view clojure/com/aurellem/gb/characters.clj @ 176:95b2758dd517

wrote functions to read and write pokemon DV values and status
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Wed, 21 Mar 2012 22:13:43 -0500
parents 06426d25c65b
children 67c42608ef9d
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns
2 (:use ( gb-driver constants))
3 (:import [ SaveState]))
5 (def character-code->character
6 {
7 0x00 "end-of-name-sentinel"
8 0x50 "end-of-pokemon-name-sentinel"
9 0x60 "A-bold"
10 0x61 "B-bold"
11 0x62 "C-bold"
12 0x63 "D-bold"
13 0x64 "E-bold"
14 0x65 "F-bold"
15 0x66 "G-bold"
16 0x67 "H-bold"
17 0x68 "I-bold"
18 0x69 "V-bold"
19 0x6A "S-bold"
20 0x6B "L-bold"
21 0x6C "M-bold"
22 0x80 "A"
23 0x81 "B"
24 0x82 "C"
25 0x83 "D"
26 0x84 "E"
27 0x85 "F"
28 0x86 "G"
29 0x87 "H"
30 0x88 "I"
31 0x89 "J"
32 0x8A "K"
33 0x8B "L"
34 0x8C "M"
35 0x8D "N"
36 0x8E "O"
37 0x8F "P"
38 0x90 "Q"
39 0x91 "R"
40 0x92 "S"
41 0x93 "T"
42 0x94 "U"
43 0x95 "V"
44 0x96 "W"
45 0x97 "X"
46 0x98 "Y"
47 0x99 "Z"
48 0x9A "("
49 0x9B ")"
50 0x9C ":"
51 0x9D ";"
52 0xA0 "a"
53 0xA1 "b"
54 0xA2 "c"
55 0xA3 "d"
56 0xA4 "e"
57 0xA5 "f"
58 0xA6 "g"
59 0xA7 "h"
60 0xA8 "i"
61 0xA9 "j"
62 0xAA "k"
63 0xAB "l"
64 0xAC "m"
65 0xAD "n"
66 0xAE "o"
67 0xAF "p"
68 0xB0 "q"
69 0xB1 "r"
70 0xB2 "s"
71 0xB3 "t"
72 0xB4 "u"
73 0xB5 "v"
74 0xB6 "w"
75 0xB7 "x"
76 0xB8 "y"
77 0xB9 "z"
78 0xBA "e-with-grave"
79 0xE0 "'"
80 0xE1 "PK"
81 0xE2 "MN"
82 0xE3 "-"
83 0xE6 "?"
84 0xE7 "!"
85 0xE8 "."
86 0xEF "male-symbol"
87 0xF0 "pokemon-money-symbol"
88 0xF1 "."
89 0xF2 "/"
90 0xF3 ","
91 0xF4 "female-symbol"
92 0xF6 "0 "
93 0xF7 "1"
94 0xF8 "2"
95 0xF9 "3"
96 0xFA "4"
97 0xFB "5"
98 0xFC "6"
99 0xFD "7"
100 0xFE "8"
101 0xFF "9"
102 })
104 (def character->character-code
105 (zipmap (vals character-code->character)
106 (keys character-code->character)))
108 (defn str->character-codes [s]
109 (map character->character-code (map str s)))
111 (defn character-codes->str [codes]
112 (apply str
113 (map #(character-code->character
114 %
115 (format "[0x%02X]" %))
116 codes)))
118 (defn print-text
119 ([^SaveState state begin end]
120 (dorun
121 (map (fn [character-code line]
122 (println
123 (format "0x%04X: " line)
124 (str (character-code->character character-code))))
125 (subvec (vec (memory state)) begin end)
126 (range begin end)))
127 state)
128 ([begin end]
129 (print-text @current-state begin end)))
131 (defn read-name [codes]
132 (character-codes->str
133 (take-while
134 (partial not= end-of-name-marker) codes)))