view clojure/com/aurellem/assembly.clj @ 115:39fb0cbab25e

working on preliminary bootstrap code
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Fri, 16 Mar 2012 16:52:29 -0500
parents a454730d92dd
children e45031af5327
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns com.aurellem.assembly
2 (:use (com.aurellem gb-driver vbm title items))
3 (:import [com.aurellem.gb_driver SaveState]))
5 (defn mid-game []
6 (read-state "mid-game"))
8 (defn inject-assembly
9 ([^SaveState state
10 program-counter registers
11 assembly-code]
12 (let [scratch-memory (memory state)]
13 ;; inject assembly code
14 (dorun (map (fn [index val]
15 (aset scratch-memory index val))
16 (range program-counter
17 (+ program-counter (count assembly-code)))
18 assembly-code))
19 (-> state
20 (write-memory! scratch-memory)
21 (write-registers! registers)
22 (PC! program-counter)))))
24 (defn inject-item-assembly
25 ([^SaveState state assembly-code]
26 (inject-assembly state (inc item-list-start)
27 (registers state)
28 assembly-code))
29 ([assembly-code]
30 (inject-item-assembly @current-state assembly-code)))
32 (defn info
33 ([^SaveState state]
34 (println (format "PC: 0x%04X" (PC state)))
35 (println "Instruction:"
36 (format "0x%02X" (aget (memory state) (PC state))))
37 state))
39 (defn print-interrupt
40 [^SaveState state]
41 (println (format "IE: %d" (IE state)))
42 state)
44 (defn run-assembly
45 ([info-fn assembly n]
46 (let [final-state
47 (reduce (fn [state _]
48 (tick (info-fn state)))
49 (inject-item-assembly
50 (mid-game) assembly)
51 (range n))]
52 final-state))
53 ([assembly n]
54 (run-assembly info assembly n)))
56 (def buttons-port 0xFF00)
58 (defn A [state]
59 (bit-shift-right (bit-and 0x0000FF00 (AF state)) 8))
61 (defn binary-str [num]
62 (format "%08d"
63 (Integer/parseInt
64 (Integer/toBinaryString num) 10)))
66 (defn view-register [state name reg-fn]
67 (println (format "%s: %s" name
68 (binary-str (reg-fn state))))
69 state)
72 (defn view-memory [state mem]
73 (println (format "mem 0x%04X = %s" mem
74 (binary-str (aget (memory state) mem))))
75 state)
77 (defn read-down-button []
78 (-> (tick (mid-game))
79 (IE! 0) ; disable interrupts
80 (inject-item-assembly
81 (concat
82 ;; write 00010000 to 0xFF00 to select joypad
83 [0x18 ;D31D ; jump over
84 0x01 ;D31E ; the next 8 bits
85 ;D31F
86 (Integer/parseInt "00100000" 2) ; data section
88 0xFA ;D320 ; load (D31F) into A
89 0x1F ;D321 -->
90 0xD3 ;D322 --> D31F
92 0xEA ;D323 ; load (A), which is
93 0x00 ;D324 --> ; 00010000, into FF00
94 0xFF ;D325 --> FF00
96 0x18 ;D326 ; this is the place where
97 0x01 ;D327 ; we will store whether
98 0x00 ;D328 ; "down" is pressed.
100 0xFA ;D329 ; (FF00) -> A
101 0x00 ;D32A
102 0xFF ;D32B
104 0xCB ;D32C ; Test whether "down"
105 0x5F ;D32D ; is pressed.
107 0x28 ;D32E ; if down is pressed,
108 0x03 ;D32F ; skip the next section
109 ; of code.
110 ;; down-is-not-pressed
111 0xC3 ;D330
112 0x1D ;D331 ; return to beginning
113 0xD3 ;D332
115 ;; down-is-pressed
116 0xEA ;D334 ; write A to D328 if
117 0x28 ;D335 ; "down" was pressed
118 0xD3 ;D336
120 0xC3 ;D330
121 0x1D ;D331 ; return to beginning
122 0xD3 ;D332
123 ]
125 []))))
130 (defn count-frames []
131 (-> (tick (mid-game))
132 (IE! 0) ; disable interrupts
133 (inject-item-assembly
134 [0x18 ;D31D ; jump over
135 0x02 ;D31E ; the next 2 bytes
136 0x00 ;D31F ; frame-count
137 0x00 ;D320 ; v-blank-prev
139 0xFA ;D321
140 0x41 ;D322 ; load (FF41) into A
141 0xFF ;D323 ; this contains mode flags
143 ;; if we're in v-blank, the bit-1 is 0
144 ;; and bit-2 is 1 Otherwise, it is not v-blank.
145 0xCB ;D324 ; test bit-1 of A
146 0x4F ;D325
148 0xC2 ;D326 ; if bit-1 is not 0
149 0x44 ;D327 ; GOTO not-v-blank
150 0xD3 ;D328
152 0xCB ;D329 ; test bit-0 of A
153 0x47 ;D32A
155 0xCA ;D32B ; if bit-0 is not 1
156 0x44 ;D32C ; GOTO not-v-blank
157 0xD3 ;D32D
159 ;;; in v-blank mode
161 ;; if v-blank-prev was 0,
162 ;; increment frame-count
164 0xFA ;D32E ; load v-blank-prev to A
165 0x20 ;D32F
166 0xD3 ;D330
168 0xCB ;D331
169 0x47 ;D332 ; test bit-0 of A
171 0x20 ;D333 ; skip next section
172 0x07 ;D334 ; if v-blank-prev was not zero
174 ;; v-blank was 0, increment frame-count
175 0xFA ;D335 ; load frame-count into A
176 0x1F ;D336
177 0xD3 ;D337
179 0x3C ;D338 ; inc A
181 0xEA ;D339 ; load A into frame-count
182 0x1F ;D33A
183 0xD3 ;D33B
185 ;; set v-blank-prev to 1
186 0x3E ;D33C ; load 1 into A
187 0x01 ;D33D
189 0xEA ;D33E ; load A into v-blank-prev
190 0x20 ;D33F
191 0xD3 ;D340
193 0xC3 ;D341 ; return to beginning
194 0x1D ;D342
195 0xD3 ;D343
197 ;;; not in v-blank mode
198 ;; set v-blank-prev to 0
199 0x3E ;D344 ; load 0 into A
200 0x00 ;D345
202 0xEA ;D346 ; load A into v-blank-prev
203 0x20 ;D347
204 0xD3 ;D348
206 0xC3 ;D349 ; return to beginning
207 0x1D ;D34A
208 0xD3 ;D34B
210 ])))
212 (defn step-count-frames []
213 (-> (read-down-button)
214 (info)
215 (tick) ;; skip over data section
216 (info)
217 (view-register "Register A" A)
218 (tick) ;; load-data into A
219 (view-register "Register A" A)
220 (info)
221 (view-memory 0xFF00)
222 (tick) ;; load A into 0xFF00
223 (view-memory 0xFF00)
224 (info)
225 (tick)
226 (info)
227 (tick)
228 (info)
229 (tick)
230 (info)
231 (tick)
232 (info)
233 (tick)
234 (info)
235 (tick)
236 (print-inventory)))
238 ;;(defn test-read-down []
239 ;; (= (view-memory (step (step (read-buttons) [:d])) 0xD328)
240 ;; (view-memory (step (step (read-buttons))) 0xD328)))
242 (defn test-count-frames []
243 (= 255 (aget (memory ((apply comp (repeat 255 step))
244 (count-frames)))
245 0xD31F)))
248 (defn trace [state]
249 (loop [program-counters []
250 opcodes []]
251 (let [frame-boundary?
252 (]
253 (println (count opcodes))
254 (if frame-boundary?
255 [program-counters opcodes]
256 (recur
257 (conj program-counters
258 (first (registers @current-state)))
259 (conj opcodes
260 (aget (memory @current-state)
261 (PC @current-state))))))))
263 (defn good-trace []
264 (-> (mid-game) (tick) (IE! 0)
265 (set-inv-mem [0x00 0x00 0X00 0x00])
266 (PC! item-list-start)(print-interrupt)
267 (info) (tick) (info) (tick) (info)))
269 ;; specs for main bootstrap program
270 ;; starts in "mode-select" mode
271 ;; Each button press takes place in a single frame.
272 ;; mode-select-mode takes one of the main buttons
273 ;; which selects one of up to eight modes
274 ;; mode 1 activated by the "A" button
275 ;; the next two button presses indicates the start
276 ;; memory location which to which the bootstrap
277 ;; program will write.
278 ;; This is done by using each of the eight buttons to
279 ;; spell out an 8 bit number. The order of buttons is
280 ;; ["A" "B" "start" "select" "up" "right" "down" "left"],
281 ;; [:a :start :l] --> 10100001
283 ;; the next button press determines how many bytes are to be
284 ;; written, starting at the start position.
286 ;; then, the actual bytes are entered and are written to the
287 ;; start address in sequence.
291 (defn input-number []
292 (-> (tick (mid-game))
293 (IE! 0) ; disable interrupts
294 (inject-item-assembly
295 [0x18 ;D31D ; jump over
296 0x02 ;D31E ; the next 2 bytes
297 0x00 ;D31F ; frame-count
298 0x00 ;D320 ; v-blank-prev
300 0xFA ;D321
301 0x41 ;D322 ; load (FF41) into A
302 0xFF ;D323 ; this contains mode flags
304 ;; if we're in v-blank, the bit-1 is 0
305 ;; and bit-2 is 1 Otherwise, it is not v-blank.
306 0xCB ;D324 ; test bit-1 of A
307 0x4F ;D325
309 0xC2 ;D326 ; if bit-1 is not 0
310 0x44 ;D327 ; GOTO not-v-blank
311 0xD3 ;D328
313 0xCB ;D329 ; test bit-0 of A
314 0x47 ;D32A
316 0xCA ;D32B ; if bit-0 is not 1
317 0x44 ;D32C ; GOTO not-v-blank
318 0xD3 ;D32D
320 ;;; in v-blank mode
322 ;; if v-blank-prev was 0,
323 ;; increment frame-count
325 0xFA ;D32E ; load v-blank-prev to A
326 0x20 ;D32F
327 0xD3 ;D330
329 0xCB ;D331
330 0x47 ;D332 ; test bit-0 of A
332 0x20 ;D333 ; skip next section
333 0x07 ;D334 ; if v-blank-prev was not zero
335 ;; v-blank was 0, increment frame-count
336 0xFA ;D335 ; load frame-count into A
337 0x1F ;D336
338 0xD3 ;D337
340 0x3C ;D338 ; inc A
342 0xEA ;D339 ; load A into frame-count
343 0x1F ;D33A
344 0xD3 ;D33B
346 ;; set v-blank-prev to 1
347 0x3E ;D33C ; load 1 into A
348 0x01 ;D33D
350 0xEA ;D33E ; load A into v-blank-prev
351 0x20 ;D33F
352 0xD3 ;D340
354 0xC3 ;D341 ; GOTO input handling code
355 0x4E ;D342
356 0xD3 ;D343
358 ;;; not in v-blank mode
359 ;; set v-blank-prev to 0
360 0x3E ;D344 ; load 0 into A
361 0x00 ;D345
363 0xEA ;D346 ; load A into v-blank-prev
364 0x20 ;D347
365 0xD3 ;D348
367 0xC3 ;D349 ; return to beginning
368 0x1D ;D34A
369 0xD3 ;D34B
371 0x00 ;D34C ; these are here
372 0x00 ;D34D ; for glue
375 ;;; calculate input number based on button presses
376 0x18 ;D34E ; skip next 3 bytes
377 0x03 ;D34F
378 ;D350
379 (Integer/parseInt "00100000" 2) ; select directional pad
380 ;D351
381 (Integer/parseInt "00010000" 2) ; select buttons
382 0x00 ;D352 ; input-number
384 ;; select directional pad, store low bits in B
386 0xFA ;D353 ; load (D350) into A
387 0x50 ;D354 -->
388 0xD3 ;D355 --> D31F
390 0xEA ;D356 ; load (A), which is
391 0x00 ;D357 --> ; 00010000, into FF00
392 0xFF ;D358 --> FF00
394 0x06 ;D359
395 ;D35A
396 (Integer/parseInt "11110000") ; "11110000" -> B
397 0xFA ;D35B ; (FF00) -> A
398 0x00 ;D35C
399 0xFF ;D35D
401 0xCB ;D35E ; swap nybbles on A
402 0x37 ;D35F
403 0xA0 ;D360 ; (AND A B) -> A
404 0x47 ;D361 ; A -> B
406 ;; select buttons store bottom bits in C
408 0xFA ; ; load (D351) into A
409 0x51 ; -->
410 0xD3 ; --> D31F
412 0xEA ; ; load (A), which is
413 0x00 ; --> ; 00001000, into FF00
414 0xFF ; --> FF00
416 0x0E ;
417 (Integer/parseInt "00001111") ; "00001111" -> C
419 0xFA ; ; (FF00) -> A
420 0x00 ;
421 0xFF ;
423 0xA1 ; ; (AND A C) -> A
424 0x4F ; ; A -> C
427 ;; combine the B and C registers into the input number
428 0x79 ; ; C -> A
429 0xB0 ; ; (OR A B) -> A
430 0x2F ; ; negate A
432 0xEA ; ; store A into input-number
433 0x52 ;
434 0xD3 ;
436 0xC3 ; ; return to beginning
437 0x1D ;
438 0xD3 ;
439 ])))
444 (defn print-listing [state begin end]
445 (dorun (map
446 (fn [opcode line]
447 (println (format "0x%04X: 0x%02X" line opcode)))
448 (subvec (vec (memory state)) begin end)
449 (range begin end))))