annotate src/win32/KeyboardEdit.h @ 7:c0a590a394c3

ignore generated files
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sat, 03 Mar 2012 10:50:33 -0600
parents f9f4f1b99eed
rev   line source
rlm@1 1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 2 // Copyright (C) 1998 by Thierry Maurel
rlm@1 3 // All rights reserved
rlm@1 4 //
rlm@1 5 // Distribute freely, except: don't remove my name from the source or
rlm@1 6 // documentation (don't take credit for my work), mark your changes (don't
rlm@1 7 // get me blamed for your possible bugs), don't alter or remove this
rlm@1 8 // notice.
rlm@1 9 // No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this
rlm@1 10 // software; use at your own risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to
rlm@1 11 // anyone resulting from the use of this software rests entirely with the
rlm@1 12 // user.
rlm@1 13 //
rlm@1 14 // Send bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements, requests, flames, etc., and
rlm@1 15 // I'll try to keep a version up to date. I can be reached as follows:
rlm@1 16 // (or
rlm@1 17 //
rlm@1 18 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 19 // File : KeyboardEdit.h
rlm@1 20 // Project : AccelsEditor
rlm@1 21 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 22 // Version : 1.0 * Authors : A.Lebatard + T.Maurel
rlm@1 23 // Date : 17.08.98
rlm@1 24 //
rlm@1 25 // Remarks :
rlm@1 26 //
rlm@1 27 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 28 // Modified by the VBA-rr Team
rlm@1 29
rlm@1 30 #if !defined(AFX_KEYBOARDEDIT_H__88E35AB0_2E23_11D2_BA24_0060B0B5E151__INCLUDED_)
rlm@1 31 #define AFX_KEYBOARDEDIT_H__88E35AB0_2E23_11D2_BA24_0060B0B5E151__INCLUDED_
rlm@1 32
rlm@1 33 #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
rlm@1 34 #pragma once
rlm@1 35 #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
rlm@1 36 // KeyboardEdit.h : header file
rlm@1 37 //
rlm@1 38
rlm@1 39 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 40 // CKeyboardEdit window
rlm@1 41
rlm@1 42 class CKeyboardEdit : public CEdit
rlm@1 43 {
rlm@1 44 DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CKeyboardEdit) // what will this do?
rlm@1 45
rlm@1 46 // Construction
rlm@1 47 public:
rlm@1 48 CKeyboardEdit();
rlm@1 49
rlm@1 50 // Operations
rlm@1 51 public:
rlm@1 52 void ResetKey();
rlm@1 53 void AllKeyUp();
rlm@1 54 bool GetAccelKey(WORD &wVirtKey, bool &bCtrl, bool &bAlt, bool &bShift) const;
rlm@1 55 bool GetJamKey(WORD &wJamKey) const;
rlm@1 56 bool IsDefined() const;
rlm@1 57 bool IsFinished() const;
rlm@1 58
rlm@1 59 // Overrides
rlm@1 60 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
rlm@1 61 //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CKeyboardEdit)
rlm@1 62 public:
rlm@1 63 virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg);
rlm@1 64 virtual ~CKeyboardEdit();
rlm@1 65 //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
rlm@1 66
rlm@1 67 protected:
rlm@1 68 void DisplayKeyboardString();
rlm@1 69
rlm@1 70 // Attributes
rlm@1 71 protected:
rlm@1 72 BYTE m_keys[256];
rlm@1 73 bool m_bForceUpdate;
rlm@1 74 bool m_bCtrlPressed;
rlm@1 75 bool m_bAltPressed;
rlm@1 76 bool m_bShiftPressed;
rlm@1 77 WORD m_wVirtKey;
rlm@1 78 WORD m_wJamKey;
rlm@1 79
rlm@1 80 // Generated message map functions
rlm@1 81 public:
rlm@1 82 //{{AFX_MSG(CKeyboardEdit)
rlm@1 83 afx_msg BOOL OnEnChange();
rlm@1 84 afx_msg BOOL OnEnSetfocus();
rlm@1 85 afx_msg BOOL OnEnKillfocus();
rlm@1 86 //}}AFX_MSG
rlm@1 87
rlm@1 89 };
rlm@1 90
rlm@1 91 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
rlm@1 92
rlm@1 93 //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}}
rlm@1 94 // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
rlm@1 95
rlm@1 96 #endif // !defined(AFX_KEYBOARDEDIT_H__88E35AB0_2E23_11D2_BA24_0060B0B5E151__INCLUDED_)