- working on confirming accuracy of color map.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered that the gb has far fewer unique colors than I initially thought.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- generated graphical representation of the gb color map.2012-06-12, by Robert McIntyre
- discovered gameboy->vga color map.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- reversed pixel image.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- pixel introspection. but entire image is upside down.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- merged changes from trip to wichita.2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre
- improbed color display kernel.2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- can now display a single color :)2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- fleshing out image color calibration code.2012-06-07, by Robert McIntyre
- added function to pack gb-rgb bytes2012-05-24, by Robert McIntyre
- edit to image.clj2012-06-11, by Robert McIntyre