diff src/rlm/light_base.clj @ 0:78a630e650d2

initial import
author Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
date Tue, 18 Oct 2011 00:57:08 -0700
children c7df1ea6fd71
line wrap: on
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/rlm/light_base.clj	Tue Oct 18 00:57:08 2011 -0700
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
     1.4 +(ns rlm.light-base
     1.5 +  {:author "Robert McIntyre"}
     1.6 +  (:refer-clojure :only []) 
     1.7 +  (:require [rlm [ns-rlm]]))
     1.8 +
     1.9 +
    1.10 +
    1.11 +;;We start with absolutely nothing and build from there
    1.12 +(rlm.ns-rlm/ns-clear) ;; all we have is [def if ns in-ns].
    1.13 +
    1.14 +
    1.15 +(clojure.core/use
    1.16 + :reload
    1.17 + '[clojure
    1.18 +   [core
    1.19 +    :only
    1.20 +    [
    1.21 +     ;; object stuff
    1.22 +     extend-type
    1.23 +
    1.24 +
    1.25 +     *command-line-args* *err* *out* *warn-on-reflection* val name read-line
    1.26 +     ;;REPL
    1.27 +     find-doc doc print-doc print-namespace-doc
    1.28 +     ;;Regexes
    1.29 +     re-pattern re-matcher re-groups re-seq re-matches re-find
    1.30 +     ;; Unsorted
    1.31 +     meta type with-meta vary-meta defmacro str let binding with-bindings bound-fn bound-fn* eval
    1.32 +     time macroexpand-1 macroexpand destructure comment test rand rand-int subs hash
    1.33 +     definline alter-var-root format printf defonce refer-clojure gen-class load letfn
    1.34 +     gen-interface definterface reify munge defrecord deftype extenders defprotocol
    1.35 +     extend extend-protocol slurp clojure-version char assert read
    1.36 +     ;; Printing
    1.37 +     print-method print-dup newline flush print println prn with-in-str with-out-str
    1.38 +     print-str println-str *print-length* *print-level* print-ctor primitives-classnames
    1.39 +     ;;Agents
    1.40 +     agent send send-off release-pending-sends
    1.41 +     add-watch remove-watch agent-error restart-agent set-error-handler! error-handler
    1.42 +     set-error-mode! error-mode shutdown-agents
    1.43 +     ;;Ref
    1.44 +     ref deref
    1.45 +     ;;Atom
    1.46 +     atom swap! compare-and-set! reset! set-validator! get-validator alter-meta!
    1.47 +     reset-meta! commute alter ref-set ref-history-count ref-min-history ref-max-history
    1.48 +     ensure sync dosync    
    1.49 +     ;;MultiMethods
    1.50 +     defmulti defmethod remove-all-methods remove-method prefer-method
    1.51 +     methods get-method prefers
    1.52 +     ;;Numerics
    1.53 +     inc dec rem quot rationalize mod numerator denominator
    1.54 +     ;;Bits
    1.55 +     bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-and-not bit-clear bit-set
    1.56 +     bit-flip bit-test bit-shift-left bit-shift-right
    1.57 +     ;; Logic
    1.58 +     not =
    1.59 +     ;; Creation
    1.60 +     symbol gensym keyword int declare num long float double short byte boolean
    1.61 +     bigint bigdec transient persistent! assoc!
    1.62 +     ;; Lists
    1.63 +     list list* rest next cons first second last butlast 
    1.64 +     ;; Maps
    1.65 +     hash-map sorted-map sorted-map-by find select-keys keys vals
    1.66 +     merge merge-with zipmap create-struct defstruct struct-map struct get-in
    1.67 +     assoc-in update-in map-indexed key
    1.68 +     ;; Sets
    1.69 +     set sorted-set sorted-set-by disj split-at split-with 
    1.70 +     ;; Vectors
    1.71 +     vector vec subvec vector-of
    1.72 +     ;; Arrays
    1.73 +     to-array into-array alength aclone aget aset aset-int aset-long
    1.74 +     aset-boolean aset-float aset-double aset-short aset-long aset-byte aset-char
    1.75 +     aset-int make-array to-array-2d amap areduce boolean-array byte-array char-array
    1.76 +     short-array double-array object-array int-array long-array booleans chars
    1.77 +     shorts floats ints doubles longs partition-all
    1.78 +     ;; Seqs
    1.79 +     lazy-seq nth rseq reverse concat peek pop sequence every? not-every? some
    1.80 +     not-any? take take-while drop drop-last take-last drop-while cycle repeat
    1.81 +     replicate iterate range line-seq sort sort-by partition doseq dorun doall
    1.82 +     take-nth interleave lazy-cat tree-seq file-seq xml-seq distinct
    1.83 +     replace subseq rsubseq interpose seque not-empty flatten group-by count
    1.84 +     partition-by frequencies shuffle 
    1.85 +     ;; Functions
    1.86 +     fn defn defn- apply complement constantly identity comp juxt partial repeatedly
    1.87 +     trampoline memoize pmap pcalls pvalues fnil
    1.88 +     ;; List Comprehensions
    1.89 +     reduce reductions map mapcat filter remove keep keep-indexed for
    1.90 +     ;; Predicates
    1.91 +     instance? seq? char? string? map? vector? nil?
    1.92 +     false? true? symbol? keyword? delay?  future? future-done?
    1.93 +     even? odd? contains? number? integer? ratio? decimal? reversible?
    1.94 +     float? rational? special-symbol? var? class? bound? thread-bound? counted?
    1.95 +     distinct? empty? coll? list? set? ifn? fn? associative? sequential? sorted?
    1.96 +     extends? satisfies? future-cancelled?
    1.97 +     comparator
    1.98 +     ;; Comparason
    1.99 +     compare  not= identical?  ==
   1.100 +     ;; Control Flow
   1.101 +     when when-not cond delay force if-not and or locking -> ->> while case
   1.102 +     if-let when-let dotimes await await-for with-open doto loop condp future-call
   1.103 +     future future-cancel promise deliver 
   1.104 +     ;;Namespaces
   1.105 +     create-ns find-ns remove-ns all-ns the-ns ns-name ns-map ns-unmap ns-publics
   1.106 +     ns-imports ns-interns refer ns-refers alias ns-aliases ns-unalias ns-resolve
   1.107 +     resolve ns require use loaded-libs compile intern namespace-munge
   1.108 +     ;; Java
   1.109 +     .. import class enumeration-seq
   1.110 +     ;;Objects
   1.111 +     bases make-hierarchy supers isa? parents ancestors descendants derive underive
   1.112 +     ;; Symbols
   1.113 +     *ns* *1 *2 *3 *e *compile-path*
   1.114 +     ;; Proxies
   1.115 +     get-proxy-class construct-proxy init-proxy update-proxy proxy-mappings proxy
   1.116 +     proxy-super bean
   1.117 +     ;; Vars
   1.118 +     var-get
   1.119 +     
   1.120 +     ]]]
   1.121 +
   1.122 +
   1.123 + '[rlm
   1.124 +   [function-utils :only [mix defmix runonce]]
   1.125 +   [rlm-commands :only [undef ns-reset ns-nuke reload keymap-clojure keymap-normal rlm]]
   1.126 +   [ns-rlm :only [ns-clear ns-clone ls]]
   1.127 +   [play-all :only [play-all-music]]
   1.128 +   [shell-inspect :only [command-line?]]
   1.129 +   [shell-write :only [sw]]
   1.130 +   [classpath-utils :only [classpath add-to-classpath]]
   1.131 +   [dreams :only [megadef megaundef silence]]
   1.132 +   [map-utils :only [map-keys map-vals filter-keys filter-vals]]
   1.133 +   [decorators :only [preserve-meta]]
   1.134 +   [visualize :only [visual]]
   1.135 +   [identify :only [identify]]
   1.136 +   [push :only [push-gen push]]
   1.137 +   ]
   1.138 + '[coderloop
   1.139 +   [utils :only [read-integer read-big-integer read-integers trans-print digits]]
   1.140 +   [export-files :only [export-archive]]]
   1.141 +
   1.142 + '[sunil
   1.143 +   [curry :only  [decorate curry defn-decorated]]]
   1.144 + 
   1.145 + '[clojure.contrib
   1.146 +   [import-static :only [import-static]]
   1.147 +   [combinatorics :only [cartesian-product subsets selections
   1.148 +			 permutations lex-permutations combinations]]
   1.149 +   [duck-streams :only [file-str read-lines]]
   1.150 +   [str-utils :only [re-split re-gsub str-join]]
   1.151 +   [seq :only [separate indexed rotations find-first positions]]
   1.152 +   [math :only [expt round gcd lcm floor ceil]]
   1.153 +   [repl-utils :only [show expression-info]]
   1.154 +   [def :only [defn-memo defvar defmacro-]]
   1.155 +
   1.156 +
   1.157 +   ]
   1.158 +
   1.159 + '[clojure.contrib.generic
   1.160 +   [arithmetic :only [+ - / *]]
   1.161 +   [collection :only [assoc conj dissoc get empty into seq]]
   1.162 +   [comparison :only [pos? neg? zero? > < <= >= max min]]
   1.163 +   [math-functions :only
   1.164 +   [sqr approx= conjugate sgn acos asin atan atan2 
   1.165 +    cos exp log pow rint sin tan]]
   1.166 +   [functor :only [fmap]]]
   1.167 + 
   1.168 + '[matchure :only [fn-match defn-match if-match when-match cond-match]]
   1.169 + 
   1.170 + 
   1.171 +;; '[letd :only [with-separator display-local-bindings letd]]
   1.172 + 
   1.173 + '[clojure
   1.174 +   [repl :only [source]]]
   1.175 + 
   1.176 + '[clojure.java
   1.177 +   [javadoc :only [javadoc add-local-javadoc]]]
   1.178 +
   1.179 +)
   1.180 +
   1.181 +;;java stuff
   1.182 +
   1.183 +(import '[java.lang ProcessBuilder Enum SuppressWarnings Throwable
   1.184 +	  InterruptedException Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler RuntimeException
   1.185 +	  Thread$State ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException IllegalAccessError Process
   1.186 +	  SecurityException InstantiationException ThreadGroup System
   1.187 +	  EnumConstantNotPresentException OutOfMemoryError Double Package
   1.188 +	  ExceptionInInitializerError RuntimePermission UnknownError
   1.189 +	  IncompatibleClassChangeError
   1.190 +	  ArithmeticException StackTraceElement NoSuchFieldError InternalError Thread
   1.191 +	  SecurityManager Cloneable NegativeArraySizeException StringBuilder Appendable
   1.192 +	  Byte Math Exception IllegalAccessException ClassNotFoundException
   1.193 +	  UnsatisfiedLinkError
   1.194 +	  IllegalArgumentException AssertionError Short StrictMath ClassCircularityError
   1.195 +	  NoSuchFieldException Comparable Readable UnsupportedClassVersionError
   1.196 +	  IllegalThreadStateException Iterable Object VirtualMachineError
   1.197 +	  InheritableThreadLocal
   1.198 +	  ThreadLocal ClassLoader CloneNotSupportedException TypeNotPresentException
   1.199 +	  Void
   1.200 +	  Character NoClassDefFoundError IllegalStateException LinkageError Boolean
   1.201 +	  String
   1.202 +	  InstantiationError Float Runnable IndexOutOfBoundsException ClassFormatError
   1.203 +	  NullPointerException NoSuchMethodError ClassCastException Class
   1.204 +	  StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Override ThreadDeath CharSequence Number
   1.205 +	  IllegalMonitorStateException Error NumberFormatException VerifyError
   1.206 +	  StringBuffer
   1.207 +	  NoSuchMethodException Long ArrayStoreException UnsupportedOperationException
   1.208 +	  Integer
   1.209 +	  Deprecated StackOverflowError AbstractMethodError Runtime]
   1.210 +	'[java.math BigDecimal BigInteger]
   1.211 +	'java.util.concurrent.Callable
   1.212 +	'clojure.lang.Compiler
   1.213 +	)
   1.214 +
   1.215 +;; jme3 stuff
   1.216 +
   1.217 +(set! clojure.core/*print-length* 20)  
   1.218 +
   1.219 +(clojure.java.javadoc/add-local-javadoc "/home/r/mobius/temp-clj/javadoc")
   1.220 +
   1.221 +
   1.222 +(clojure.java.javadoc/add-local-javadoc "/home/r/roBin/jdk6-docs/docs/api")
   1.223 +(clojure.java.javadoc/add-local-javadoc 
   1.224 + "/home/r/roBin/lpsolve-doc/lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/Java/docs/api")
   1.225 +
   1.226 +
   1.227 +(defmethod / [java.lang.Number java.lang.Number]
   1.228 +  [x y] (clojure.core// x y))
   1.229 +
   1.230 +(defmethod - [java.lang.Number java.lang.Number]
   1.231 +  [x y] (clojure.core/- x y))
   1.232 +
   1.233 +(import-static java.lang.Math PI E)
   1.234 +
   1.235 +
   1.236 +     
   1.237 +
   1.238 +     
   1.239 +     
   1.240 +     
   1.241 +
   1.242 +
   1.243 +
   1.244 +
   1.245 +
   1.246 +