Mercurial > pygar
comparison documents/AudioProcessing.lyx @ 0:6d1ff93e3afa pygar svn.1
[svn r1] This is the current draft of out project
author | rlm |
date | Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:08:30 -0400 (2010-04-13) |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:6d1ff93e3afa |
1 #LyX 1.6.4 created this file. For more info see | |
2 \lyxformat 345 | |
3 \begin_document | |
4 \begin_header | |
5 \textclass article | |
6 \use_default_options true | |
7 \language english | |
8 \inputencoding auto | |
9 \font_roman default | |
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17 | |
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38 \author "" | |
39 \end_header | |
40 | |
41 \begin_body | |
42 | |
43 \begin_layout Title | |
44 Multi-Voice Audio Playback | |
45 \end_layout | |
46 | |
47 \begin_layout Author | |
48 Laurel Pardue, Robert McIntyre | |
49 \end_layout | |
50 | |
51 \begin_layout Section* | |
52 Micro-Architecture | |
53 \end_layout | |
54 | |
55 \begin_layout Subsection* | |
56 A quick summary of our system | |
57 \end_layout | |
58 | |
59 \begin_layout Standard | |
60 The audio data ( | |
61 \begin_inset Quotes eld | |
62 \end_inset | |
63 | |
64 samples | |
65 \begin_inset Quotes erd | |
66 \end_inset | |
67 | |
68 ) start in the memory, but are soon pulled into action by the DMA (direct | |
69 memory access). | |
70 The DMA sends the samples to a chain of 0 or more | |
71 \emph on | |
72 soft-cores | |
73 \emph default | |
74 , where they are transformed according to the soft-cores' algorithms. | |
75 After running the gauntlet of soft-cores, the samples flow first to a buffering | |
76 FIFO, and finally to a | |
77 \emph on | |
78 mixer | |
79 \emph default | |
80 , which sends the samples off to be played by speakers of stored in a file. | |
81 \end_layout | |
82 | |
83 \begin_layout Subsection* | |
84 A more detailed look a our system | |
85 \end_layout | |
86 | |
87 \begin_layout Standard | |
88 Our audio pipeline starts its life with whatever music we want to play already | |
89 in memory. | |
90 The music has multiple tracks, or | |
91 \begin_inset Quotes eld | |
92 \end_inset | |
93 | |
94 voices, | |
95 \begin_inset Quotes erd | |
96 \end_inset | |
97 | |
98 which we arrange on the memory in contiguous sequences. | |
99 Therefore, each voice starts at its own start-address, and continues on | |
100 for as long as it needs. | |
101 We cap each voice with an end-of-file marker. | |
102 We make every voice the same length to simplify timing issues, even though | |
103 that might mean that there is a lot of wasted space in the form of dead | |
104 areas with no sound. | |
105 \end_layout | |
106 | |
107 \begin_layout Standard | |
108 When the processing starts, the DMA reads in each voice and sends the audio | |
109 data ( | |
110 \begin_inset Quotes eld | |
111 \end_inset | |
112 | |
113 samples | |
114 \begin_inset Quotes erd | |
115 \end_inset | |
116 | |
117 ) off to a chain of soft-cores. | |
118 The DMA knows to which chain the samples should be forwarded by looking | |
119 up the samples' voice in a hash table read at startup. | |
120 Once the samples enter the soft-core chain, the first soft-core in line | |
121 takes the samples and performs some sort of audio operation, producing | |
122 modified audio samples. | |
123 These samples feed into the next soft-core which performs a different algorithm. | |
124 As condition for functional correctness, we require the algorithm that | |
125 each soft-core contains to be able to produce audio samples at the desired | |
126 44khz rate, but we allow an arbitrary setup time for the soft-core to get | |
127 ready. | |
128 That way, a pipelined processor can take its time and fill up its pipeline | |
129 completely with no worries. | |
130 Once the soft-core starts producing samples, it must produce them at a | |
131 rate of at least 44khz forever. | |
132 If every soft-core in the chain obeys this timing condition, then the whole | |
133 chain will as well, so the entire chain of soft-cores can be treated as | |
134 a single big soft-core for timing purposes. | |
135 Our soft-cores are just Lab 5 processors preloaded with specific audio | |
136 processing algorithms. | |
137 \end_layout | |
138 | |
139 \begin_layout Standard | |
140 Eventually, the samples make their way to the end of the chain of soft-cores. | |
141 Every chain of soft-cores ends in a FIFO. | |
142 For this project, we will have 12 separate voices. | |
143 Therefore, there will be 12 soft-core chains, each with a FIFO at its end, | |
144 one for each voice. | |
145 Each of the 12 FIFOs leads to the mixer, which only begins operation once | |
146 all 12 FIFOs are full. | |
147 Because of the timing constraints we impose on our soft-cores, once every | |
148 FIFO has at least one sample, all 12 will forever more be able to supply | |
149 samples at 44khz. | |
150 The mixer therefore waits until all 12 FIFOs have elements and then reads | |
151 samples from all FIFOS at a rate of 44khz. | |
152 The mixer combines the samples through simple addition and scaling, creating | |
153 a single stream of sample data, which is sent back from the FPGA to the | |
154 host computer where we play the stream and/or save it to a file. | |
155 The mixer ensures that it outputs samples at a rate of 44khz by running | |
156 everything through its own internal buffer FIFO clocked at 44khz. | |
157 \end_layout | |
158 | |
159 \end_body | |
160 \end_document |