# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1388360326 18000
# Node ID 8fa830f0bed4f0446124b20defc65a81336852ef
# Parent  f6a551af68ff4e0c99beecdcc6be5c517a59bd2a
painting that records what parts you look at.

diff -r f6a551af68ff -r 8fa830f0bed4 org/ideas.org
--- a/org/ideas.org	Sat Dec 28 23:06:56 2013 -0500
+++ b/org/ideas.org	Sun Dec 29 18:38:46 2013 -0500
@@ -31,6 +31,15 @@
 getting credit.
+- reverse eye-tracking :: A painting that is actually a digital screen
+     with a camera. It records people's eye tracks permamently. It's
+     "artistic" because paintings are normally these things that you
+     look at without changing, but this one is changed the second you
+     look at it, recording where /you/ looked forever for others to
+     see. Make it be a painting of a woman and see the trolling as the
+     breasts and groin area light up with interest from all the males
+     passing by.
 - smart toilets :: Instead of using indirect measures like infrared
                    detectors of the presence of a person, use computer
                    vision to directly measure whether the toilet needs