# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1407003194 14400
# Node ID a987c56911303ae37f6094056979899820d97d76
# Parent  823974ec6e0f0754fe07bf21d169d348114a29ac# Parent  5d4c3782997f2292c514eb4f787d5e6fe12c58db

diff -r 5d4c3782997f -r a987c5691130 images/steph2.jpg
Binary file images/steph2.jpg has changed
diff -r 5d4c3782997f -r a987c5691130 org/ideas.org
--- a/org/ideas.org	Tue Jun 10 11:36:37 2014 -0400
+++ b/org/ideas.org	Sat Aug 02 14:13:14 2014 -0400
@@ -31,6 +31,29 @@
 getting credit.
+- suicide cryonics :: according to [[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/06/magazine/06suicide-t.html][this]], people who commit impulsive
+     suicides have a newfound sense of the importance of life. Perhaps
+     they are good cryonics targets.
+- lead bone :: Could you fill in all the empty spaces in a bone with
+               lead? Might be cool.
+- the quest for life  :: Every stupid story has the "immortal who
+     wants to become mortal" or some other such idea. I want to story
+     where the protagonist loses their immortality and feels /angry/
+     and ashamed about losing something that's so absolutely crucial
+     to their identity. A reverse of "death makes life worth living",
+     they feel that living forever is what makes life worth
+     living. Now they've "lost their sunrise" or their "connection to
+     the timeless universe" or something. So they go on a quest to get
+     it back, learning about themselves along the way, and regaining
+     the precious thing they lost in the beginning.
+- world-map :: take a small table and paint the continents in
+               toothpaste on the table. Make a slightly raised barrier
+               around the table. Slowly pour water onto the table, and
+               it will form the oceans!
 - stage magic rituals :: rituals should incorporate elements of stage
      magic. Foe example in Teller's tempest, they have a scene where
      they levitate a crown in front of someone, then put it on his