rlm@2: This is a hentai story, so if you're under 18, you probably shouldn't be here. rlm@2: If you're over 18 then enjoy! We don't own any of the characters in this, Toei rlm@2: Naoko Takeuchi and assorted other people do. This is another of our stories, rlm@2: and like the first one we're trying to use characters that haven't been in rlm@2: many good hentai stories. So that means no Inner Senshi, Usagi and Mamoru, rlm@2: Dark Kingdom Generals, or Usagi and Seiya (We might use Seiya, but the ones with rlm@2: him and Usagi are boring and overdone, just like with Mamoru). ChibiUsa and rlm@2: Hotaru are both 16 and live in Crystal Tokyo. This is a Sekkushiaru Roman. rlm@2: Which basically means that this is a romantic hentai story. There have been rlm@2: a lot of these stories lately and we wanted to write a romantic story about our rlm@2: favorite couple: ChibiUsa and Hotaru! None of our fanfics take place in rlm@2: the same time frame. Kinda like an alternate dimension for each fic. rlm@2: We may revisit these things by doing sequals to stories. So, don't worry, rlm@2: we'll tell you if any two stories are connected. This is our second rlm@2: fanfic and we love feedback so please e-mail us at: amazonessduo@hotmail.com. rlm@2: We love to hear from people and what they thought of our stories or what rlm@2: stories they'd like us to write. Thanks. ^_^ rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: "I Love You, Hotaru" rlm@2: By rlm@2: The Amazoness Duo rlm@2: rlm@2: ChibiUsa was walking around the museum. She was looking at 20th rlm@2: century artifacts. She had been living back in the 20th century a couple rlm@2: years ago. In fact, that was where she had met Hotaru. As she thought of rlm@2: Hotaru she realised that the other girl was late. Hotaru was supposed to have rlm@2: met her half an hour ago. 'Where is she," thought ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "Odango-chan! There you are, Odango-chan," Hotaru ran up, catching rlm@2: her breath. ChibiUsa was embarrassed as Hotaru caught up to her. Hotaru had rlm@2: come up with that pet name for her a little while ago, but had never called rlm@2: her by it in a large public place. "Don't worry, ChibiUsa. There aren't a rlm@2: lot of people here, and even if there were, it wouldn't matter. I want rlm@2: everyone to know that I love you." rlm@2: ChibiUsa blushed as Hotaru said that. She loved Hotaru, too. She rlm@2: just didn't want everyone to know Hotaru's name for her. It had been hard rlm@2: enough telling her parents and the other senshi that she had finally found rlm@2: her true love and that it was Hotaru. She would wind up telling the general rlm@2: populace later on in a speech or something if Hotaru didn't tell the rest of rlm@2: the planet first. rlm@2: "Weren't you supposed to be here half an hour ago?" ChibiUsa asked. rlm@2: "Nope. You were late I've been looking everywhere for you," Hotaru rlm@2: said. "I think your watch is broken." Hotaru pointed at ChibiUsa's watch. rlm@2: ChibiUsa looked at her watch, and, Hotaru was right. rlm@2: "But, maybe you can make up for being late later," Hotaru said as she rlm@2: smiled innocently. rlm@2: ChibiUsa slid her arm around Hotaru's waist. "I've been thinking a rlm@2: lot lately. If I hadn't gone back to the past, I never would have met you, rlm@2: Hotaru," said ChibiUsa feeling a tear run down her face as she thought of rlm@2: never meeting Hotaru. "And then we would never have been best friends, or rlm@2: have realised how deep our feelings were for each other, or...." rlm@2: "It's okay, Odango-Chan," said Hotaru as she embraced her girlfriend. rlm@2: "All that matters is that we did meet and that we did realise those feelings. rlm@2: Don't cry, ChibiUsa." rlm@2: "I'm okay now. I just realised how lucky I am to have you," she told rlm@2: Hotaru through misty eyes. Another tear ran down her face as she looked at rlm@2: Hotaru. A tear of joy for having Hotaru. Hotaru held her closer. rlm@2: "Good. Now maybe we can start looking around the museum." Hotaru said rlm@2: as she pinched ChibiUsa's ass. rlm@2: "Owwww, that hurts, Hotaru," ChibiUsa complained. rlm@2: "Well, I would kiss it, but I don't think you want to do that in the rlm@2: museum right here and now," Hotaru smiled. rlm@2: All ChibiUsa could do was blush. rlm@2: "Or do you?" Hotaru asked innocently "You are the princess of Crystal rlm@2: Tokyo. No one could get you in any real trouble." rlm@2: "I don't see Neo Queen Serenity taking it well when she hears that her rlm@2: daughter was making love to her girlfriend in a public museum." said ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "You should be more adventuresome. There's always the thrill that rlm@2: we might get caught, Odango-chan," said Hotaru as she drew ChibiUsa closer to rlm@2: her. rlm@2: "You just want the rest of the planet to find out by seeing the two rlm@2: of us, don't you?" ChibiUsa lightly put her hand on Hotaru's face. She rlm@2: lightly traced Hotaru's luscious lips with her forefinger. She trailed her rlm@2: finger down to Hotaru's chin and leaned towards her. The two girls met rlm@2: in a passionate kiss that left the rest of the world far from their minds. rlm@2: The two finally pulled away after what seemed like hours. ChibiUsa looked rlm@2: at her best friend, her girlfriend, her lover, her soulmate. Hotaru's rlm@2: face was so beautiful. Her body had grown very well since they had been rlm@2: children, and ChibiUsa loved every inch of it. She was the most precious rlm@2: thing to ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "Of course, ChibiUsa. I love you and I want the world to know," rlm@2: Hotaru told her as they broke the kiss, "If I love you so much, and you love rlm@2: me, why shouldn't everyone know?" rlm@2: "I love you too, Hotaru. Don't worry, I'll tell everyone soon enough. rlm@2: I just don't know exactly how," said ChibiUsa. rlm@2: Setsuna spotted the two girls talking as they headed through the rlm@2: museum. She smiled as she saw them kissing. She had been ChibiUsa's friend rlm@2: for a long time and she had helped raise Hotaru, so she was happy for both of rlm@2: them. The older girl walked over to the younger couple. rlm@2: "So there you two are. You're late for the banquet. I was on my way rlm@2: there and decided to look for you," Setsuna said. rlm@2: "Oh, Setsuna nice to see you. Hotaru and I were just looking at the rlm@2: lovely artifacts here," said ChibiUsa, startled that Setsuna had walked up as rlm@2: she and Hotaru had been kissing. She had told Setsuna along with the rest of rlm@2: the senshi, but she was still nervous. She had never been so close rlm@2: to anyone as she was with Hotaru, and it felt awkward when her other friends rlm@2: were around. rlm@2: "Yeah, right. Well, c'mon you two lovebirds, or we'll miss the whole rlm@2: banquet," Setsuna turned and started to lead the way back to the palace. rlm@2: Hotaru looked at ChibiUsa slightly annoyed. "Don't be so shy all of rlm@2: of the time, ChibiUsa. If you're worried about little things like Setsuna rlm@2: seeing us kiss, what will you do about big things like when you announce our rlm@2: wedding?" rlm@2: "W..W...Wedding?" asked ChibiUsa. She was having a hard enough time rlm@2: thinking about telling the rest of the world about the two of them and trying rlm@2: not to be nervous around her friends to worry about marriage right now. rlm@2: "We ARE getting married, right??" asked Hotaru, pissed off at ChibiUsa rlm@2: for not even thinking about it. She wanted to have a nice, big wedding with rlm@2: all of their friends and families there. She loved ChibiUsa and wanted to rlm@2: marry her. rlm@2: "Don't we have a banquet to go to Hotaru?" said ChibiUsa changing the rlm@2: subject as they followed Setsuna. rlm@2: Setsuna smiled to herself as the two talked. They'd get married rlm@2: pretty soon. She had seen it in the future. She knew she shouldn't check rlm@2: into the future, but sometimes things got so interesting, like with Hotaru rlm@2: and ChibiUsa, that she couldn't help herself. rlm@2: rlm@2: ChibiUsa and Hotaru arrived at the banquet hand in hand. Neo Queen rlm@2: Serenity had organized the banquet so she could get all her friends together. rlm@2: She saw them all often, but getting them all in the same place was all but rlm@2: impossible if it wasn't preplanned, so she had these banquets from time to rlm@2: time. rlm@2: "ChibiUsa!! Oh good, I thought something might have happened to you," rlm@2: said Neo Queen Serenity as she approached her daughter. rlm@2: "It's okay, mom. Hotaru and I just lost track of time, I guess," said rlm@2: ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "Ohhhh. Okay." Serenity winked at ChibiUsa thinking she understood rlm@2: what took them so long. rlm@2: ChibiUsa blushed as she realised what Serenity thought happened. She rlm@2: and Hotaru had made love before on a lot of occasions and Serenity had never rlm@2: guessed, but now she thought that something had happened and they hadn't even rlm@2: done anything. "No, wait, you don't understand. We were at the mmm....." rlm@2: she was stopped as she felt Hotaru's lips pressed against her own. By the rlm@2: time Hotaru finally pulled away Serenity was already mingling with her rlm@2: friends. "Why did you do that, Hotaru-chan?" asked ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "Because you look soooo cute when you're embarassed," stated Hotaru. rlm@2: ChibiUsa blushed further as she said that. She wrapped her arm around rlm@2: ChibiUsa and pulled the other girl closer to her. ChibiUsa leaned her head rlm@2: on Hotaru's shoulder. No matter what happened during the day, it all melted rlm@2: away when she was in Hotaru's arms. Hotaru held her gently as she looked at rlm@2: the people who had come. All of the senshi were here, including the Sailor rlm@2: Quartet, the Starlights, and Princess Kakyuu. rlm@2: "Wow, mom really got everybody here, didn't she?" ChibiUsa was amazed rlm@2: that everyone had been able to go to the banquet. rlm@2: "Yeah, there sure are a lot of people. It would be pretty easy for rlm@2: someone with a beautiful girlfriend to sneak off for a few minutes. Or hours." rlm@2: ChibiUsa liked this idea already. "And where did you have in mind?" rlm@2: "Oh, its not far, Odango-chan. This way," Hotaru took ChibiUsa's rlm@2: hand. ChibiUsa giggled as she followed Hotaru out of the room. Hotaru rlm@2: stopped outside an empty room. "Here we are," said Hotaru as she and ChibiUsa rlm@2: entered the room. rlm@2: "But... Hotaru, this is too close to the banquet. What if someone rlm@2: catches us?" asked ChibiUsa nervously. Every other time they had sex there rlm@2: had been little danger of being caught except for one time before she told rlm@2: her parents and before Hotaru had moved in with her. Hotaru had fallen asleep rlm@2: in ChibiUsa's room. ChibiUsa had to get up and go to breakfast soon. But rlm@2: Hotaru had insisted she stay, and how could she say no to Hotaru sitting rlm@2: naked on her bed. As they started to make love, Serenity had knocked on the rlm@2: door and told ChibiUsa it was time for breakfast. She almost went in rlm@2: ChibiUsa's room but finally ChibiUsa told her that she'd skip breakfast. That rlm@2: time had been close, and she didn't want to get caught during a banquet by any rlm@2: one, especially when all the senshi were there. rlm@2: "Like I said before, there's always the thrill that we might get rlm@2: caught. And besides, I don't want to wait until the banquet's over, and it rlm@2: will take to long to go all the way back to our room," pointed out Hotaru. rlm@2: "That's true." ChibiUsa admitted. She didn't like where this rlm@2: was going. rlm@2: "Do you want to wait till we get to your room? That could ruin the rlm@2: mood." Hotaru said as she started pulling ChibiUsa's dress off. rlm@2: "I guess your right," ChibiUsa finally gave in. She then pulled away rlm@2: from Hotaru so she could close the door. After she closed the door and turned rlm@2: around and saw Hotaru standing there wearing her bra, panties, and socks. rlm@2: ChibiUsa started taking off her outfit but Hotaru stopped her. rlm@2: "Here, let me." Hotaru told ChibiUsa. rlm@2: "Okay." ChibiUsa complied, slightly confused as to what Hotaru had rlm@2: in mind. rlm@2: Hotaru started gently squeezing ChibiUsa's breasts through the rlm@2: soft cloth of the dress. Slowly, she pulled the dress down to her waist. She rlm@2: slid her hands behind ChibiUsa. Her hands slid up ChibiUsa's back. She rlm@2: unclasped the bra and dropped it on the floor. rlm@2: Hotaru looked at ChibiUsa's perfectly round and palm-sized breasts. rlm@2: She moved her head right in front of one of ChibiUsa's breasts. She took rlm@2: the nipple into her mouth and started gently sucking on it. With her other rlm@2: hand, she ever so slowly started pinching and twisting ChibiUsa's rlm@2: other nipple. ChibiUsa moaned as she felt Hotaru's tongue wash over her rlm@2: pebble-like nipple. Hotaru's other hand slid down to ChibiUsa's waist. She rlm@2: pushed the dress down the rest of the way and let it fall to ground leaving rlm@2: ChibiUsa only in her panties and socks. Hotaru slowly placed her hand in rlm@2: ChibiUsa's panties. Feeling that ChibiUsa was wet, she pulled her hand out rlm@2: and stopped sucking on ChibiUsa's breast. ChibiUsa let out a small whimper as rlm@2: soon as Hotaru stopped. Hotaru bent down and started pulling ChibiUsa's rlm@2: panties down. After ChibiUsa stepped out of them, Hotaru started leaning rlm@2: closer to ChibiUsa's pussy. As she got closer, she could smell ChibiUsa's rlm@2: musky scent. She licked ChibiUsa's pussy slowly, savoring the taste of her rlm@2: love juices. Her hand went up the back of ChibiUsa's leg. She ran her hand rlm@2: over ChibiUsa's firm ass. ChibiUsa got down on her knees so she was face to rlm@2: face with Hotaru. Hotaru's face was wet with ChibiUsa's love juices. rlm@2: ChibiUsa leaned forward and kissed Hotaru, tasting herself in Hotaru's mouth. rlm@2: As they kissed, ChibiUsa slid off Hotaru's bra and panties. She ran her rlm@2: hand down the side of hotaru's legs and pulled her socks off, leaving both rlm@2: girls sitting together naked on the floor. Hotaru ran her hand through rlm@2: ChibiUsa's beautiful pink hair. ChibiUsa's hands cupped Hotaru's soft rlm@2: breasts. She rubbed circles around her nipples causing them to harden rlm@2: further. Hotaru grasped one of ChibiUsa's breasts and started pinching and rlm@2: twisting the nipple. Her other hand went past ChibiUsa's smooth stomach rlm@2: towards her pussy. ChibiUsa felt the heat between her legs rise as she felt rlm@2: one of Hotaru's fingers pressed up against her slit. Hotaru loved the feeling rlm@2: she was getting from her breasts but she needed something more. She grabbed rlm@2: ChibiUsa's hand and lowered it to her own pussy, rubbing ChibiUsa's fingers rlm@2: against her womanhood. ChibiUsa gasped as she felt two of Hotaru's fingers rlm@2: push into her pussy, pumping in and out. She continued to pinch and twist rlm@2: one of Hotaru's nipples as her own fingers started rubbing Hotaru's pussy. rlm@2: She felt Hotaru's love juices over her hand now as she and Hotaru started rlm@2: panting. Hotaru saw ChibiUsa's love juice flowing down her inner thighs and rlm@2: slowly dripping on the floor. Hotaru felt ChibiUsa's fingers probing in rlm@2: her cunt. She could barely take it anymore she slid another finger into rlm@2: ChibiUsa and heard her moan. Both girls leaned forward into a passionate kiss rlm@2: as they reached orgasm. rlm@2: Hotaru pulled her fingers out of ChibiUsa and licked away her cum. rlm@2: ChibiUsa moved her head between Hotaru's legs and lapped away the Hotaru's cum. rlm@2: "See, Odango-chan. That was worth it, wasn't it?" Hotaru asked as ChibiUsa rlm@2: snuggled up to her on the floor. rlm@2: ChibiUsa just nodded. rlm@2: "I love you, Hotaru." ChibiUsa murmered as she and Hotaru fell asleep rlm@2: holding eachother. rlm@2: They were both asleep by the time the door opened. Vesta was shocked rlm@2: as she saw the two sleeping, naked girls on the floor. She had an evil grin rlm@2: when she started to step into the room, but Ceres and Junos pulled her out of rlm@2: the room. rlm@2: "C'mon you two, let me go! I want to go back in there!" argued Vesta. rlm@2: "No way. Didn't you see how happy they are in each others arms? Its rlm@2: sweet and you'd ruin that," said Ceres. rlm@2: "Romantic relationships are between two people Vesta. I don't think rlm@2: they'd want anyone intruding into their relationship," said Junos. rlm@2: "Yeah, but I'd just be in it for the sex, anyway. It has nothing to rlm@2: do with their relationship. And their both asleep. As it is, they've just had rlm@2: sex with each other. Think about if we join in. Let's go back in there," said rlm@2: Vesta trying to reason with the other two girls. rlm@2: Both girls looked at her and smacked her upside the head. "You're rlm@2: completely missing the point of a romantic relationship, Vesta. It's when the rlm@2: only thing that matters to you is the other person," said Junos. rlm@2: "Yeah. So leave Hotaru and ChibiUsa alone. Now lets go find another rlm@2: empty room," said Ceres. rlm@2: Vesta put her arms around Ceres' and Junos' waists. "Well, at least rlm@2: I've got you two and Pallas." rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: Well, we hope you liked the story. We wanted to keep the plot that rlm@2: the Sailor Quartet are all more than friends going in this, but we hope it rlm@2: didn't affect the rest of the story too much. We wanted to keep most of the rlm@2: story romantic and centering on the relationship between Hotaru and ChibiUsa. rlm@2: They're a great couple and we'll almost certainly use them again in a hentai rlm@2: story. Anyway, we're still open for story ideas as long as it has lesser rlm@2: used characters that you have interesting ideas for. So please send them in. rlm@2: Oh well, thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully there will rlm@2: be more from us soon. :)