view src/rlm/qotd.clj @ 8:7240d7a5f959

random files :)
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Thu, 19 Jul 2012 10:56:39 -0500
parents 12d1367cf1aa
line wrap: on
line source
1 (ns rlm.qotd)
3 ;;; There is a pair of integers, 1 < m < n, whose sum is
4 ;;; less than 100.
6 ;; These constraints makes a triangular sort of pattern.
7 (defn generate-valid-numbers
8 [n]
9 (filter (fn [[a b]] (< a b))
10 (map #(vector % n) (range 2 (- 150 n)))))
12 (def squish (partial reduce concat))
14 (def p0 (squish (map generate-valid-numbers (range 2 149))))
16 ;;; Person S knows their sum, but nothing else about them.
17 ;;; Person P knows their product, but nothing else about
18 ;;; them.
20 ;;; Now, Persons S and P know the above information, and
21 ;;; each one knows that the other one knows it. They have
22 ;;; the following conversation:
24 ;;; P: I can't figure out what the numbers are.
26 ;; Eliminate pairs with a unique product.
28 (defn group-by
29 "Split coll into groups where the f maps each element in a
30 group to the same value in O(n*log(n)) time."
31 [f coll]
32 (partition-by f (sort-by f coll)))
34 (defn unique-by
35 "Remove all elements a,b of coll that for which
36 (= (f a) (f b)) in O(n*log(n)) time."
37 [f coll]
38 (squish (filter #(= (count %) 1) (group-by f coll))))
40 (defn multiple-by
41 "Keep all elements a,b of coll for which
42 (= (f a) (f b)) in O(n*log(n)) time."
43 [f coll]
44 (squish (filter #(> (count %) 1) (group-by f coll))))
46 (defn prod [[a b]] (* a b))
48 (def p1 (multiple-by prod p0))
50 ;;; S: I was sure you couldn't.
52 ;; Each possible sum s has a set of possible pairs [a b]
53 ;; where (= s (+ a b)). Partition p0 (since S *was* sure) by
54 ;; sum, and keep those pairs that belong in partitions where
55 ;; each pair in that partition is in p1. (since the only way
56 ;; he could be *sure*, is if every possibility for a given
57 ;; sum had an ambiguous product.
59 (defn sum [[a b]] (+ a b))
61 (def p2
62 (squish
63 (filter
64 (partial every? (set p1))
65 (group-by sum p0))))
68 ;;; P: Then I have.
70 ;; Keep those pairs that have a unique product out of the
71 ;; ones that are left.
73 (def p3
74 (unique-by prod p2))
77 ;;; S: Then I have, too.
79 ;; Keep those pairs that have a unique sum out of the
80 ;; ones that are left.
82 (def p4 (unique-by sum p3))
85 (defn solve [limit]
86 (let [generate-valid-numbers
87 (fn
88 [n]
89 (filter (fn [[a b]] (< a b))
90 (map #(vector % n)
91 (range 2 (- limit n)))))
92 p0
93 (squish (map generate-valid-numbers
94 (range 2 (dec limit))))
95 p2
96 (squish
97 (filter
98 (partial every? (set p1))
99 (group-by sum p0)))
101 p3 (unique-by prod p2)]
102 (unique-by sum p3)))
104 ;;; Dylan START!
105 (defn results [beez]
106 (let
107 [
108 pairs
109 (for [m (range 2 beez)
110 n (range (inc m) beez)]
111 [m n])
113 singleton? (comp zero? dec count)
115 sum (fn [[x y]] (+ x y))
116 product (fn [[x y]] (* x y))
118 inverse-sum
119 (fn [s]
120 (filter #(= s (sum %)) pairs))
122 inverse-product
123 (fn [p]
124 (filter #(= p (product %)) pairs))
125 ]
128 (->>
129 pairs
131 (filter #(< (sum %) beez))
133 ;; P: I cannot find the numbers.
134 (remove (comp singleton?
135 inverse-product
136 product))
137 set
139 ;; S: I was sure you couldn't.
140 ((fn [coll]
141 (filter
142 (comp (partial every? coll)
143 inverse-sum
144 sum)
145 coll)))
146 set
148 ;;P: Then I have.
149 ((fn [coll]
150 (filter
151 (comp singleton?
152 (partial filter coll)
153 inverse-product
154 product)
155 coll)))
156 set
158 ;;S: Then I have, too.
159 ((fn [coll]
160 (filter
161 (comp singleton?
162 (partial filter coll)
163 inverse-sum
164 sum)
165 coll)))
167 )))