rlm@2: Disclaimer: Yay! We made it to Chapter Two. ^-^ Go us. Anyways, we own nothing we do not own, and own everything we do own, I believe! rlm@2: rlm@2: Kawaii Getsurin~~A Cardcaptor Sakura Fanfiction rlm@2: rlm@2: By Forever3330 and Nabiki_S rlm@2: rlm@2: Chapter Two: Enter the Night, Enter The Light rlm@2: rlm@2: "Well, here we are...I guess." Sakura looked a bit nervous and glance at Tomoyo's face, "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, to get all dressed up and spend money for a school project? Seems like a bit of over kill to me...a bit..." She was a bit worried that there might be more to this, or that maybe...Tomoyo was a bit...weird. She didn't know which. rlm@2:   rlm@2: The other girl smiled sweetly, waving off Sakura's worry. "I always try my hardest, when given the chance. Don't you, Sakura-chan? I want to make something beautiful. And even though you make that far easier, I would like the chance to accent it. It would be an honor, Sakura-chan. Because I can think of nothing I would like more then to help something along...do you understand? It's just...it just is." rlm@2:   rlm@2: Poor Sakura looked a bit confused, and embarrassed in the same moment, "Well...yeah...okay." She really didn't know what more to say about that, and opened the door to the store for Tomoyo, "After you then, Tomoyo-chan..."For some reason, just saying her name, drew a smile across Sakura's face. "I still think you have a very pretty name. It suits you." A second later, Sakura wondered where that sudden burst of matching compliments came from. Sure she was a nice person, but that seemed...cheesy, even by her standards. rlm@2: rlm@2: Smiling, as ever, the raven-haired girl entered, graceful, and walked immediately to the third isle, though she had not been here in years. The fabrics were of all colors, rich and not so. rlm@2:   rlm@2: Following along and looking around herself, Sakura seemed to be pleased by her surroundings, "Hey this place is neat!" She immediately went to look at some patterns, and checked out a few different materials. "ooOOo...this one's soft...I could make a nice comforter out of this." rlm@2:   rlm@2: "I can make one for you, if you like." Tomoyo's voice was absent, as she fingered a deep red silk. "This crimson is nice..." Pulling the roll off it's rack, she went to stand by Sakura, holding it up to the girl. rlm@2:   rlm@2: "Is this for the kimono, Tomoyo-chan?" She practically posed against the fabric for her, "It's nice...very nice, actually." She then placed the material she was looking at down and stayed with Tomoyo's side, looking at what she was, "So, you know how to sew and design too...plus photography? Wow, that's really impressive...I mean, i've never seen anyone with that much talent before." rlm@2:   rlm@2: "It's not really talent." The other girl flushed lightly. "More hobby then anything else. I'm sure Sakura-chan has lots of talent, though! And this looks nice for the outer kimono...there are many layers." Sighing in her happy, dreamy manner, Tomoyo raised her eyebrows slowly. "What does Sakura-chan like to do?" rlm@2:   rlm@2: She giggled as Tomoyo referred to her in a third person, and then sighed while thinking, "Umm...just what does Sakura do? Hmm...good question." Sakura never thought of anything really note worthy of herself to brag about...especially to someone who was obviously talented and special in many ways. rlm@2: "I...I haven't really thought of a work-stationed life style for myself, yet...if you know what I mean. But, everyone says I'm pretty good at sports...I like swimming and rollerblading..." she pointed at the pair she had been moving around on, "And I am a lead cheerleader for the school." She really couldn't think of anything else...which kind of brought her down a bit, once she realized that she was pretty boring when compared to Tomoyo. rlm@2: "You're a cheerleader?!" Tomoyo took Sakura's hands in her own, hearts almost visible in her eyes. "You HAVE to let me come to some of your shows! I want to videotape every one of them! Sakura-chan in a cheerleading uniform would be so adorably cute! Maybe with flowers falling around her? And cute hair ribbons! You need hair ribbons!" rlm@2:   rlm@2: Sakura looked a bit shocked, "Huh...wa...hold on there...ribbons? Hmm...ribbons would be nice actually." She then shook her head abit, "Now wait a second...umm...flowers? Adorable? Videotape me!?!" It had gone too far now, explanations were in order. rlm@2: Taking a hold of Tomoyo's hands and firmly looking her directly, Sakura questioned, "Tomoyo-chan? Umm...can i ask, why you want to do all of this. I mean, I like you...that's fine, but you don't need to be...well...you're kinda making it sound...well. Okay..." She took a deep breath, and was tempted to tell her that she was getting creeped out here, but turned it around. "Just how attracted to me are you?" rlm@2:   rlm@2: "Hmm?" Tomoyo blinked a few times, attempting to process this new information. "Attracted? You mean how cute do I think Sakura-chan is?" rlm@2:   rlm@2: As Sakura's eyes narrowed she was starting to catch on to something, "Umm...now, I'll admit, I'm not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree...but even I see this..." She stopped and then decided to answer Tomoyo, "Something like that, yes...cute? You really think I'm cute?" She couldn't help but blush a bit and her expressions softened slightly. rlm@2: "That's fine...and thank you, Tomoyo-chan...that's really nice of you to say. But...I don't know if you realize this, but...even in class with all of those people. You kind a made it sound...umm..." Sakura then noticed that they were still holding hands and she looked from the entwined fingers to the raven haired girl's eyes, and then smiled, "You know what? Forget it...I think you're really cute too." rlm@2: Smiling brightly, Tomoyo was about to say something, but gasped, and hurried over to something past Sakura. "Look at this fabric!! Isn't it gorgeous? It would bring out your eyes..." A few minutes later they had several rolls of cloth and thread, most of which Sakura ended up carrying. Smiling slightly at the thought of the designs dancing through her head, Tomoyo sighed happily. rlm@2: Walking back towards Tomoyo's home, Sakura was the manual labor of the project, but she knew her place at least. "So, how long will this all take. I never even thought about that part back at the store...an outfit like this by hand could take weeks to make...even months! But we don't have that long, Tomoyo-chan." rlm@2: Smiling, Tomoyo handed over a few of the bundles. "My mother may pitch in, and together I'm sure we can do it. At any rate, why don't you take these and cut them to the measurements I asked? We can work on them at my house tomorrow. Thank you for walking me home, Sakura-chan. It was very kind of you." rlm@2:   rlm@2: Sakura looked down at the bundles and sighed, "I have to carry these home now? Geez..." She then waved and started the long journey home, throwing the bags over her shoulder, "Hmm...nice mansion...no wonder she could afford the materials...nice." rlm@2:   rlm@2: rlm@2: Tomoyo watched the other girl leave, quietly, from the window right beside the front door. There was that new, giddy feeling, all the various thoughts, and a breathless feeling that rushed at her. As well as slight caution. rlm@2: rlm@2: Tomoyo turned away from the window, shaking her head. This wasn't the time to be thinking of such things. She was here for a reason. A good one, at that. A very good one. The girl sighed. rlm@2: rlm@2: "Why didn't you tell her you like her?" A dry, solemn voice came from her bag, as she walked to her room, shutting the door firmly. "When she asked?" A small black cat fluttered out to rest on her bed, faerie wings shining slightly in the light. rlm@2: rlm@2: Ebony-violet hair was braided by quick fingers, and wound around her head, before Tomoyo turned to face the creature. "I know you well enough to hear disapproval, Suppi. You know as well as I that duty rlm@2: comes first. That is what you needed to hear?" She smiled calmly. "Besides, who knows if she's even real, and not some illusion?" rlm@2: rlm@2: "Spinel. Not Suppi." The creature smiled slightly as the girl looked through her closet, searching. "Good. We cannot afford to risk civilians." rlm@2: rlm@2: Coming up with a small white eye-mask, the girl was about to reply, but the door swung open, and as it did she hid the thing, and Spinel rlm@2: fell limp. In the doorway stood an elegant woman, the woman who had gone to the principal's with her that morning. "Mother. You're home early today." Tomoyo walked closer, to hug her mother. rlm@2: rlm@2: "Just here for a quick stop, I'm afraid." The older woman leaned down to give her daughter a peck on the cheek, smiling apologetically. "Do you think you can manage?" Sonomi was always running somewhere, rlm@2: though now that they were back in Japan it was a little less often. rlm@2: rlm@2: "Of course. I'll be fine, so don't worry." Tomoyo smiled calmly. rlm@2: rlm@2: Sonomi left, quietly, and Tomoyo took out the mask, and settled it over her eyes. "Are you ready, Spinel?" rlm@2: rlm@2: "Better. And yes." The small cat was no longer small, but large. rlm@2: rlm@2: "I am ready as well, Mistress. And I sense a presence, coming strong. We must hurry." A soft, dark voice, melodic came from behind. rlm@2: rlm@2: Tomoyo smiled. "Let's go." rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: The long trek home was rather uneventful for Kinomoto. She was getting a bit tired with all of the materials over her back, plus her regular school supplies. But, she found the energy to venture forth with little difficulty. The brunette did, however, have an odd feeling as she appeared on her property that someone was watching her. This caused a rather disturbing shiver up Sakura’s spine, as she quickly made her way inside of her home. rlm@2:    “Dad? Touya? I’m home…hmm…what’s this?” Sakura finished announcing herself and then saw a small note upon the side table close to the front door. It wasn’t much in design, just a folded piece of white paper, balanced like a simple tent. She placed all of her bags down and quickly snatched the note up, while walking into the main living room. The young girl then plopped down on the couch and started reading the message aloud, “Dear kids. I’ve been called away again, and for this I am truly sorry. I didn’t have much time to prepare for this, but as you are both aware, you know that my work tends to develop unexpectedly. I shouldn’t be gone long, but in the meantime I would like you two to get along well and keep the house intact as best as possible. I’ll call later to see how your days were. Love dad.” rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Sakura sighed deeply and placed the note upon the coffee table before her, “Great, Touya’s in charge again…” Drawing the fingers of one hand through her hair, she glanced over to her bags and nodded. “Well…might as well get you all cut up like Tomoyo-chan wanted before dinner.” Then hopping to her feet again, Sakura snatched up the bags and headed off to her bedroom. Though disappointed that her father had gone away without physically saying goodbye, she knew that he had to do what he had to do. Work was important to him, and was required to keep the household stable. rlm@2:   rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Once inside her room, the energetic schoolgirl closed the door behind her and began taking out the various lengths of material. Placing it all upon her bed and writing desk, in the order she wished to work on first. As the last strip of fabric was pulled ouut of it’s bag, Sakura spun around towards her door and snapped her fingers, “Oh! That’s right…I’ll need a tape measure and scissors from the kitchen…” As she threw the last bundle of material to her bed and left to retrieve the tools needed, something small fell to the floor behind her, slipping out from between the layers of purple cloths without Sakura’s awareness. rlm@2:   rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Distraction might as well have been Kinomoto Sakura’s middle name, for as she had gotten to the kitchen and discovered the plate of bite sized cookies her father had left for his two children, she discovered that sitting there and munching down upon them was a swell idea at the time. Of course this followed with a tall glass of milk and flipping through the local newspaper in her usual search for celebrity pop-cultured news. She was also now curious to find any mention of this girl, Kawaii M, that was spoken about at school earlier that day. “Hmm…car crashes…meh, Weather report…please, that’s what a window is for. A Tribute for the JSDF over their efforts to assist with the last earthquake? Pfft…yeah, where were they when I fell off the old maehara bridge? Anyways…” Her mumblings were interrupted by a sudden crash coming from her room, “What the…?” rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Startled and yet curious, Sakura stood up and dropped the newspaper on the kitchen counter, “Oh man…did all of that fall off my desk?” A second crash, followed by a tearing and dragging sound began, “Tha…that wasn’t a falling noise…” Her green eyes went wide with fright and this sound stopped her from continuing forward. Instead, she peered down the hallway to her room, and saw the door was closed. “I didn’t close it behind me…did I?” She quietly questioned herself. When everything went silent once more, the shorthaired student built back up her courage…slowly. rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Biting her lower lip and feeling her hands shaking slightly, Sakura started towards her doorway cautiously. Each step she took, was halted so she could listen again, but heard nothing. “Maybe a squirrel got in through my window…that had to be it.” Reassuring herself, and then smiling over how silly it was to be frightened over a thing like that, Sakura reached out and grabbed the doorknob. rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Once her fingers touched the cold metal a brilliant light burst out from around the seams of the bedroom door. It was almost burning bright and Sakura couldn’t help but to scream out and cover her eyes, as it surrounded her from all sides. The door then blew open and sent the poor girl tumbling backwards down the hall. From the balled up position she was in, Sakura lifted her head to look into the light, which was blasting out of her room, “Oh my gosh…” rlm@2:   rlm@2:    Before her stood a figure…it was completely crafted of energy, but looked alive and radiant. Glowing the white light that enveloped the entire hall now…showing nothing of detail or anything but a tunnel of pure brilliance. Sakura raised an arm to shield herself from its’ presence, but all it did was obscure her vision more. She felt if she remained looking into the heart of this energy, she’d surely go blind, “Who…or what are you?” rlm@2:   rlm@2:    The creature spoke not a word, but cast down its’ ominous glare upon Sakura’s scared and confused eyes. The two pairs met for a moment, that Sakura felt was forever. It haunted her soul like never before. The creature looked the image of a woman, and yet not. It possessed long curled hair, which whipped about in an absent wind, and was garbed in a flowing intricately designed dress, that seemed to shift as the light emitted from it’s folds. Tilting its’ head, as if inspecting the young girl with a great amount of curiosity, it remained still and silent.          rlm@2: