# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1438226786 25200
# Node ID 6e0cc778102e3aded4a972ee1f33baaad0dda21b
# Parent  111bd9aa499a0c736665aecaf8920d2b3e6085b9

diff -r 111bd9aa499a -r 6e0cc778102e org/ideas.org
--- a/org/ideas.org	Tue Jun 02 20:01:35 2015 -0700
+++ b/org/ideas.org	Wed Jul 29 20:26:26 2015 -0700
@@ -19,6 +19,87 @@
 getting credit.
+- spinal relay :: you have a small air-gapped repeater built into your
+     spine in order to help with spinal injury, connect with
+     prosthetics, and to monitor/control your body. Also, you could
+     add the ability to save "macros"!
+- human cysts :: there should be communities of people with varying
+     enforced separations from the rest of society in order to gaurd
+     against various catastrophies.
+- bioelectric synthesis :: have a device which stores a lot of energy,
+     and processes blood by creating sugar from waste produces over
+     the day. You still need water, vitamins, minerals, etc, but this
+     can handle the bulk of your energy demands and be recharged from
+     the wall.
+- chelation as a method to improve cryoprotectant permeability ::
+- transgender fruit analogy :: like tomatoes
+- video game controllers as actual controllers :: console controlers
+     like the n64 trident are excellent, durable tools for fine
+     control. We should use them to control all sorts of things like
+     robots by default. You should use it for your projects, since
+     it's unlikely you'll be able to come up with something
+     better. Compared to console controllers, the ones we use for
+     robots/RC stuff are hopelessly clunky.
+- bubble computers :: bubble duality, bubble computing
+- dark blood bag :: blood bags in hospitals should be dark colored to
+     protect the blood from damage from light.
+- chimeric homozygous sex chromosomes :: chimeric organism with XX and
+     XX patterns from two males and two females. On average, it has
+     the correct methylation pattern. Would it work?
+- horseshoe blood fixative :: would it work as a washout?
+- fixed protein packets :: group of fixed proteins in a network which
+     is used as medicine. Hemoglovin, maybe?
+- prove hauntings :: website where you enter your pgp signed encrypted
+     file and swear by all the gods that you'll haunt me with the
+     password when you die, along with whatever other messages you
+     have. protocol -- I video, throw rock, get password.
+- earth air water :: species name their planet "dirt" in their
+     language, unless the're aquatic or flying, then they'd name it
+     "water" and "air" respectively.
+- ethylene glycol alt name :: icebane
+- overflow hiaku :: a hiku about buffer overflos, with garbage C code
+     inside.
+- white knight :: his sword is named "Privledge" (an inherited family
+     sword) he rides along the land, defending the code of
+     chivralirary and keeping the orthodozy of society from fading
+     from the realm.
+- technological deflation :: even the richest robber baron from the
+     1920's could not afford a cardiac bypass surgery, even with
+     literally all the money they had. As technology advances, the
+     price of bread may go up, but the capabilities which money gives
+     you also dramatically increase.
+- cure for color blindness :: could it be possible to administer some
+     retroviruses via direct injection to the retina, to cause some of
+     the cells in the retina to begin expressing different color
+     pigments? The brain ought to easily sort out the rest and enable
+     color vision. Furthremore, could we add some more colors to
+     baesline human eyes?
+- mental integrity test :: if your brain starts to decay, you might
+     not notice the damage until it's too late. This would be a mental
+     integrity test that you take every few weeks that measures your
+     performance and compares it to a baseline. The tests are all
+     designed to catch the early signs of degenerative brain
+     diseases. For example, you might use performamce on a
+     smell-memory assoaction test to detect early-onset Alzheimer's.
 - mind bank :: (in contrast to "brain bank")
 - Passion of the Christ missed opportunity :: in the Passion of the