view src/rlm/vision.clj @ 0:78a630e650d2

initial import
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 00:57:08 -0700
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns
2 (:use [clojure.contrib def trace])
3 (:use [rlm image-utils])
4 (:use [cantor])
5 (:import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
6 [ij ImagePlus IJ]
8 ))
10 (defn select-last [& args]
11 (last args))
14 ;this is to finally get these stupid color problems out of the way!
16 (defmulti gen-color (fn [& args]
17 (class (last args))))
22 (defmethod gen-color (class 5)
23 ([r g b]
24 (gen-color (vector r g b 255)))
25 ([r g b a]
26 (gen-color (vector r g b a))))
28 (defmethod gen-color (class :black)
29 [key]
30 (get {:black (gen-color {:r 0 :g 0 :b 0})
31 :white (gen-color {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255})}
32 key
33 (gen-color {:r 0 :g 0 :b 0})))
35 (defmethod gen-color (class [5 10 255 50])
36 [[r g b a]]
37 (gen-color {:r r :g g :b b :a a}))
39 (defmethod gen-color (class {:r 5 :g 10 :b 255 :a 50})
40 [{:keys [r g b a] :or {r 0 g 0 b 0 a 255}}]
41 (let [r (int (rem r 256))
42 g (int (rem g 256))
43 b (int (rem b 256))
44 a (int (rem a 256))
45 ]
46 (+
47 (bit-shift-left a 24)
48 (bit-shift-left r 16)
49 (bit-shift-left g 8)
50 b)))
52 (def color (memoize gen-color))
57 (defn black-lattice [x y]
58 (if (and
59 (< (rem y 500) 10)
60 (< (rem x 500) 10)) (color :black) (color :white)))
64 (defn snake-problem-2 [x y]
65 (let [E (+ 4 (* 3 (java.lang.Math/cos x)) (java.lang.Math/cos (* 3 x)))
66 E (int (* E 255/9))]
68 (color E E E)))
72 (defn function->image [[xmin xmax] [ymin ymax] f]
73 (let [width (- xmax xmin)
74 height (- ymax ymin)
75 image (BufferedImage. width height BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)]
77 (doall
78 (for [y (range ymin ymax) x (range xmin xmax)]
79 (.setRGB image (- x xmin) (- y ymin) (f x y))))
81 (ImagePlus. "functionally-generated" image)))
83 (defn better-function->image [[xmin xmax] [ymin ymax] f]
85 (let [width (- xmax xmin)
86 height (- ymax ymin)
87 image (BufferedImage. width height BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_RGB)
88 set-color (fn [[x y]] (.setRGB image (- x xmin) (- y ymin) (f x y)))
89 domain (for [x (range xmin xmax) y (range ymin ymax)] [x y])]
91 (dorun (pmap set-color domain))
92 (ImagePlus. "functionally-generated" image)))
98 (def a-face (normalize (cross
99 (vec3 1 0 0)
100 (sub
101 (vec3 0 0 (/ (* 2 (expt 3 1/2))))
102 (vec3 (/ (- (sqrt 3)) 2) (- 1/2) 0)))))
104 (def c-face (mul (normalize (cross
105 (vec3 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) 3/2 0)
106 (sub
107 (vec3 0 0 (/ (* 2 (expt 3 1/2))))
108 (vec3 (/ (- (sqrt 3)) 2) (- 1/2) 0)))) -1))
111 (def b-face (mul (normalize
112 (cross
113 (vec3 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) (- 3/2) 0)
114 (sub
115 (vec3 0 0 (/ (* 2 (expt 3 1/2))))
116 (vec3 (/ (sqrt 3) 2) (- 1/2) 0)))) -1))