rlm@5: These are notes about how to do stuff in our enviroment. rlm@5: rlm@5: first, rlm@5: rlm@5: ssh -X username@argon5.csail.mit.edu rlm@5: source /afs/csail.mit.edu/group/csg/tools_lx86_64/condor/condor.sh rlm@5: rlm@5: rlm@5: now you have access to AWB. rlm@5: rlm@5: rlm@5: run rlm@5: awb-shell rlm@5: rlm@5: rlm@5: here are some actual things you can type that will actually work rlm@5: rlm@5: list packages rlm@5: list repositories rlm@5: rehash rlm@5: checkout package mit-6.375 rlm@5: build package all rlm@5: rlm@5: rlm@5: modules we need: rlm@5: platforms rlm@5: mit-6.375 rlm@5: asimcore rlm@5: awb rlm@5: hasim