view src/rlm/visualize.clj @ 2:c7df1ea6fd71

fixed javadoc to work with my setup
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 27 Dec 2011 23:27:22 -0700
parents 78a630e650d2
children 12d1367cf1aa
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns rlm.visualize
2 "this namespace has only one purpose -- to enable
3 visual display of as many data structures as possible,
4 with a focus on image processing (for example, raw integers
5 will be shown as the color which they would encode in a RGBA
6 BufferedImage. I want to get as many types as I can in here."
7 {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
9 (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
10 [ij ImagePlus IJ]))
12 (defmulti visual (fn [& args] (class (last args))))
14 (import '[org.scilab.forge.jlatexmath TeXConstants TeXFormula TeXIcon])
15 (import java.awt.Insets)
16 (import javax.swing.JLabel)
17 (import java.awt.Color)
20 (defmethod visual ImagePlus
21 [image]
22 (.show image)
23 image)
25 (defmethod visual (class 4)
26 [color]
27 (let [image (BufferedImage. 200 200 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)]
28 (doall (for [y (range 200) x (range 200)] (.setRGB image x y color)))
29 (visual (ImagePlus. "color display" image))))
31 (defmethod visual BufferedImage
32 [image]
33 (visual (ImagePlus. "visual" image)))
36 (defmethod visual TeXFormula
37 [formula]
38 (let [icon
39 (doto (.createTeXIcon formula TeXConstants/STYLE_DISPLAY 30)
40 (.setInsets (Insets. 5 5 5 5)))
41 image (BufferedImage. (.getIconWidth icon) (.getIconHeight icon)
42 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)
43 g (.createGraphics image)
44 jl (JLabel.)]
45 (.setForeground jl (Color. 0 0 0))
46 (.setColor g Color/white)
47 (.fillRect g 0 0 (.getIconWidth icon) (.getIconHeight icon))
48 (.paintIcon icon jl g 0 0)
49 (visual image)))