view previous-work/more_control_helpers/bin/list_suspicious_files @ 16:cd47c42f1d0a

author Robert McIntyre <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2013 11:38:31 +0000
parents d6bef198ae71
line wrap: on
line source
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Copyright (c) 2004 Matthias S. Benkmann <article AT winterdrache DOT de>
3 # You may do everything with this code except misrepresent its origin.
6 #The following list should contain the mount points of all filesystems
7 #that are to be scanned as a space-separated list within parentheses.
8 #/ will usually be in this list and if you have /usr
9 #on a separate partition, it will also be in this list. Other non-special
10 #filesystems where suspicious files could be located should also be put in
11 #this list.
12 #Mount points whose filesystems are special, such as procfs or sysfs should
13 #not be in this list.
14 fs_to_scan=(/)
16 #Files with a path prefix found in the following list are ignored.
17 #DO !!!!NOT!!! PUT /usr/src OR WHATEVER THE HOME DIRECTORY prefix is for your
18 #package users into this list!!! You DO want to scan those directories in
19 #order to spot e.g. world-writable tarballs and other abominations that
20 #may have crept in.
21 #Ideally, this list should be empty.
22 prune_prefixes=() #NO TRAILING SLASHES!!!
24 #If the following variable is set to "yes", then files that contain
25 #control characters or other non-printable characters (except for space)
26 #will be reported as suspicious.
27 #This test slows down the search considerably!
28 enable_illchars=yes
31 #suppress ugly debug output from shell
32 trap ':' SIGPIPE
34 #"-false" as 1st argument is used when called by list_suspicious_files_from
35 if [ $# -ge 1 -a "$1" != "-false" ]; then
36 echo 1>&2
37 echo 1>&2 "USAGE: ${0##*/}"
38 echo 1>&2
39 echo 1>&2 ' Outputs a categorized list of files and directories with properties'
40 echo 1>&2 ' that could mean trouble and should be investigated.'
41 echo 1>&2
42 exit 1
43 fi
46 usergroupmatch=(-true)
47 if [ "$1" = "-false" ]; then
48 usergroupmatch=(\( "$@" \))
49 fi
51 #construct find commands that match the prune_prefixes. Each prefix will be
52 #matched as -path <prefix> -or -path <prefix>/*
53 #so that the directory itself and all subdirectories are matched.
54 y=(\( -false)
55 for ((i=0; $i<${#prune_prefixes[@]}; i=$i+1))
56 do
57 y[${#y[@]}]='-or'
58 y[${#y[@]}]=-path
59 y[${#y[@]}]="${prune_prefixes[$i]}"
60 y[${#y[@]}]='-or'
61 y[${#y[@]}]=-path
62 y[${#y[@]}]="${prune_prefixes[$i]}/*"
63 done
64 y[${#y[@]}]=')'
66 illchars=( $'\x1' $'\x2' $'\x3' $'\x4' $'\x5' $'\x6' $'\x7' $'\x8'
67 $'\x9' $'\xA' $'\xB' $'\xC' $'\xD' $'\xE' $'\xF' $'\x10' $'\x11'
68 $'\x12' $'\x13' $'\x14' $'\x15' $'\x16' $'\x17' $'\x18' $'\x19'
69 $'\x1A' $'\x1B' $'\x1C' $'\x1D' $'\x1E' $'\x1F' $'\x7f' $'\x80'
70 $'\x81' $'\x82' $'\x83' $'\x84' $'\x85' $'\x86' $'\x87' $'\x88'
71 $'\x89' $'\x8A' $'\x8B' $'\x8C' $'\x8D' $'\x8E' $'\x8F' $'\x90'
72 $'\x91' $'\x92' $'\x93' $'\x94' $'\x95' $'\x96' $'\x97' $'\x98'
73 $'\x99' $'\x9A' $'\x9B' $'\x9C' $'\x9D' $'\x9E' $'\x9F' )
76 if [ "$enable_illchars" = yes ]; then
78 illname=(\( -false)
79 for ((i=0; $i<${#illchars[@]}; i=$i+1))
80 do
81 #handle bash \x7f error
82 if [ "*${illchars[$i]}*" = "**" ]; then
83 illchars[$i]=$'\x80' #'
84 fi
85 illname[${#illname[@]}]='-or'
86 illname[${#illname[@]}]=-name
87 illname[${#illname[@]}]="*${illchars[$i]}*"
88 done
89 illname[${#illname[@]}]=')'
91 illlink=(\( -false)
92 for ((i=0; $i<${#illchars[@]}; i=$i+1))
93 do
94 illlink[${#illlink[@]}]='-or'
95 illlink[${#illlink[@]}]=-lname
96 illlink[${#illlink[@]}]="*${illchars[$i]}*"
97 done
98 illlink[${#illlink[@]}]=')'
99 else #if [ "$enable_illchars" = no ]
100 illlink=(-false)
101 illname=(-false)
102 fi
104 # $1=section heading
105 # $2=inode message
106 report()
107 {
108 echo -printf "increment_code_here"
109 echo -printf
110 echo "1 ${1}\\n" | sed 's/ /\\040/g'
111 echo -printf "insert_code_here"
113 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
114 echo -printf
115 echo "2 %i 1 ${2}\\n" | sed 's/ /\\040/g'
116 echo -printf "insert_code_here"
117 echo -printf
118 echo "2 %i 2 " | sed 's/ /\\040/g'
119 else
120 echo -printf "2\\040"
121 fi
123 echo -exec ls -T 0 -ladQ {} \;
124 }
127 filegoodperm=(\( -perm 644 -or -perm 755 -or -perm 555 -or -perm 444 -or -perm 600 -or -perm 700 -or -perm 640 \))
128 dirgoodperm=(\( -perm 755 -or -perm 555 -or -perm 700 -or -perm 750 \))
130 good=( \(
131 -not \( -not -type d -links +1 \)
132 -not -nouser -not -nogroup
133 -not \( "${illname[@]}" \)
134 -not \( "${illlink[@]}" \)
135 \)
136 -and
137 \(
138 \( -type f -not -group install "${filegoodperm[@]}" \)
139 -or \( -type d -not -group install "${dirgoodperm[@]}" \)
140 -or \( -type d -group install \( -perm 1775 \) \)
141 -or \( -type d -group root -user root -path "/tmp" \( -perm 1777 \) \)
142 -or \( -type d -group root -user root -path "/var/tmp" \( -perm 1777 \) \)
143 -or \( -not -type d -not -type f -not -type l -path "/dev/*" \)
144 -or \( -type l \( -xtype b -or -xtype c -or -xtype d -or -xtype p -or -xtype f \) \)
145 \)
146 )
148 bad=(
149 \( "${illname[@]}" $(report "NON-PRINTABLE CHAR IN NAME") \)
150 OP \( "${illlink[@]}" $(report "NON-PRINTABLE-CHAR IN LINK-TARGET") \)
151 OP \( -type f -perm -4000 $(report "SETUID FILES") \)
152 OP \( -type f -perm -2000 $(report "SETGID FILES") \)
153 OP \( -type f -perm -1000 $(report "STICKY FILES") \)
154 OP \( -type d -perm -2000 $(report "GROUP-KEEPING DIRECTORIES") \)
155 OP \( -type d -not -group install -perm -1000 $(report "STICKY DIRECTORIES") \)
156 OP \( -type f -perm -g+w $(report "GROUP-WRITABLE FILES") \)
157 OP \( -type f -perm -o+w $(report "WORLD-WRITABLE FILES") \)
158 OP \( -type d -perm -g+w $(report "GROUP-WRITABLE DIRECTORIES") \)
159 OP \( -type d -perm -o+w $(report "WORLD-WRITABLE DIRECTORIES") \)
160 OP \( -not \( -type f -or -type l -or -type d \) -not -path "/dev/*" $(report "SPECIAL FILES OUTSIDE /dev") \)
161 OP \( -type d -group install -not -perm 1755 $(report "INSTALL DIRECTORIES WITH UNUSUAL PERMISSIONS") \)
162 OP \( -type f -group install $(report "FILES ASSIGNED TO GROUP INSTALL") \)
163 OP \( -type l -not \( -xtype b -or -xtype c -or -xtype d -or -xtype p -or -xtype f \) $(report "SYMLINKS POSSIBLY BROKEN OR LOOP") \)
164 OP \( -not -type d -links +1 $(report "HARDLINKED FILES" "Inode %i is shared by %n files, including") \)
167 OP \( -type f -not -group install -not "${filegoodperm[@]}" $(report "FILES WITH UNUSUAL PERMISSIONS") \)
168 OP \( -type d -not -group install -not "${dirgoodperm[@]}" $(report "DIRECTORIES WITH UNUSUAL PERMISSIONS") \)
169 )
171 #insert unique codes for the messages
172 code=100
173 for ((i=0; $i<${#bad[@]}; i=$i+1))
174 do
175 if [ "${bad[$i]}" = "increment_code_here" ]; then
176 code=$(($code + 1))
177 bad[$i]=$code
178 elif [ "${bad[$i]}" = "insert_code_here" ]; then
179 bad[$i]=$code
180 fi
181 done
183 allbad=() #all bad matches are reported
184 onebad=() #only the first bad match is reported
185 for ((i=0; $i<${#bad[@]}; i=$i+1))
186 do
187 if [ "${bad[$i]}" = "OP" ]; then
188 allbad[$i]=","
189 onebad[$i]="-or"
190 else
191 allbad[$i]="${bad[$i]}"
192 onebad[$i]="${bad[$i]}"
193 fi
194 done
196 #Add a default case to onebad.
197 #This should never be hit, because the explicit cases should catch all
198 #files, but just in case I've missed something, this will catch it.
199 onebad=("${onebad[@]}" -or $(report "WEIRD SHIT") )
201 #make allbad always return false
202 allbad=("${allbad[@]}" , -false)
204 cmd=( "${usergroupmatch[@]}" -and
205 \( \( "${good[@]}" \) -or \( "${allbad[@]}" \) -or \( "${onebad[@]}" \) \)
206 )
208 #In the following find command, the part
209 # -not ( ( "${y[@]}" -prune ) -or "${y[@]}" )
210 #is responsible for preventing the files that match prune_prefixes from
211 #being processed. The 2nd "${y[@]}" may seem redundant, but it isn't, because
212 #-prune has no effect and is always false when -depth is used.
213 find "${fs_to_scan[@]}" -xdev -noleaf \
214 -not \( \( "${y[@]}" -prune \) -or "${y[@]}" \) \
215 -and \( "${cmd[@]}" \) |
216 sed 's/^\(...2\) \([0-9]\+ 2 \)\?\([^ ]\+\) \+[^ ]\+ \+\([^ ]\+\) \+\([^ ]\+\) \+[^"]\+\(".\+\)/\1 \2\3 \6 \4:\5/' |
217 sort -u |
218 sed 's/^...1 /\'$'\n''/;s/^...2 [0-9]\+ 1 /\'$'\n'' /;s/^...2 [0-9]\+ 2 / /;s/^...2 / /'