view clojure/com/aurellem/run/adv_choreo.clj @ 588:6e9368c371d5

added blank character.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 01 Sep 2012 10:11:18 -0500
parents e180f52b2079
children d9d86f6018e8
line wrap: on
line source
1 ;;;; "Advanced Choreography" -- this is the final video for this project.
3 (ns
4 (:use ( saves gb-driver util constants
5 items vbm characters money
6 rlm-assembly))
7 (:use ( util music title save-corruption
8 bootstrap-0 bootstrap-1 image
9 ram-display final-cut basic-choreo))
10 (:require clojure.string)
11 (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
12 (:import (javax.imageio ImageWriteParam IIOImage ImageIO))
13 (:import [ SaveState])
14 (:import
18 ;; Use the gameboy's screen to display the new programming
19 ;; instead of a side window. This will make it look much
20 ;; cooler and create a terminal-like effect as the game is
21 ;; being reprogramed. To do this, use a fixed data entry
22 ;; region in ram, and run a program that translates this
23 ;; region into the screen. Every time this data entry region
24 ;; is full, run a program that copies the data to the
25 ;; appropriate region in memory. This will cost ~15 seconds
26 ;; at the beginning to set up, and then should have minimal
27 ;; overhead (~5%) for the rest of the data transfer, but
28 ;; will have a good psychological effect for the viewer
29 ;; since he can see that something is actually happening in
30 ;; the game.
33 ;; Symbol size and type.
35 ;; use fonts from zophar's domain:
36 ;;
38 ;; Green font on black background for matrix look.
41 (defn program-data [base-address]
42 (let [image-program
43 (display-image-kernel
44 base-address
46 ;;pinkie-pie-mark
47 test-image-color
49 )
52 music-base-address (+ (count image-program) base-address)
54 initial-music-data
55 (midi-bytes pony-csv 0 0 0 0)
57 data-lengths
58 (map (comp count :data)
59 [(:kernel initial-music-data)
60 (:voice-1 initial-music-data)
61 (:voice-2 initial-music-data)]);; noise not needed
62 addresses
63 (map (partial + music-base-address) (reductions + 0 data-lengths))
65 final-music-data
66 (apply (partial midi-bytes pony-csv) addresses)
68 music-program
69 (concat
70 (:data (:kernel final-music-data))
71 (:data (:voice-1 final-music-data))
72 (:data (:voice-2 final-music-data))
73 (:data (:noise final-music-data)))]
75 (concat
76 image-program ;; image program falls through to music program
78 (infinite-loop)
79 ;;music-program
81 )))
86 (def glyphs
87 "The sixteen 8x8 glyphs which make up the \"terminal\" font."
88 (mapv #(ImageIO/read
89 (File. user-home (str "proj/vba-clojure/font/" % ".png")))
90 ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8"
91 "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "_"]))
94 (defn glyph-init-program
95 [start-address]
96 (let [zero-glyph (image->gb-image (glyphs 0))
98 ;; write same pallet information to all pallettes
99 A (flatten
100 [(write-byte LCD-control-register 0x00);; disable LCD protection
101 (set-palettes bg-palette-select bg-palette-data
102 (repeat 8 (first (:palettes zero-glyph))))
103 (select-LCD-bank 0)
104 (write-byte SCX-register 0)
105 (write-byte SCY-register 0)])
106 B (flatten
107 [(write-data
108 (+ start-address (count A))
109 character-data-address
110 (flatten
111 (map (comp gb-tile->bytes first :tiles image->gb-image)
112 glyphs)))
115 (write-byte
116 LCD-control-register
117 (Integer/parseInt
118 (str
119 "1" ;; LCDC on/off
120 "0" ;; Window code area
121 "0" ;; Windowing on?
122 "1" ;; BG tile base (1 = 0x8000)
123 "0" ;; BG-1 or BG-2 ?
124 "0" ;; OBJ-block composition
125 "0" ;; OBJ-on flag
126 "1") ;; no-effect
127 2))])]
128 (concat A B )))
132 (defn glyph-display-program
133 [start-address]
134 (let [data-start (+ 2 start-address)
135 load-data
136 (flatten
137 [;; data region
138 0x18
139 2
140 0 0;; current row and column
141 ;; save all registers
142 0xC5 0xD5 0xE5 0xF5
144 ;; load data from data region into registers
146 0xF5 ;; push A, which contains current glyph
148 0x21
149 (reverse (disect-bytes-2 data-start))
150 ;; load row and column into DE
151 0x2A 0x57 ;; row -> D
152 0x2A 0x5F ;; column -> E
153 ])
156 display-glyph
157 (let [init*
158 (flatten
159 [(repeat 100 0)
160 ;; Reset HL to initial value
162 ;; clear screen if we are at 0,0
163 0x7A 0xB3 ;; D->A, OR E A ==> (= D E 0)
164 0x20 ;; skip clear-screen if D and E are not both zero
165 :clear-screen-length])
167 clear-screen
168 (flatten
169 [;; save all registers
170 0xC5 0xD5 0xE5 0xF5
172 (select-LCD-bank 0)
173 ;; write 0x00 to memory locations
174 ;; 0x9800 to 0x9A34
175 0x21
176 0x00 0x98 ;; load 0x9800 into HL
178 0x16 3 ;; 3 -> D
179 0x1E 190 ;; 188 -> E
181 ;; Empty space Character ID
182 0x3E 16 ;; 0-> A
184 ;; begin of do-while loop
185 0x22 ;; load A to 0x9800
186 0x1D ;; dec E
187 0x20
188 (->signed-8-bit -4)
189 0x15 ;; dec D
190 0x1E 190 ;; 188 -> E
191 0x20
192 (->signed-8-bit -8)
193 ;; end of do-while-loop
195 ;; restore all registers
196 0xF1 0xE1 0xD1 0xC1])
199 increment-row-column
200 [;; D contains row and E contains column
202 ;; every time column (E) reaches 20, set
203 ;; column to 0 and increment row
204 0x1C ;; inc E
205 0x3E 20 0xBB ;; compare E to 20
206 0x20
207 3
208 0x14 ;; increment row
209 0x1E 0 ;; set column to 0
212 ;; if row==18, set row to 0
213 0x3E 18
214 0xBA
215 0x20
216 2
217 0x16 0]
219 set-HL-from-row-and-column
220 (flatten
221 [;; formula for memory offset is:
222 ;; (+ 0x9800 (* 32 row) column) ==
223 0x21 0x00 0x98 ;; load HL with 0x9800
225 0x06 0
226 0x4B ;; columns (E) -> BC
227 0x09 ;; HL += columns
230 0xAF ;; 0 -> A
232 0x06 0
233 0x0E 32 ;; load 32 into BC
235 0xBA ;; CP A D
236 0x28 ;; skip this next section if A == D
237 4
238 0x09 ;; HL += 32
239 0x3C
240 0x18
242 (->signed-8-bit -7)])
244 render-glyph
245 (flatten
246 [;; Render each nybble of A as a character
247 ;; there are two characters to a glyph.
249 set-HL-from-row-and-column
251 0xF1 ;; pop A, now A is equal to key input
252 0xF5 ;; save A
254 0xE6 0xF0 ;; clear second nybble
255 0xCB 0x37 ;; swap nybbles
256 0x77 ;; store A in video RAM as a character (pun)
257 increment-row-column
260 set-HL-from-row-and-column
262 0xF1 ;; restore A
263 0xE6 0x0F ;; select second nybble
264 0x77 ;; store second nybble as character
265 increment-row-column])
268 init (replace
269 {:clear-screen-length (count clear-screen)} init*)
270 ]
272 (concat init clear-screen render-glyph))
274 cleanup
275 ;; restore all registers
276 (flatten
277 [;; Reset HL to initial data-start value
278 0x21
279 (reverse (disect-bytes-2 data-start))
280 ;;0x23
281 ;; write variables
282 0x7A 0x22 ;; D -> rows -> to RAM
283 0x7B 0x22 ;; E -> columns
284 ])
286 stack-cleanup
287 [0xF1 0xE1 0xD1 0xC1]
288 ]
289 (concat load-data
290 display-glyph
291 cleanup stack-cleanup)))
293 (def main-program-base-address 0xC000)
295 (defn glyph-bootstrap-program
296 [start-address delay-count total-glyph-count]
297 (let [init [0xAF 0x4F 0x47] ;; 0->A; 0->C; 0->B
298 header (concat (frame-metronome) (read-user-input))
300 glyph-display (glyph-display-program
301 (+ (count init)
302 (count header)
303 start-address))
304 ;;(- (count (program-data 0)) 100))
306 state-machine-start-address
307 (+ start-address (count init) (count header) (count glyph-display))
308 state-machine
309 (bootstrap-state-machine state-machine-start-address)
311 return-to-header
312 (flatten
313 [0xC3
314 (reverse (disect-bytes-2
315 (+ (count init) start-address)))])]
316 (concat init header glyph-display state-machine return-to-header)))
320 (defn-memo begin-glyph-bootstrap
321 ([] (begin-glyph-bootstrap (launch-main-bootstrap-program)))
322 ([script]
323 (let [glyph-init (glyph-init-program relocated-bootstrap-start)
324 main-glyph-start (+ relocated-bootstrap-start
325 (count glyph-init))
326 glyph-program (glyph-bootstrap-program
327 main-glyph-start 0 0)]
328 (->> script
329 (do-nothing 2)
330 ;; begin glyph program
331 (write-RAM 0xFF1A [0 0 0]) ;; silence remnant music
333 (write-RAM
334 relocated-bootstrap-start
335 (concat glyph-init glyph-program))
336 (transfer-control relocated-bootstrap-start)
337 (do-nothing 1)
339 ))))
341 (defn write-all-program-data
342 ([] (write-all-program-data (begin-glyph-bootstrap)))
343 ([script]
344 (let [base-address main-program-base-address]
345 (->> script
346 (write-RAM base-address (program-data base-address))))))
348 (defn activate-program
349 ([] (activate-program (write-all-program-data)))
350 ([script]
351 (->> script
352 (transfer-control main-program-base-address)
353 ;;(do-nothing 1800)
354 (do-nothing 50)
355 )))
358 ;; possible screen writing programs
360 ;; (program needs to stop executing at some point)
361 ;; maybe have total length counter or something?
363 ;; automatic counter that reads from program-start and clears the
364 ;; screen every 360 (* 18 20) gliphs
366 ;; advantages -- very simple and low bandwidth
367 ;; disadvantages -- hard to align counter
369 ;; implementation -- refactor main-bootstrap-program to provide a
370 ;; state-machine code-section which can be recombined into another
371 ;; program.