rlm@9: #+title: Password Security in Emacs Terminal Emulators rlm@9: #+author: Robert McIntyre rlm@9: #+email: rlm@mit.edu rlm@9: #+description: emacs terminal password security rlm@9: #+keywords: emacs, password, security, term rlm@9: #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/setup.org rlm@9: #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/level-0.org rlm@9: #+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both rlm@9: rlm@9: I use emacs for everything -- email, programming, document rlm@9: preparation, planning... You name it, I do it! One thing which I use rlm@9: emacs for is terminal emulation, which is where you create a buffer in rlm@9: emacs where you can enter commands as if the buffer were a rlm@9: terminal. Good terminal emulation packages for emacs include rlm@9: =multi-term= and =term=. rlm@9: rlm@10: * Watch Out for =view-lossage=! rlm@9: However, if you are going to use terminal emulation in emacs, you have rlm@9: to be careful around "sudo" prompts, and when logging into other rlm@11: servers using ssh, because /the last 300 keystrokes you have typed in rlm@9: emacs are available/ using =C-h l=, a help function in emacs which rlm@10: displays the last keypresses you have typed. rlm@9: rlm@9: #+begin_example rlm@9: C-h l runs the command view-lossage, which is an interactive compiled rlm@9: Lisp function in `help.el'. rlm@9: rlm@9: It is bound to C-h l, <help> l. rlm@9: rlm@9: (view-lossage) rlm@9: rlm@9: Display last 300 input keystrokes. rlm@9: #+end_example rlm@9: rlm@9: Let's say my password is "sup3r-seekrit#7". rlm@9: rlm@9: I open an emacs terminal using =M-x multi-term=, then do the following rlm@9: rlm@9: #+begin_example rlm@9: [~] $ ssh rlm@linerva.mit.edu rlm@9: Password: rlm@9: rlm@9: Welcome to Linerva, the SIPB Linux dialup for MIT. rlm@9: Linerva runs Debathena on Debian squeeze. rlm@9: http://linerva.mit.edu for more information rlm@9: blanche linerva-announce -a $USER # for outage announcements rlm@9: linerva@mit.edu (not IS&T) for questions and bug reports rlm@9: rlm@9: Last login: Mon Mar 4 12:53:23 2013 from ella.csail.mit.edu rlm@9: rlm@dr-wily:~$ exit rlm@9: logout rlm@9: Connection to linerva.mit.edu closed. rlm@9: #+end_example rlm@9: rlm@9: Now, when I type =C-h l=, I can see this: rlm@9: rlm@9: #+begin_example rlm@9: s s h SPC r l m @ l i n e r v a . m i t . e d u <return> rlm@9: s u p 3 r - s e e k r i t # 7 <return> e x i t C-h l rlm@9: #+end_example rlm@9: rlm@9: Needless to say, this can be a security vulnerability. rlm@9: rlm@9: * Solutions to this problem rlm@9: rlm@9: - If you don't ever type your password into an emacs terminal buffer, rlm@9: then you are not at risk. This can be accomplished by using ssh rlm@10: keyfiles or Kerberos for connecting to remote servers, and by rlm@9: enabling passwordless sudo. rlm@9: rlm@9: - You can disable emacs keylogging, though you then won't be able to rlm@9: use the =view-lossage= command anymore. rlm@9: rlm@9: - If there's no way for an attacker to get into your emacs process, rlm@9: then your passwords are safe. Still, you run the risk of someone rlm@9: physically near your computer using this method to view your rlm@9: password, as well as inadvertently exposing your password when rlm@9: showing someone what =view-lossage= does! rlm@9: rlm@9: * Source Listing rlm@9: #+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/emacs-password.org">This org file</a> </li> </ul> rlm@9: rlm@9: rlm@9: rlm@9: rlm@9: