rlm@1: #!/bin/bash rlm@1: # Copyright (c) 2000,2004 Matthias S. Benkmann
rlm@1: # You may do everything with this code except misrepresent its origin. rlm@1: # PROVIDED `AS IS' WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND! rlm@1: rlm@1: if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then rlm@1: set -- "$1" "$1" "$1" rlm@1: fi rlm@1: rlm@1: if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then rlm@1: echo 1>&2 rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'USAGE 1: install_package ' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'USAGE 2: install_package ' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'Creates a new package user called with primary group ' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'and description .' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'If the user account has been created successfully, `su - '"'"' will be' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'executed so that you can start working with the new account right away.' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 rlm@1: echo 1>&2 ' needs to be a valid string for the /etc/passwd description' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 ' field. This means, among other things, that it must not contain ":".' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 ' Don'"'"'t forget to properly quote if it contains spaces or' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 ' other characters interpreted by the shell!' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'This script leaves the actual creation of the new account to the' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'add_package_user script. Check out its documentation for details.' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 rlm@1: echo 1>&2 'When called with just one argument, that argument will be used as' rlm@1: echo 1>&2 ', and ' rlm@1: exit 1 rlm@1: fi rlm@1: rlm@1: if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo Please run this script as root. ; exit 1; fi rlm@1: add_package_user "${1}" $2 10000 20000 $3 10000 20000 || exit 1 rlm@1: su - $2