view clojure/com/aurellem/gb/pokemon.clj @ 204:43bb461a7419

constructing default types....
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Fri, 23 Mar 2012 04:19:38 -0500
parents 85a2c2e2d318
children 32ac21c9a30d
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns
2 (:use ( gb-driver util constants characters
3 moves types items status dv species
4 experience stats
5 ))
6 (:import [ SaveState]))
8 (def pokemon-names-start 0xD2B4)
10 (defn set-party-number
11 ([^SaveState state new-party-num]
12 (set-memory state 0xD162 new-party-num))
13 ([new-party-num]
14 (set-party-number @current-state new-party-num)))
16 (def party-number-address 0xD162)
18 (defn party-number
19 ([^SaveState state]
20 (aget (memory state) party-number-address))
21 ([] (party-number @current-state)))
23 (defn party-names
24 ([^SaveState state]
25 (let [raw-names
26 (subvec (vec (memory state))
27 pokemon-names-start
28 (+ pokemon-names-start
29 (* name-width 6)))]
30 (map
31 read-name
32 (take
33 (party-number state)
34 (partition name-width
35 raw-names)))))
36 ([] (party-names @current-state)))
38 (defn pokemon-nickname
39 ([^SaveState state poke-num]
40 (nth (party-names state) poke-num))
41 ([poke-num]
42 (pokemon-nickname @current-state poke-num)))
44 (defn rename-pokemon
45 ([^SaveState state n new-name]
46 (assert (<= 0 n (dec (party-number state))))
47 (assert (<= (count new-name) max-name-length))
48 (set-memory-range
49 state
50 (+ (* n name-width) pokemon-names-start)
51 (concat (str->character-codes new-name) [end-of-name-marker])))
52 ([n new-name]
53 (rename-pokemon @current-state n new-name)))
55 (def OT-start 0xD272)
57 (defn original-trainers
58 ([^SaveState state]
59 (let [raw-names
60 (subvec (vec (memory state))
61 OT-start
62 (+ OT-start
63 (* name-width 6)))]
64 (map read-name
65 (take (party-number state)
66 (partition name-width raw-names)))))
67 ([] (original-trainers @current-state)))
69 (defn read-OT-name
70 ([^SaveState state poke-num]
71 (nth (original-trainers state) poke-num))
72 ([poke-num] (read-OT @current-state poke-num)))
74 (defn set-OT-name
75 "Set the OT name for a pokemon.
76 Note that a pokemon is still considered 'yours' if
77 the OT ID is the same as your own."
78 ([^SaveState state poke-num new-name]
79 (assert (<= 0 poke-num (dec (party-number state))))
80 (assert (<= (count new-name) max-name-length))
81 (set-memory-range
82 state
83 (+ (* poke-num name-width) OT-start)
84 (concat (str->character-codes new-name) [end-of-name-marker])))
85 ([n new-name]
86 (set-original-trainer @current-state n new-name)))
88 (def OT-ID-addresses [0xD176 0xD1A2 0xD1CE 0xD1FA 0xD226 0xD252])
90 (defn read-OT-id
91 ([^SaveState state poke-num]
92 (let [mem (memory state)
93 start (OT-ID-addresses poke-num)]
94 (glue-bytes
95 (aget mem start)
96 (aget mem (inc start)))))
97 ([poke-num] (read-OT-id @current-state poke-num)))
99 (defn set-OT-id
100 ([^SaveState state poke-num new-OT-num]
101 (assert (<= 0 poke-num 5))
102 (assert (<= 0 new-OT-num 0xFFFF))
103 (set-memory-range
104 state
105 (OT-ID-addresses poke-num)
106 (disect-bytes-2 new-OT-num)))
107 ([poke-num new-OT-num]
108 (set-pokemon-id @current-state poke-num new-OT-num)))
110 (def unknown "[[[UNKNOWN]]]")
112 (def unknown "")
114 (def pokemon-1-record
115 {0xD16A "Color Map" ;; 0
116 0xD16B "Current-HP (h)" ;; 1
117 0xD16C "Current-HP (l)" ;; 2
118 0XD16D "Unused" ;; 3
119 0xD16E "Status" ;; 4
120 0xD16F "Type 1" ;; 5
121 0xD170 "Type 2" ;; 6
122 0xD171 "scratch/C.R." ;; 7
123 0xD172 "Move 1 ID" ;; 8
124 0xD173 "Move 2 ID" ;; 9
125 0xD174 "Move 3 ID" ;; 10
126 0xD175 "Move 4 ID" ;; 11
127 0xD176 "OT-ID (h)" ;; 12
128 0xD177 "OT-ID (l)" ;; 13
129 0xD178 "Exp. Points (h)" ;; 14
130 0xD179 "Exp. Points (m)" ;; 15
131 0xD17A "Exp. Points (l)" ;; 16
132 0xD17B "HP Exp. (h)" ;; 17
133 0xD17C "HP Exp. (l)" ;; 18
134 0xD17D "Attack Exp. (h)" ;; 19
135 0xD17E "Attack Exp. (l)" ;; 20
136 0xD17F "Defense Exp. (h)" ;; 21
137 0xD180 "Defense Exp. (l)" ;; 22
138 0xD181 "Speed Exp. (h)" ;; 23
139 0xD182 "Speed Exp. (l)" ;; 24
140 0xD183 "Special Exp. (h)" ;; 25
141 0xD184 "Special Exp. (l)" ;; 26
142 0xD185 "DV Atk/Def" ;; 27
143 0xD186 "DV Speed/Spc" ;; 28
144 0xD187 "PP Move 1" ;; 29
145 0xD188 "PP Move 2" ;; 30
146 0xD189 "PP Move 3" ;; 31
147 0xD18A "PP Move 4" ;; 32
148 0xD18B "Current Level" ;; 33
149 0xD18C "HP Total (h)" ;; 34
150 0xD18D "HP Total (l)" ;; 35
151 0xD18E "Attack (h)" ;; 36
152 0xD18F "Attack (l)" ;; 37
153 0xD190 "Defense (h)" ;; 38
154 0xD191 "Defense (l)" ;; 39
155 0xD192 "Speed (h)" ;; 40
156 0xD193 "Speed (l)" ;; 41
157 0xD194 "Special (h)" ;; 42
158 0xD195 "Special (l)" ;; 43
159 })
161 (defn pokemon-record
162 ([^SaveState state pokemon-num]
163 (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5))
164 (let [base (+ (* pokemon-num pokemon-record-width) 0xD16A)]
165 (subvec (vec (memory state)) base
166 (+ base pokemon-record-width))))
167 ([pokemon-num] (pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num)))
169 (defn set-pokemon-record
170 ([^SaveState state pokemon-num new-data]
171 (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5))
172 (let [base (+ (* pokemon-num pokemon-record-width) 0xD16A)]
173 (set-memory-range state base new-data)))
174 ([pokemon-num new-data]
175 (set-pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num new-data)))
177 (defn print-pokemon-record
178 ([^SaveState state pokemon-num]
179 (assert (<= 0 pokemon-num 5))
180 (let [poke-data (pokemon-record state pokemon-num)
181 backbone (sort (keys pokemon-1-record))]
182 (println "Pokemon " pokemon-num " -- "
183 (nth (party-names state)
184 pokemon-num) \newline)
186 (println " Desc. | Hex | Dec | Binary |")
187 (println "-------------------+------+-----+----------+")
188 (dorun
189 (map
190 (comp println
191 (fn [desc data]
192 (format "%-16s | 0x%02X | %3d | %s |"
193 desc data data
194 (let [s (Integer/toBinaryString data)]
195 (apply
196 str
197 (concat (repeat (- 8 (count s)) "0" )
198 s))))))
199 (map pokemon-1-record backbone)
200 poke-data))))
201 ([pokemon-num]
202 (print-pokemon-record @current-state pokemon-num)))
204 (def mint-berry-item-code-gsc 0x54)
206 (defn pokemon-info
207 ([^SaveState state poke-num]
208 (assert (<= 0 poke-num 5))
209 (let [dv-values (read-DV state poke-num)
210 type (read-type state poke-num)
211 species (read-species state poke-num)
212 species2 (read-species2 state poke-num)
213 moves (read-moves state poke-num)
214 moves-pp (mapv (partial read-pp state
215 poke-num)
216 (range (count moves)))
217 nickname (pokemon-nickname state poke-num)
218 status (read-status state poke-num)
219 stats (read-stats state poke-num)
220 experience (read-experience state poke-num)
221 OT-name (read-OT-name state poke-num)
222 ID (read-OT-id state poke-num)]
223 {;; persistent
224 :name nickname
225 :species species
226 :species2 species2
227 :type type
228 :dv dv-values
229 :original-trainer OT-name
230 :ID ID
231 :moves (mapv vector moves moves-pp)
233 ;; ephemerial
234 :status status
235 :stats stats
236 :experience experience
237 }))
238 ([poke-num]
239 (pokemon-info @current-state poke-num)))
241 (def status-message
242 {:sleep-6 "sleeping. It will wake in six turns."
243 :sleep-5 "sleeping. It will wake in five turns."
244 :sleep-4 "sleeping. It will wake in four turns."
245 :sleep-3 "sleeping. It will wake in three turns."
246 :sleep-2 "sleeping. It will wake in two turns."
247 :sleep-1 "sleeping. It will wake in one turn."
248 :poisoned "poisoned."
249 :frozen "frozen solid."
250 :burned "burned."
251 :paralyzed "paralyzed."})
254 (defn print-pokemon
255 ([^SaveState state poke-num]
256 (let [info (pokemon-info state poke-num)]
257 (printf
258 (str
259 "##################################"
260 "##################################\n"
261 "# "
262 " #\n"
263 "# %-44s"
264 "%-20s#\n"
265 "# "
266 " #\n"
267 "##################################"
268 "##################################\n\n")
270 (str
271 (:name info)
272 (str
273 " [" (.toUpperCase
274 (.substring (str (:species info)) 1)) "]")
275 (str " Lvl." (format "%-3d" (:level (:stats info)))))
276 (str (:original-trainer info) " / " (:ID info)))
278 (println
279 (str
280 (str "-----------------------------------"
281 "---------------------------------\n" )
282 (str "| Stats | HP | Attack "
283 "| Defense | Speed | Special |\n")
284 (str "+-----------+----------+----------"
285 "+----------+----------+----------+")))
287 (printf
288 (str "|%-11s| %5d | %5d "
289 "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n")
290 "DV Values" (:hp (:dv info)) (:attack (:dv info))
291 (:defense (:dv info)) (:speed (:dv info))
292 (:special (:dv info)))
294 (let [c (:stats info)]
295 (printf
296 (str "|%-11s|%8s | %5d "
297 "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n")
298 "Current" (str (:current-hp c) "/" (:hp c)) (:attack c)
299 (:defense c) (:speed c)
300 (:special c)))
302 (let [e (:experience info)]
303 (printf
304 (str "|%-11s| %5d | %5d "
305 "| %5d | %5d | %5d |\n")
306 "Experience" (:hp-exp e) (:attack-exp e)
307 (:defense-exp e) (:speed-exp e)
308 (:special-exp e)))
309 (println
310 (str "+-----------+----------+----------"
311 "+----------+----------+----------+"))
313 (print "\n")
314 (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+")
315 (println "| Move | PP | Max PP | PP UPs |")
316 (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+")
318 (dorun
319 (for [[name {:keys [pp-ups current-pp]}] (:moves info)]
320 (printf
321 "| %-17s| %2d | %02d | %02d |\n"
322 (.substring (str name) 1)
323 current-pp (max-pp name pp-ups) pp-ups)))
325 (println "+------------------+----+--------+--------+\n")
327 (println "Total Experience:" (:main-exp (:experience info)))
328 (if (not= :normal (:status info))
329 (println "\n* This pokemon is currently"
330 (status-message (:status info))))
331 (if (not= (:species info) (:species2 info))
332 (println "\n* This pokemon has a secondary species"
333 (str
334 "("
335 (.substring (str (:species2 info)) 1) ")\n")
336 " that does not match its primary species."))))
337 ([poke-num]
338 (print-pokemon @current-state poke-num)))
340 (defn print-team []
341 (dorun (map print-pokemon (range (party-number)))))
344 (defn give-status-all
345 ([^SaveState state status]
346 (reduce (fn [state num]
347 (give-status state num status))
348 state
349 (range (party-number state))))
350 ([status]
351 (give-status-all @current-state status)))
354 (def pokemon-base
355 {:dv {:attack 15 :hp 15 :defense 15
356 :special 15 :speed 15}
357 :species :ditto
358 :original-trainer "RLM"
359 :ID 5195
360 :status :normal
361 :experience
362 {:main-exp 500
363 :attack-exp 0xFF
364 :defense-exp 0xFF
365 :speed-exp 0xFF
366 :special-exp 0xFF
367 :hp-exp 0xFF}
369 :stats
370 ;; TODO recalculate these from a real ditto
371 {:level 7
372 :current-hp 50
373 :hp 50
374 :attack 50
375 :defense 50
376 :speed 50
377 :special 50}
380 :moves [[:transform {:pp-up 3 :pp 5}]]})
382 (defn expand-pokemon
383 "Given a map describing a pokemon, fill in any missing
384 values based on the ones already present."
385 [pokemon]
386 (-> (merge pokemon-base pokemon)
387 ;; if no nickname is supplied, default to the
388 ;; uppercase name of the species, as r/b/y do
389 ;; when a pokemon is captured.
390 ((fn [pokemon]
391 (if (nil? (:name pokemon))
392 (assoc pokemon :name (.toUpperCase
393 (.substring
394 (str (:species pokemon)) 1)))
395 pokemon)))
396 ;; species2 should almost always just be the
397 ;; same as species.
398 ((fn [pokemon]
399 (if (nil? (:species2 pokemon))
400 (assoc pokemon :species2 (:species pokemon)))))
402 ;; enable the date in :moves to be any combo of
403 ;; [:move-1 :move-2]
404 ;; [[:move-1 {:pp 20}] :move-2]
405 ;; [[:move-1 {:pp 20 :pp-up 3}] :move-2]
406 ;; default to full pp for the move, with no
407 ;; pp-ups.
408 ((fn [pokemon]
409 (let [moves (:moves pokemon)]
410 (assoc pokemon :moves
411 (for [move moves]
412 (cond
413 (keyword? move)
414 [move {:pp (max-pp move) :pp-up 0}]
415 (vector? move)
416 [(first move)
417 (merge {:pp (max-pp (first move))
418 :pp-up 0} (second move))]))))))
423 ))