rlm@2: Untitled rlm@2: by Shangri-la rlm@2: rlm@2: Heyyo people. This is a poem I wrote (as of yet untitled) I was hoping you could respond with who you think the cloud is, the emerald-eyed star is, whose point of view is, and anything or anyone else that may seem to appear. And if anything comes to you maybe even a title. Please reply at Shangri_La6@hotmail.com rlm@2: Ja ne! rlm@2: rlm@2: All I have is tears and loneliness rlm@2: Frommy spirit was taken away the things of happiness rlm@2: They say I have but days to live rlm@2: Sun is gone, moon is gone, so is my precious star rlm@2: And so my reign of rain shall continue rlm@2: Until to me she is returned rlm@2: He took her from me and she to he rlm@2: O precious star glowing as strongly as the sun rlm@2: Now hidden always by some distant cloud rlm@2: I pushed in front of you rlm@2: But to me it is worse for I am no longer shined upon rlm@2: Sun is gone, moon is gone, so is my presious star rlm@2: Hidden by a cold cruel cloud rlm@2: O kind Mistress of the Heavens bonds rlm@2: I beg smile upon me once again rlm@2: Can my heart take it any more? rlm@2: Can my heart take it anymore? rlm@2: O Heavenly Mistress with emerald green eyes rlm@2: I beseech, I implore, I who worship you rlm@2: Break free from behind the cold distant cloud rlm@2: Shine upon me once more rlm@2: I tire of this reighn of rain rlm@2: To hear but a whisper of your words rlm@2: Would send away this madness rlm@2: Can my heart truly take it any more? rlm@2: Can my heart break but once more? rlm@2: Come to me from your cruel master rlm@2: Come from behind that cloud rlm@2: Back to my arms rlm@2: I am unworthy of such and angel rlm@2: But he is even more rlm@2: He who hides you away fromme rlm@2: Your, friend, Your confidant, Yourlover rlm@2: But the last you do not know yet rlm@2: O beloved of the Great Mothers wombs rlm@2: Come to me from your cruel cloud rlm@2: I will wait for you on the morrow rlm@2: If you do not come then rlm@2: I shall wait each morrow after the next morrow rlm@2: And so when you come to me rlm@2: The sorrow will be gone from my heart rlm@2: And so goes the reign of my rain rlm@2: Can my heart take that much more? rlm@2: Can it truly break any more? rlm@2: ...Yes it can take it much much longer rlm@2: Yes it can break so many times over rlm@2: Butonly for you my precious star rlm@2: My darling precious emerald-eyed star.