assembly programs2012-03-13, by Robert McIntyre
- checking in continue!, which let's the GB run for an unlimited time.2012-03-13, by Robert McIntyre
- working on understanding basic opcodes2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- made first 'hello-world' item based assembly insertion.2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- filled out functions for the rest of the registers.2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- created functions to get and set register values2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- can now read and set the inventory of a state2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- renamed inspect.clj to items.clj2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- derived item list2012-03-12, by Robert McIntyre
- added write-memory!, which allows me to write any value to the2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- working on inventory analysis2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed memory retrieval function to use the simulated gameboy's mapped memory2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to get all the GB's memory.2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- added tick(), which allows one to step through each opcode of gameboy2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- got original speedrun to work with modified beginning2012-03-11, by Robert McIntyre
- added save corruption2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- added sanity check for title2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- can now save moves and states and am ready to continue past the title2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- collect cruft, rename other files2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- cleaned up code and made it to the end of the title2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- more progress with the title2012-03-10, by Robert McIntyre
- better functional version of earlier code2012-03-09, by Robert McIntyre
- fleshing out functional gb interface2012-03-09, by Robert McIntyre
- going to try using zippers2012-03-09, by Robert McIntyre
- generated intro2012-03-09, by Robert McIntyre
- worked out size of save files and reduced MAX_SAVE_SIZE to a more reasonable value2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- more stuff.2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- speed up emulation2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- disk backup complete2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- working on disk-backup for save-states2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- added play command2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- added optional argument to rewind2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- added history facilities2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- can now write proper vbm files from clojure2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- refactored2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- removed zero frame confusion2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- remove obsolete testing code2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- got the speedrun to play2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- building code to play vbm files2012-03-08, by Robert McIntyre
- resets now work correctly2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- going to make restarts work2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- refactor clojure level2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- java/c++ framework more or less complete2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added code to retrieve CPU registers2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added code to retrieve other RAM areas and ROM2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to retrieve main RAM2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added functions to get rom/ram sizes2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- savestate buffer was too small2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- going to work on getting CPU data2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- emabled loading and saving CPU state from clojure.2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- can now send button presses to the simulated gameboy2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- stepping achieved2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- enabled stepping from clojure2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- working on the API2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- created list of stuff to do2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- time for further planning2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- clojure can now drive vba2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- clojure hello world works2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- changed compile order2012-03-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added skeleton clojure gb driver2012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- using libtool for convienence libraries2012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- created java folder and simple build script2012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- add initial jni interface2012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- remove useless shell scripts2012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- upgraded Util.cpp to work with libpng 1.52012-03-06, by Robert McIntyre
- save personal settings.2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- got some speedruns to work!2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- video does not appear to de-sync after 3 minutes of playing and several random battles.2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- reseting the movie does not appear to workrecording-sans-reset 2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- getting something now when recording movies2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed Segfault but the recorded movie now lacks keypresses2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- found source of problem for video recording2012-03-05, by Robert McIntyre
- adding config file2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- VisualBoyAdvance compiles, we will see if it works...2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- brought prof package incompile-milestone 2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- added version.h2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- bringing in SDL package2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- brought in filters package2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- make distcheck now works2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- checkpoint2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- checkpointworks-incomplete 2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- add SMID-oriented fast mersenne twister2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- remote.cpp must include config.h2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- trying to fix network problem2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- fix indentation for remote.cpp2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- brought in common and gba, fixed problems with outdated files in both of these packages2012-03-04, by Robert McIntyre
- need to fix NLS.h problem2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- going to now integrate the gb src tree since it has no dependencies2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- clean up lua Makefile.am2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed typos in the lua Makefile.am2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- cleaning up lua stuff2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- clean up makefile2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- complete raising of lua source2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- raise lua sources up one level2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- build of lua successful2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- working on only lua2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- add files required by automake2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- ignore generated files2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- working on lua generation2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- concentrating on lua first2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- apu appears to not be used2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- fix some formatting2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- adding makefile.am2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- importing src directory2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre
- I'm going to rebuild the vba build system so that it works on linux2012-03-03, by Robert McIntyre