# HG changeset patch
# User Robert McIntyre <rlm@mit.edu>
# Date 1320237709 25200
# Node ID ff9655688ddbde45230c655d6d0c7b4791c12fea
# Parent  a227fe337e83d637baae2a73899665030a86641d
added pokemon table

diff -r a227fe337e83 -r ff9655688ddb org/types.org
--- a/org/types.org	Thu Oct 20 01:12:46 2011 -0700
+++ b/org/types.org	Wed Nov 02 05:41:49 2011 -0700
@@ -16,22 +16,40 @@
 Pok\eacute{}mon type system; the number in each cell indicates how
 effective an attack of the type in the row is against a
 Pok\eacute{}mon of the type in the column. We call these numbers
-/susceptibilities/ because we are interested in the column totals,
-which quantify the overall vulnerability of each Pok\eacute{}mon type
-(as opposed to the row totals, which quantify the overall
-effectiveness of each attack type.)
 In the Pok\eacute{}mon games, only four susceptibility values (two,
 one, one-half, and zero) occur. These numbers indicate particularly
 high susceptibility, average susceptibility, particularly low
-susceptibility, and no susceptibility
-(immunity). Here is the entire Pok\eacute{}mon type chart.
+susceptibility, and no susceptibility (immunity).
+ - The suceptability of Flying types /against/ Ground is 0, because Ground
+   attacks cannot hurt Flying pok\eacute{}mon at all. The damage that
+   a Ground type attack normally does is  /multiplied/ by 0 when it is
+   uesd against a Flying type pok\eacute{}mon.
+ - The susceptability of Fire types against Water attacks
+   is 2, because Water type attacks are strong against Fire type
+   Pok\eacute{}mon. The damage that a Water type attack normally does
+   is doubled when it is used against a Fire type pok\eacute{}mon.
-** TODO add the pokemon chart in a pretty form
-* COMMENT Pokemon Table Data 
+ - The susceptability of Water types against Water attacks is
+   $\frac{1}{2}$, because Water type attacks are strong against Water
+   type Pok\eacute{}mon. The damage that a Water type attack normally
+   does is halved when it is used against a Water type
+   pok\eacute{}mon.
+There are two pok\eacute{}mon type systems in use. The first is the
+classic system which was used for the very first pok\eacute{}mon
+games, Red, Yellow, and Blue. This old system was used from 1998 to
+2000 in America, and is known as the /Generation I Type System/.  The
+modern pok\eacute{}mon type system was introduced in 2000 with the
+introduction of pok\eacute{}mon Gold and Silver, and has been in use
+ever since.  It is called the /Generation II Type System/.
+Here are the the definitions of the two type systems.
+* Pokemon Table Data 
 #+caption: The rows are attack types, while the columns are defense types.  To see the multiplier for a pokemon attack against a certain type, follow the row for the attack type to the column of the defending type.
 #+label: pokemon-matchups
@@ -603,6 +621,7 @@
 a different way.
 * COMMENT main program
 #+begin_src clojure :noweb yes :tangle ../src/pokemon/types.clj :exports none