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cleaning up ideas.
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Sun, 21 Apr 2013 03:18:03 +0000 (2013-04-21)
parents 8a5b6ca53764
line wrap: on
line source
1 #+title: Password Security in Emacs Terminal Emulators
2 #+author: Robert McIntyre
3 #+email:
4 #+description: emacs terminal password security
5 #+keywords: emacs, password, security, term
6 #+SETUPFILE: ../../aurellem/org/
7 #+INCLUDE: ../../aurellem/org/
8 #+babel: :mkdirp yes :noweb yes :exports both
10 I use emacs for everything -- email, programming, document
11 preparation, planning... You name it, I do it! One thing which I use
12 emacs for is terminal emulation, which is where you create a buffer in
13 emacs where you can enter commands as if the buffer were a
14 terminal. Good terminal emulation packages for emacs include
15 =multi-term= and =term=.
17 * Watch Out for =view-lossage=!
18 However, if you are going to use terminal emulation in emacs, you have
19 to be careful around "sudo" prompts, and when logging into other
20 servers using ssh, because /the last 300 keystrokes you have typed in
21 emacs are available/ using =C-h l=, a help function in emacs which
22 displays the last keypresses you have typed.
24 #+begin_example
25 C-h l runs the command view-lossage, which is an interactive compiled
26 Lisp function in `help.el'.
28 It is bound to C-h l, <help> l.
30 (view-lossage)
32 Display last 300 input keystrokes.
33 #+end_example
35 Let's say my password is "sup3r-seekrit#7".
37 I open an emacs terminal using =M-x multi-term=, then do the following
39 #+begin_example
40 [~] $ ssh
41 Password:
43 Welcome to Linerva, the SIPB Linux dialup for MIT.
44 Linerva runs Debathena on Debian squeeze.
45 for more information
46 blanche linerva-announce -a $USER # for outage announcements
47 (not IS&T) for questions and bug reports
49 Last login: Mon Mar 4 12:53:23 2013 from
50 rlm@dr-wily:~$ exit
51 logout
52 Connection to closed.
53 #+end_example
55 Now, when I type =C-h l=, I can see this:
57 #+begin_example
58 s s h SPC r l m @ l i n e r v a . m i t . e d u <return>
59 s u p 3 r - s e e k r i t # 7 <return> e x i t C-h l
60 #+end_example
62 Needless to say, this can be a security vulnerability.
64 * Solutions to this problem
66 - If you don't ever type your password into an emacs terminal buffer,
67 then you are not at risk. This can be accomplished by using ssh
68 keyfiles or Kerberos for connecting to remote servers, and by
69 enabling passwordless sudo.
71 - You can disable emacs keylogging, though you then won't be able to
72 use the =view-lossage= command anymore.
74 - If there's no way for an attacker to get into your emacs process,
75 then your passwords are safe. Still, you run the risk of someone
76 physically near your computer using this method to view your
77 password, as well as inadvertently exposing your password when
78 showing someone what =view-lossage= does!
80 * Source Listing
81 #+html: <ul> <li> <a href="../org/">This org file</a> </li> </ul>