- fix formatting of lists.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- first draft of explination.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- preparing org file for write-up.2012-11-22, by Robert McIntyre
- added video without buttons.2012-09-03, by Robert McIntyre
- final video rendered.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- rendered final video.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed flaw in advanced move recording.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- cache advanced moves.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- fix silly glitch.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- also write moves to vbm file.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- use png to save memory.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- going to render the advanced choreo.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- merge.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- added dylan's chibi gb image.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- determined that I cannot shorten the long B sequeuce during bootstrap.2012-09-02, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.... sleepy time :)2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- improved route from celadon dept. store to celadon pokemon center.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- increased speed to travel to floor two of celadon dept. store.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added buttons2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- modified 9 so it doesn't clash with E2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- modified cutie mark image to remove white outline2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- cleanup.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- added blank character.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- remove unnecessary code.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- can now remove hack to regenerate D and E from render-glyph b/c of fixing bug in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed problem in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- cosmetic improvements revealed glitch in clear-screen.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- fixed glyph display bug, going to apply cosmetic corrections now and remove testing cruft.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- tracked down error to set=HL-from-row-and-column2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre
- saving progress.2012-09-01, by Robert McIntyre