view documents/week3.lyx @ 18:bb7db7d1b37c pygar svn.19

[svn r19] removed garbage
author rlm
date Tue, 27 Apr 2010 23:06:26 -0400
parents 295314b16220
line wrap: on
line source
1 #LyX 1.6.4 created this file. For more info see
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41 \begin_body
43 \begin_layout Title
44 Multi-Voice Audio Playback
45 \end_layout
47 \begin_layout Author
48 Laurel Pardue, Robert McIntyre
49 \end_layout
51 \begin_layout Subsection*
52 Progress
53 \end_layout
55 \begin_layout Standard
56 This week we worked on programming the main components of the multi-voice
57 playback system.
58 We have sucessfully incorporated our working processor into the AWB project
59 management system and built an AWB module separate from the MIT-6.375 package to host our work. Our processor compiles within the environment but is untested as the benchmarks aren't running. The interfaces and module construction match the existing codes though so it is unlikely the processor would fail.
60 Full integration of the soft core into the audio pipeline should be achieved (still in the works but close).
61 We have continued work on the mixer and the routing table and have coded
62 pleminary versions of both. The routing table, which provides static definitions for how to construct the audio path at compile time sucessfully compiles. It also includes mixer scalars.
64 \end_layout
66 \begin_layout Subsection*
67 Blockers
68 \end_layout
70 \begin_layout Standard
71 We need to meet with Elliott to determine how to load programs into the
72 processors which we have just integrated into the processing stream.
73 We need them to be able to
74 \begin_inset Quotes eld
75 \end_inset
77 start
78 \begin_inset Quotes erd
79 \end_inset
81 with a program for processing samples already in memory.
82 \end_layout
84 \end_body
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