view clojure/com/aurellem/run/image.clj @ 498:554883a95de0

discovered gameboy->vga color map.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:07:01 -0500
parents a6d060a64246
children 8b8053ccb33c
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns
2 (:use ( saves gb-driver util constants
3 items vbm characters money
4 rlm-assembly))
5 (:use ( util music title save-corruption
6 bootstrap-0 bootstrap-1))
7 (:require clojure.string)
8 (:import [ SaveState])
9 (:import
11 ;; want to display an image onto the screen.
12 ;; probably will be the six ponies, possibly with scrolling.
14 ;; probably don't need hi-color mode since the images shuld be
15 ;; simple.
17 ;; use background tiles? they provide greater color depth than
18 ;; sprites, and can still be scrolled, so why not?
20 ;; could also use sprites to get 3 more colors per tile for a total of
21 ;; 7 colors per tile, although not for all tiles...
25 ;; want a function to
27 ;; 1. read an image
28 ;; 2. split into a grid of 8x8 pixels
29 ;; 3. convert all RGB colors to gb-RGB colors
30 ;; 4. determine efficient color palletes for the image
31 ;; 5. output efficient assembly code to draw the image to the gb
32 ;; screen.
46 (def image-program-target 0xB000)
48 (def display-width 160)
49 (def display-height 144)
53 ;{:r :g :b }
55 (def character-data 0x8000)
56 (def character-data-end 0x97FF)
61 (def BG-data-1 0x9800)
63 (def BG-data-2 0x9C00)
65 (def OAM 0xFE00)
69 (def video-bank-select-register 0xFF4F)
71 (defn gb-rgb->bits [[r g b]]
72 (assert (<= 0 r 31))
73 (assert (<= 0 g 31))
74 (assert (<= 0 b 31))
75 [(bit-and
76 0xFF
77 (+
78 r
79 (bit-shift-left g 5)))
80 (+
81 (bit-shift-right g 3)
82 (bit-shift-left b 2))])
85 (def bg-palette-select 0xFF68)
86 (def bg-palette-data 0xFF69)
88 (def obj-palette-select 0xFF6A)
89 (def obj-palette-data 0xFF6B)
91 (def max-palettes 8)
93 (defn write-data [target data]
94 (flatten
95 [0x3E ;; load literal to A
96 data
97 0xEA ;; load A into target
98 (reverse (disect-bytes-2 target))]))
100 (defn begin-sequential-palette-write
101 [palette-num palette-select-address]
102 (assert (<= 0 palette-num max-palettes))
103 (assert
104 (or (= palette-select-address bg-palette-select)
105 (= palette-select-address obj-palette-select)))
106 (let [palette-write-data
107 (Integer/parseInt
108 (str "1" ;; auto increment
109 "0" ;; not used
110 (format
111 "%03d"
112 (Integer/parseInt
113 (Integer/toBinaryString palette-num) 10))
114 "00" ;; color num
115 "0" ;; H/L
116 ) 2)]
117 (write-data palette-select-address palette-write-data)))
119 (defn set-palettes [palette-select palette-data palettes]
120 (assert (<= (count palettes)) max-palettes)
121 (flatten
122 [(begin-sequential-palette-write 0 palette-select)
123 (map (partial write-data palette-data)
124 (flatten (map gb-rgb->bits palettes)))]))
126 (defn display-one-color
127 "Displayes a single color onto the gameboy screen. input rgb in
128 gameboy rgb."
129 ([state [r g b]]
130 ;; construct a kernel that displays a single color
131 (let
132 [palettes (repeat 8 [r g b])
133 kernel-address 0xC000
134 kernel
135 [0xF3 ;; disable interrupts
136 (clear-music-registers)
137 (frame-metronome)
138 (set-palettes obj-palette-select obj-palette-data palettes)
139 (set-palettes bg-palette-select bg-palette-data palettes)
140 (infinite-loop)]]
141 (-> (set-memory-range state
142 kernel-address (flatten kernel))
143 (PC! kernel-address))))
144 ([[r g b]]
145 (display-one-color @current-state [r g b])))
147 (require 'cortex.sense)
148 (import java.awt.image.BufferedImage)
150 (defn show-screenshot []
151 (let [im (BufferedImage. 160 144 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)
152 pix (vec (pixels))
153 view (cortex.sense/view-image)]
154 (dorun (for [x (range 160) y (range 144)]
155 (.setRGB im x y (pix (+ x (* 160 y))))))
156 (view im)))
158 (defn-memo gb-rgb->vga-rgb [[r g b]]
159 (let [vga-rgb
160 (first (pixels
161 (run-moves
162 (display-one-color
163 (tick @current-state)
164 [r g b])
165 [[][]])))]
166 [(bit-shift-right (bit-and vga-rgb 0xFF0000) 16)
167 (bit-shift-right (bit-and vga-rgb 0xFF00) 8)
168 (bit-and vga-rgb 0xFF)]))
170 (defn generate-gb-color-map []
171 (set-state! (mid-game))
172 (let [gb-colors
173 (for [r (range 32)
174 g (range 32)
175 b (range 32)]
176 [r g b])]
177 (zipmap gb-colors
178 (map gb-rgb->vga-rgb
179 gb-colors))))
181 (import
183 (def gb-color-map-file
184 (File. user-home "proj/vba-clojure/gb-color-map"))
186 (defn write-gb-color-map! []
187 (binding [*out*(FileWriter. gb-color-map-file)]
188 (let [out-str
189 (.replace
190 (str
191 (into (sorted-map) (generate-gb-color-map)))
192 "," ",\n")]
193 (println out-str))))
195 (defn-memo gb-color-map []
196 (read-string (slurp gb-color-map-file)))