rlm@161: ** Google Calendar URL API options rlm@161: rlm@161: Make your google calendar public (detailed [[https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37082?hl=en][here]]), then get the rlm@161: puclic calendar URL, which will look like this: rlm@161: rlm@161: #+BEGIN_VERSE rlm@161: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=&ctz= rlm@161: #+END_VERSE rlm@161: rlm@161: Some useful options include: rlm@161: rlm@161: - mode :: options are AGANDA, WEEK, MONTH rlm@161: For scheduling, I find wither WEEK or AGENDA to be best. rlm@161: rlm@161: - dates :: You can specify the dates to display using rlm@161: yyyymmdd%2Fyyyymmdd, example: 20160313%2F20160320. rlm@161: rlm@161: rlm@161: