view @ 1:073974145f90

moved swank-all, and created a standalone repl script
author Robert McIntyre <>
date Wed, 19 Oct 2011 06:26:02 -0700
children 1579e83305d7
line wrap: on
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
3 S_EXPR=""
6 if [ "$1" = "--repl" ]; then
7 ACTION="--repl"
8 else
9 S_EXPR="(do (require 'swank.swank)(swank.swank/start-repl 4005 ))"
10 ACTION=" -e "
11 fi
15 java \
16 \
17 `: # java VM options`\
18 -verbose:gc \
19 -Xmn500M \
20 -Xms2000M \
21 -Xmx2000M \
22 -server \
23 \
24 `: # classpath contains all of my projects.`\
25 -cp \
26 \
27 `: # my own projects`\
28 /home/r/proj/rlm/src:\
29 /home/r/proj/curry/src:\
30 /home/r/java/lib/*:\
31 /home/r/proj/aurellem/src:\
32 /home/r/proj/pokemon-types/src:\
33 /home/r/proj/cortex/src:\
34 /home/r/proj/cortex/assets:\
35 /home/r/proj/abomination/src:\
36 /home/r/proj/abomination/classes:\
37 /home/r/proj/coderloop/src:\
38 \
39 `: # libraries`\
40 /home/r/java/incanter/*:\
41 /home/r/java/enlive/src:\
42 /home/r/java/lp_solve-5.5/lib/lpsolve55j.jar:\
43 /home/r/proj/jMonkeyEngine3/dist/jMonkeyEngine3.jar:\
44 /home/r/proj/jMonkeyEngine3/dist/lib/*:\
45 \
46 \
47 `: # interfacing with C libraries`\
48 -Djava.library.path=\
49 /home/r/java/lp_solve-5.5/lpsolve55/bin/ux64:\
50 /home/r/java/lp_solve-5.5-java/lib/ux64\
51 \
52 `: # start the repl for clojure`\
53 \
54 clojure.main ${ACTION} "${S_EXPR}"
55 # clojure.main -e "(do (require 'swank.swank)(swank.swank/start-repl 4005 ))"
60 # removed genesis stuff
61 #`: # Genesis Stuff.`\
62 #/home/r/proj/Genesis/src:\
63 #/home/r/proj/workspace/Gauntlet/binary:\
64 #/home/r/proj/workspace/Clips/bin:\
65 #/home/r/proj/workspace/Propagators/bin\