rlm@2: “Dream” rlm@2: By Sarah F. rlm@2: rlm@2: BLAB: rlm@2: Sakura and Tomoyo are NOT ten years old in this fic! They’re about 17, so I’M NOT A DAMN PEDO! :) rlm@2: ‘Nother thing: LI SYAORAN IS A PRICK AND TOMOYO’S MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE DESERVING OF SAKURA! XD rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: Sakura held Tomoyo in her arms; Tomoyo’s back leaning against Sakura’s front. Sakura’s nose was slightly nuzzled in Tomoyo’s hair, sniffing her sweet scent while kissing the top of her head. Tomoyo sighed a Sakura cradled her, her arms wrapped around Tomoyo’s waist. rlm@2: Tomoyo leaned her head back, letting it rest on Sakura’s shoulder. Sakura smiled and let her head rest against Tomoyo’s. Sakura’s hands lazily roamed Tomoyo’s body, caressing her skin so softly, almost tickling. Sakura’s hands reached Tomoyo’s shoulders, gently messaging her neck and shoulders, relieving all the tension. Tomoyo was completely relaxed now, lost in the moment, sharing the sweet contentment and joy of the each other’s company. rlm@2: Sakura turned Tomoyo around, holding her close, their bodies caressing, the soft fabric of their clothing caressing the other’s skin. Sakura’s hand caressed Tomoyo’s cheek, drawing her into a tender kiss that lasted a lifetime in a few sweet moments. Tears began forming, holding place below Tomoyo’s eyes. She’d always dreamt of Sakura holding her like this, dreamt of sharing such tender and intimate moments together, more than just friends share. rlm@2: When they broke the kiss, Sakura noticed Tomoyo’s tears and kissed them away. The other girl’s smile broadened, “Sakura...aishiteru.” she murmured. Sakura ran her fingers through Tomoyo’s hair, holding her close. “I love you, too, Tomoyo.” Sakura whispered in her lover’s ear. rlm@2: rlm@2: Tomoyo woke up in her bed, alone. She looked around; the room was dark and still. It was a dream, though it was so beautiful, these dreams teased her. More and more, the dreams convinced her that having Sakura as a lover was just wishful thinking. Tomoyo whimpered, beginning to cry. “Alone again...” rlm@2: As soon as Tomoyo let out a slight sob, her bedroom door opened. “Tomoyo? What’s wrong?” Sakura asked, closing the door behind her and running to Tomoyo’s side. “S-Sakura...?” Tomoyo sniffled, swallowing hard. “I just got up to use the bathroom, what happened?” Sakura embraced the other girl. “Sakura, it...it wasn’t just a dream?” rlm@2: “What wasn’t?” rlm@2: “Sakura, what happened tonight...?” rlm@2: “Your mom is at a meeting out-of-town, and she said it’d be okay if I spent the night while she was gone.” Sakura kissed Tomoyo’s forehead, “Did you have a bad dream...?” rlm@2: “I had a dream about us, ...you were so sweet...” rlm@2: “And when you woke up, you thought we were just friends?” rlm@2: “Hai...” rlm@2: “Tomoyo, it wasn’t just a dream.” Sakura smiled, cuddling her love. rlm@2: Tomoyo sighed with relief, cuddling up to Sakura. rlm@2: Sakura giggled, “Don’t tell me you forgot earlier.” rlm@2: Tomoyo’s cheeks flushed, “Ano ... I guess not...” rlm@2: Sakura smirked and lay back on the bed, holding Tomoyo close. rlm@2: “If we go back to sleep, Tomoyo... you can’t have any more bad dreams.” rlm@2: “I won’t, Sakura-chan... as long as you don’t get up again.” rlm@2: Sakura giggled and snuggled Tomoyo closer. “Aishiteru, Tomoyo” rlm@2: “Aishiteru, Sakura-chan...” rlm@2: Sakura smiled, watching her love sleep in her arms. “My Tomoyo-chan...”