diff src/win32/7zip/7z/CPP/Windows/FileIO.cpp @ 1:f9f4f1b99eed

importing src directory
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Sat, 03 Mar 2012 10:31:27 -0600 (2012-03-03)
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/win32/7zip/7z/CPP/Windows/FileIO.cpp	Sat Mar 03 10:31:27 2012 -0600
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
     1.4 +// Windows/FileIO.cpp
     1.5 +
     1.6 +#include "StdAfx.h"
     1.7 +
     1.8 +#include "FileIO.h"
     1.9 +#include "Defs.h"
    1.10 +#ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
    1.11 +#include "../Common/MyString.h"
    1.12 +#endif
    1.13 +#ifndef _UNICODE
    1.14 +#include "../Common/StringConvert.h"
    1.15 +#endif
    1.16 +
    1.17 +#ifndef _UNICODE
    1.18 +extern bool g_IsNT;
    1.19 +#endif
    1.20 +
    1.21 +namespace NWindows {
    1.22 +namespace NFile {
    1.23 +
    1.24 +#if defined(WIN_LONG_PATH) && defined(_UNICODE)
    1.25 +#define WIN_LONG_PATH2
    1.26 +#endif
    1.27 +
    1.28 +#ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
    1.29 +bool GetLongPathBase(LPCWSTR s, UString &res)
    1.30 +{
    1.31 +  res.Empty();
    1.32 +  int len = MyStringLen(s);
    1.33 +  wchar_t c = s[0];
    1.34 +  if (len < 1 || c == L'\\' || c == L'.' && (len == 1 || len == 2 && s[1] == L'.'))
    1.35 +    return true;
    1.36 +  UString curDir;
    1.37 +  bool isAbs = false;
    1.38 +  if (len > 3)
    1.39 +    isAbs = (s[1] == L':' && s[2] == L'\\' && (c >= L'a' && c <= L'z' || c >= L'A' && c <= L'Z'));
    1.40 +
    1.41 +  if (!isAbs)
    1.42 +    {
    1.43 +      DWORD needLength = ::GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH + 1, curDir.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH + 1));
    1.44 +      curDir.ReleaseBuffer();
    1.45 +      if (needLength == 0 || needLength > MAX_PATH)
    1.46 +        return false;
    1.47 +      if (curDir[curDir.Length() - 1] != L'\\')
    1.48 +        curDir += L'\\';
    1.49 +    }
    1.50 +  res = UString(L"\\\\?\\") + curDir + s;
    1.51 +  return true;
    1.52 +}
    1.53 +
    1.54 +bool GetLongPath(LPCWSTR path, UString &longPath)
    1.55 +{
    1.56 +  if (GetLongPathBase(path, longPath))
    1.57 +    return !longPath.IsEmpty();
    1.58 +  return false;
    1.59 +}
    1.60 +#endif
    1.61 +
    1.62 +namespace NIO {
    1.63 +
    1.64 +CFileBase::~CFileBase() { Close(); }
    1.65 +
    1.66 +bool CFileBase::Create(LPCTSTR fileName, DWORD desiredAccess,
    1.67 +    DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
    1.68 +{
    1.69 +  if (!Close())
    1.70 +    return false;
    1.71 +  _handle = ::CreateFile(fileName, desiredAccess, shareMode,
    1.72 +      (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, creationDisposition,
    1.73 +      flagsAndAttributes, (HANDLE)NULL);
    1.74 +  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH2
    1.75 +  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    1.76 +  {
    1.77 +    UString longPath;
    1.78 +    if (GetLongPath(fileName, longPath))
    1.79 +      _handle = ::CreateFileW(longPath, desiredAccess, shareMode,
    1.80 +        (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, creationDisposition,
    1.81 +        flagsAndAttributes, (HANDLE)NULL);
    1.82 +  }
    1.83 +  #endif
    1.84 +  return (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
    1.85 +}
    1.86 +
    1.87 +#ifndef _UNICODE
    1.88 +bool CFileBase::Create(LPCWSTR fileName, DWORD desiredAccess,
    1.89 +    DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
    1.90 +{
    1.91 +  if (!g_IsNT)
    1.92 +    return Create(UnicodeStringToMultiByte(fileName, ::AreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP),
    1.93 +      desiredAccess, shareMode, creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes);
    1.94 +  if (!Close())
    1.95 +    return false;
    1.96 +  _handle = ::CreateFileW(fileName, desiredAccess, shareMode,
    1.97 +    (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, creationDisposition,
    1.98 +    flagsAndAttributes, (HANDLE)NULL);
    1.99 +  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
   1.100 +  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   1.101 +  {
   1.102 +    UString longPath;
   1.103 +    if (GetLongPath(fileName, longPath))
   1.104 +      _handle = ::CreateFileW(longPath, desiredAccess, shareMode,
   1.105 +        (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, creationDisposition,
   1.106 +        flagsAndAttributes, (HANDLE)NULL);
   1.107 +  }
   1.108 +  #endif
   1.109 +  return (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
   1.110 +}
   1.111 +#endif
   1.112 +
   1.113 +bool CFileBase::Close()
   1.114 +{
   1.115 +  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   1.116 +    return true;
   1.117 +  if (!::CloseHandle(_handle))
   1.118 +    return false;
   1.119 +  _handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
   1.120 +  return true;
   1.121 +}
   1.122 +
   1.123 +bool CFileBase::GetPosition(UInt64 &position) const
   1.124 +{
   1.125 +  return Seek(0, FILE_CURRENT, position);
   1.126 +}
   1.127 +
   1.128 +bool CFileBase::GetLength(UInt64 &length) const
   1.129 +{
   1.130 +  DWORD sizeHigh;
   1.131 +  DWORD sizeLow = ::GetFileSize(_handle, &sizeHigh);
   1.132 +  if (sizeLow == 0xFFFFFFFF)
   1.133 +    if (::GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
   1.134 +      return false;
   1.135 +  length = (((UInt64)sizeHigh) << 32) + sizeLow;
   1.136 +  return true;
   1.137 +}
   1.138 +
   1.139 +bool CFileBase::Seek(Int64 distanceToMove, DWORD moveMethod, UInt64 &newPosition) const
   1.140 +{
   1.141 +  LARGE_INTEGER value;
   1.142 +  value.QuadPart = distanceToMove;
   1.143 +  value.LowPart = ::SetFilePointer(_handle, value.LowPart, &value.HighPart, moveMethod);
   1.144 +  if (value.LowPart == 0xFFFFFFFF)
   1.145 +    if (::GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)
   1.146 +      return false;
   1.147 +  newPosition = value.QuadPart;
   1.148 +  return true;
   1.149 +}
   1.150 +
   1.151 +bool CFileBase::Seek(UInt64 position, UInt64 &newPosition)
   1.152 +{
   1.153 +  return Seek(position, FILE_BEGIN, newPosition);
   1.154 +}
   1.155 +
   1.156 +bool CFileBase::SeekToBegin()
   1.157 +{
   1.158 +  UInt64 newPosition;
   1.159 +  return Seek(0, newPosition);
   1.160 +}
   1.161 +
   1.162 +bool CFileBase::SeekToEnd(UInt64 &newPosition)
   1.163 +{
   1.164 +  return Seek(0, FILE_END, newPosition);
   1.165 +}
   1.166 +
   1.167 +bool CFileBase::GetFileInformation(CByHandleFileInfo &fileInfo) const
   1.168 +{
   1.169 +  BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION winFileInfo;
   1.170 +  if (!::GetFileInformationByHandle(_handle, &winFileInfo))
   1.171 +    return false;
   1.172 +  fileInfo.Attributes = winFileInfo.dwFileAttributes;
   1.173 +  fileInfo.CTime = winFileInfo.ftCreationTime;
   1.174 +  fileInfo.ATime = winFileInfo.ftLastAccessTime;
   1.175 +  fileInfo.MTime = winFileInfo.ftLastWriteTime;
   1.176 +  fileInfo.VolumeSerialNumber = winFileInfo.dwFileAttributes;
   1.177 +  fileInfo.Size = (((UInt64)winFileInfo.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) +  winFileInfo.nFileSizeLow;
   1.178 +  fileInfo.NumberOfLinks = winFileInfo.nNumberOfLinks;
   1.179 +  fileInfo.FileIndex = (((UInt64)winFileInfo.nFileIndexHigh) << 32) + winFileInfo.nFileIndexLow;
   1.180 +  return true;
   1.181 +}
   1.182 +
   1.183 +/////////////////////////
   1.184 +// CInFile
   1.185 +
   1.186 +bool CInFile::Open(LPCTSTR fileName, DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
   1.187 +  { return Create(fileName, GENERIC_READ, shareMode, creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes); }
   1.188 +
   1.189 +bool CInFile::OpenShared(LPCTSTR fileName, bool shareForWrite)
   1.190 +{ return Open(fileName, FILE_SHARE_READ | (shareForWrite ? FILE_SHARE_WRITE : 0), OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
   1.191 +
   1.192 +bool CInFile::Open(LPCTSTR fileName)
   1.193 +  { return OpenShared(fileName, false); }
   1.194 +
   1.195 +#ifndef _UNICODE
   1.196 +bool CInFile::Open(LPCWSTR fileName, DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
   1.197 +  { return Create(fileName, GENERIC_READ, shareMode, creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes); }
   1.198 +
   1.199 +bool CInFile::OpenShared(LPCWSTR fileName, bool shareForWrite)
   1.200 +{ return Open(fileName, FILE_SHARE_READ | (shareForWrite ? FILE_SHARE_WRITE : 0), OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
   1.201 +
   1.202 +bool CInFile::Open(LPCWSTR fileName)
   1.203 +  { return OpenShared(fileName, false); }
   1.204 +#endif
   1.205 +
   1.206 +// ReadFile and WriteFile functions in Windows have BUG:
   1.207 +// If you Read or Write 64MB or more (probably min_failure_size = 64MB - 32KB + 1)
   1.208 +// from/to Network file, it returns ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES
   1.209 +// (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service).
   1.210 +
   1.211 +// Probably in some version of Windows there are problems with other sizes:
   1.212 +// for 32 MB (maybe also for 16 MB).
   1.213 +// And message can be "Network connection was lost"
   1.214 +
   1.215 +static UInt32 kChunkSizeMax = (1 << 22);
   1.216 +
   1.217 +bool CInFile::ReadPart(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 &processedSize)
   1.218 +{
   1.219 +  if (size > kChunkSizeMax)
   1.220 +    size = kChunkSizeMax;
   1.221 +  DWORD processedLoc = 0;
   1.222 +  bool res = BOOLToBool(::ReadFile(_handle, data, size, &processedLoc, NULL));
   1.223 +  processedSize = (UInt32)processedLoc;
   1.224 +  return res;
   1.225 +}
   1.226 +
   1.227 +bool CInFile::Read(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 &processedSize)
   1.228 +{
   1.229 +  processedSize = 0;
   1.230 +  do
   1.231 +  {
   1.232 +    UInt32 processedLoc = 0;
   1.233 +    bool res = ReadPart(data, size, processedLoc);
   1.234 +    processedSize += processedLoc;
   1.235 +    if (!res)
   1.236 +      return false;
   1.237 +    if (processedLoc == 0)
   1.238 +      return true;
   1.239 +    data = (void *)((unsigned char *)data + processedLoc);
   1.240 +    size -= processedLoc;
   1.241 +  }
   1.242 +  while (size > 0);
   1.243 +  return true;
   1.244 +}
   1.245 +
   1.246 +/////////////////////////
   1.247 +// COutFile
   1.248 +
   1.249 +bool COutFile::Open(LPCTSTR fileName, DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
   1.250 +  { return CFileBase::Create(fileName, GENERIC_WRITE, shareMode, creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes); }
   1.251 +
   1.252 +static inline DWORD GetCreationDisposition(bool createAlways)
   1.253 +  { return createAlways? CREATE_ALWAYS: CREATE_NEW; }
   1.254 +
   1.255 +bool COutFile::Open(LPCTSTR fileName, DWORD creationDisposition)
   1.256 +  { return Open(fileName, FILE_SHARE_READ, creationDisposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
   1.257 +
   1.258 +bool COutFile::Create(LPCTSTR fileName, bool createAlways)
   1.259 +  { return Open(fileName, GetCreationDisposition(createAlways)); }
   1.260 +
   1.261 +#ifndef _UNICODE
   1.262 +
   1.263 +bool COutFile::Open(LPCWSTR fileName, DWORD shareMode, DWORD creationDisposition, DWORD flagsAndAttributes)
   1.264 +  { return CFileBase::Create(fileName, GENERIC_WRITE, shareMode,      creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes); }
   1.265 +
   1.266 +bool COutFile::Open(LPCWSTR fileName, DWORD creationDisposition)
   1.267 +  { return Open(fileName, FILE_SHARE_READ,  creationDisposition, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); }
   1.268 +
   1.269 +bool COutFile::Create(LPCWSTR fileName, bool createAlways)
   1.270 +  { return Open(fileName, GetCreationDisposition(createAlways)); }
   1.271 +
   1.272 +#endif
   1.273 +
   1.274 +bool COutFile::SetTime(const FILETIME *cTime, const FILETIME *aTime, const FILETIME *mTime)
   1.275 +  { return BOOLToBool(::SetFileTime(_handle, cTime, aTime, mTime)); }
   1.276 +
   1.277 +bool COutFile::SetMTime(const FILETIME *mTime) {  return SetTime(NULL, NULL, mTime); }
   1.278 +
   1.279 +bool COutFile::WritePart(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 &processedSize)
   1.280 +{
   1.281 +  if (size > kChunkSizeMax)
   1.282 +    size = kChunkSizeMax;
   1.283 +  DWORD processedLoc = 0;
   1.284 +  bool res = BOOLToBool(::WriteFile(_handle, data, size, &processedLoc, NULL));
   1.285 +  processedSize = (UInt32)processedLoc;
   1.286 +  return res;
   1.287 +}
   1.288 +
   1.289 +bool COutFile::Write(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 &processedSize)
   1.290 +{
   1.291 +  processedSize = 0;
   1.292 +  do
   1.293 +  {
   1.294 +    UInt32 processedLoc = 0;
   1.295 +    bool res = WritePart(data, size, processedLoc);
   1.296 +    processedSize += processedLoc;
   1.297 +    if (!res)
   1.298 +      return false;
   1.299 +    if (processedLoc == 0)
   1.300 +      return true;
   1.301 +    data = (const void *)((const unsigned char *)data + processedLoc);
   1.302 +    size -= processedLoc;
   1.303 +  }
   1.304 +  while (size > 0);
   1.305 +  return true;
   1.306 +}
   1.307 +
   1.308 +bool COutFile::SetEndOfFile() { return BOOLToBool(::SetEndOfFile(_handle)); }
   1.309 +
   1.310 +bool COutFile::SetLength(UInt64 length)
   1.311 +{
   1.312 +  UInt64 newPosition;
   1.313 +  if (!Seek(length, newPosition))
   1.314 +    return false;
   1.315 +  if (newPosition != length)
   1.316 +    return false;
   1.317 +  return SetEndOfFile();
   1.318 +}
   1.319 +
   1.320 +}}}