# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1380836568 14400
# Node ID eae81fa3a8e026b536fb083368412e6bee434185
# Parent  1c6af9dd64d501cbf61a44ff3ac7527adcef3a03
add camera timing idea.

diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore	Fri Sep 27 13:07:34 2013 -0400
+++ b/.hgignore	Thu Oct 03 17:42:48 2013 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 syntax: glob
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diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 images/adelson-checkerboard.jpg
Binary file images/adelson-checkerboard.jpg has changed
diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 org/adelson-notes.org
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/org/adelson-notes.org	Thu Oct 03 17:42:48 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#+title: Notes for "Special Topics in Computer Vision"
+#+author: Robert McIntyre
+#+email: rlm@mit.edu
+#+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org
+#+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org
+#+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both
+* Fri Sep 27 2013
+  Lambertian surfaces are a special type of Matt surface. They reflect
+  light in all directions equally. They have only one parameter, the
+  amount of energy that is absorbed/re-emitted.
+  [[../images/adelson-checkerboard.jpg]]
+  #+caption: Lol checkerboard illusion.
+  Look into Helmholtz' stuff, it might be interesting. It was the
+  foundation of both vision and audition research. Seems to have took
+  a sort of Baysean approach to inferring how vision/audition works.
+  - Homomorphic filtering :: Oppenhiem, Schafer, Stockham, 1968.  also
+       look at Stockham, 1972.
+  Edwin Land was Adelson's hero back in the day. He needed to create a
+  color photo for the Polaroid camera. In order to process for
+  automatic development of film, he had to get a good approximation for
+  the illumination/reflectance decomposition that humans do, which he
+  called Retinex.
+  Cornsweet square wave grating is cool.
+  - Retinex :: use derivatives to find illumination. Sort of
+               implicitly deals with edges, etc. Can't deal with
+               non-lambertian objects. 
+  Adelson introduces the problem as an "inverse" problem, where you
+  try to "undo" the 3-d projection of the world on your retina.
+  On the functional view of vision : "What it takes" is to build a
+  model of the world in your head. The bare minimum to get success in
+  life is to have a model of the world. Even at the level of a single
+  cell, I think you still benefit from models.
+  Spatial propagation is ABSOLUTELY required to separate embossed
+  stuff from "painted" stuff. Edges, likewise, MUST have spatial
+  context to disambiguate. The filters we use to deal with edges must
+  have larger spatial context to work, and the spatial extent of this
+  context must be the ENTIRE visual field in some cases!
+** Illumination, shape, reflectance all at once
+   What if we tried to infer everything together? Some images are so
+   ambiguous it requires propagation from all three qualities to
+   resolve the ambiguity.
+   Brain has a competing painter, sculptor, and gaffer which each try
+   to "build" the things in the world. There is a cost to everything
+   such as paints, lights, and material, and then you try to optmize
+   some cost function using these primitives.
+   Horn, technical report, 1970
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diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 org/comprehend-singularity.org
--- a/org/comprehend-singularity.org	Fri Sep 27 13:07:34 2013 -0400
+++ b/org/comprehend-singularity.org	Thu Oct 03 17:42:48 2013 -0400
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
 So, far in the future, when synthetic life rules the stars, it is
 likely that their behavour will still be describable in the simplistic
-terms of the human stories of old.
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+terms of the human stories of old.
diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 org/ideas.org
--- a/org/ideas.org	Fri Sep 27 13:07:34 2013 -0400
+++ b/org/ideas.org	Thu Oct 03 17:42:48 2013 -0400
@@ -31,6 +31,17 @@
 getting credit.
+- screen locking timing :: you use your computer camera to see if you
+     are sitting in front of the computer. If you are, then the screen
+     will never lock. If you are, then the screen will lock with a
+     30-40 second timeout. It's an extention of using inactivity to
+     initiate the countdown, just with more information.
+- mirror toilet :: a toilet with a square basin made or mirror instead
+                   or porcelean. That way, you can see how good of a
+                   wipe job you have done / watch how your excretion
+                   system works.
 - test dummies :: why don't we clone encephalic humans and use then to
                   test /in vivo/ human organ systems and drugs? It
                   would be ethical as long as there are women who are
diff -r 1c6af9dd64d5 -r eae81fa3a8e0 org/minds-eye.org
--- a/org/minds-eye.org	Fri Sep 27 13:07:34 2013 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#+title: Ethics of Mind's Eye
-#+author: Robert McIntyre
-#+email: rlm@mit.edu
-#+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org
-#+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org
-#+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both
-* COMMENT Ethical Considerations Regarding DARPA's Mind's Eye Program
-As scientists and engineers, it is our sacred duty to explore the
-boundaries of human knowledge in a responsible way. We are part of the
-larger organism of humanity, and tasked with discovering new things
-that help the race first, and all life second.
-While knowledge and non-sentient technology is neither morally good or
-evil, the things we discover are embedded in a wider cultural context,
-and in many cases it is possible to foresee possible uses and abuses
-our new technology will enable.
-It is naive to think that the government or any group of humans is
-either wholly good or evil, but by reasoning from the
-motivations/power of such groups, we can try to infer whether a
-technology will improve the lot of humanity or not.
-It is possible to give and institution/culture a technology that they
-will enthusiastically accept, but which will greatly diminish their
-quality of life.
-Some examples:
-PGP -- an encryption suite that can help individuals to send messages
-* Questions
-- What should our ethical place be in deciding whether or not to
-  pursue research?
-  - Follow orders, assume our overall culture will use things
-    responsibly, and leave the ethical considerations to the
-    government/people.
-    - Many scientists who worked on the atomic bomb later questioned
-      their decisions.
-    - Yet, an advanced society /should/ have atomic weapons, if for
-      nothing else than to defend themselves from meteors, blow shit
-      up, etc.
-  - We are each morally responsible for the things we help create. We
-    are responsible for the misuses of technology we develop and the
-    pain and suffering it causes. Ultimately our contributions to
-    society will be judged by whether our technology did more good
-    than bad.
-- If we decide that we *are* morally responsible for the technology we
-  develop, then is the Mind's Eye project in particular something we
-  should be doing?
-  - Here are some things you can build with Mind's Eye tech:
-    - System to monitor single humans living alone and call for help
-      in the case of emergencies (such as a fall)
-    - Same system for hospitals and nursing homes (of course, this
-      also makes them even more impersonal)
-    - The equivalent of a FBI special agent watching everything you do
-      from the moment you step out your door to the moment you go back
-      to your house to sleep, building a dossier of every move you
-      make, everyone you talk to, where you shop, etc.
-    - A concentration camp / prison that is ABSOLUTELY impossible to
-      escape from.
-    - Many other countries that don't care as much about human rights
-      as America will use this technology to monitor their citizens
-      24/7. 
-    - Protection from surveillance in you own home does not apply
-      unless you *own* your house. Say goodbye to privacy in school
-      dorms, apartments, rented houses, etc.
-  - People are OK with current surveillance because it is
-    *dumb*. Mostly people only use security camera footage in the case
-    of crimes, and it is a painstaking process because it requires
-    manual human intervention. With AI, this will soon not be the
-    case.
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