view src/rlm/quick.clj @ 8:7240d7a5f959

random files :)
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 19 Jul 2012 10:56:39 -0500
parents c7df1ea6fd71
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns rlm.quick
2 "quick and dirty convienence script to load EVERYTHING!
3 This is designed to work with clojure 1.2"
4 {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
5 (:require (clojure.core.javadoc))
7 )
9 (defn whatev [] (println 5))
11 (defn dirty []
13 (use
14 :reload-all
16 '[
17 [javadoc :only [javadoc add-local-javadoc]]]
19 '[clojure
20 [repl :only [source]]]
22 '[rlm
23 [function-utils :only [mix defmix runonce]]
24 [rlm-commands :only [undef ns-nuke reload]]
25 [play-all :only [play-all-music]]
26 [shell-inspect :only [command-line?]]
27 [shell-write :only [sw]]
28 [classpath-utils :only [classpath add-to-classpath]]
29 [dreams :only [megadef defn-decorated silence]]
30 [map-utils :only [map-keys map-vals filter-keys filter-vals]]
31 [decorators :only [preserve-meta]]]
34 '[clojure.contrib
35 [combinatorics :only [cartesian-product subsets selections
36 permutations lex-permutations combinations]]
37 [duck-streams :only [file-str]]
38 [str-utils :only [re-split re-gsub str-join]]
39 [seq :only [separate indexed rotations find-first positions]]
40 [math :only [expt round abs gcd lcm floor ceil sqrt]]
41 [repl-utils :only [show expression-info]]
42 [def :only [defvar defmacro-]]])
43 ; (set! clojure.core/*print-length* 20)
44 ; (require '
45 ; ( "/home/r/mobius/temp-clj/javadoc")
46 nil
47 )
49 (defn init []
50 (use :reload-all
51 '[clojure
52 core
53 ]))