rlm@2: I don't own these characters or profit from them. rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: Different views rlm@2: By, Clayton Overstreet rlm@2: rlm@2: Lee sighed as he stared at the ceiling of his room. As usual, he was thinking about Sakura and the Clow cards. While he was jealous that she was the one chosen to own the cards, even the ones he currently kept, he had accepted the idea after a while. That and he'd developed a crush on her. Despite the fact that Maylin, his guardians, and the lazen board had warned him off her, each with their own reasons. All three seemed to expect him to love Maylin. rlm@2: He knew he should like Maylin, but she was always so pushy and suspicious... too much like he was. It was just too much. Not that she wasn't pretty... beautiful really. The way her hair fell down her shoulders, the way her cheeks looked when she smiled. She just lacked something Sakura had. Maybe it was her eyes, or how she was always so happy, or how she seemed to need him. Whatever it was he always got butterflies in his stomach around her, especially when her brother's friend was around. She really seemed to like him sometimes. rlm@2: In all truthfulness there were two things that kept him from telling Sakura how he felt about her. One was Maylin, who always followed him around to make sure he didn't get anywhere near Sakura. The other was Madison, who seemed to be everywhere Sakura was, filming her the entire time. She seriously creeped him out some times. And on the weekends if she wasn't at Sakura's house, Sakura was at hers. She even came along on the carp captures. rlm@2: Right now they were probably having a slumber party like the one Maylin had old him about. He envied that Madison spent so much time with her and could always be so open in front of Sakura. The closest he'd come was helping her catch the Clow cards, the one thing they could both share. rlm@2: He sat upright in bed. "I should go talk with her. See how she feels." If things went wrong... well he still had the time card. rlm@2: rlm@2: Lee smiled as he approached Sakura's house. By now he had planned out everything in his head. He'd tell her how he felt, she would tell him the same thing and he would be happy. He thought of actually kissing her and blushed, frowning at the same time. He was a warrior and a skilled sorcerer. He could handle this, he was sure of that. rlm@2: "Oh Lee, what are you doing out here at this hour?" A voice asked behind him. He turned around and saw Miss Makinzey standing there. "I would think you would be at home in bed." rlm@2: Lee blushed again, but then his suspicious nature took over. "What are you doing out here?" rlm@2: "Oh me? I'm just out for a walk. Whenever I have a problem on my mind I find it helps to walk." She said smiling. "It helps me focus and figure out what's really important." rlm@2: "And you just happened to be right near Sakura's house when I get here." rlm@2: "It would seem so, wouldn't it?" She said softly. Suddenly her smile was replaced by a look of concern. "You know Lee, sometimes things are just meant to be and no matter how much we don't like it... The path you're on... the way out isn't always the right way Lee." rlm@2: Lee turned away. "Oh, what do you know? I still don't trust you. Besides, you aren't making any sense." rlm@2: She nodded. "As you wish Lee. Just remember, sometimes things work out for the best when they are supposed to and the signs all point to it." With that she began walking the other way and Lee continued on, feeling suddenly nervous. rlm@2: He shook it off as he approached Sakura's house. By the time he was at the door, he had completely forgotten Miss Makinzy. Lee reached out to knock on the door... but he stopped. It was the middle of the night. Suppose her brother or father answered the door? Or worse yet, Madison. rlm@2: No, he had to do this some other way. Looking around he noticed that one of the windows on the second floor still had a light on. Carefully he drew out the time card. That way he could see what was going on first and nobody would know. rlm@2: "Time card, freeze the moment!" He yelled. rlm@2: Suddenly everything froze in place. The cars on the road, the birds in the air, and even a falling leaf: all stood still. Lee smiled then jumped into the tree next to the house and began climbing up to the window. He smiled as he looked inside. rlm@2: His smile quickly vanished from his face. Sakura and Madison were sitting on the bed, as he had expected. What he had not expected was that they appeared to be inches from kissing each other. Madison had her arm around Sakura's back and the other one on her leg. Sakura was running the fingers of one hand through Madison's hair and had the other one on her cheek. Their lips were puckered and he could swear he saw the tip of Madison's tongue. rlm@2: Lee was crushed as he stared through the window. Then he was angry. How could she do this to him? Let alone with Madison, another girl. rlm@2: Suddenly Sakura blinked. She began to move though it was in slow motion. She pulled back from Madison and looked at her curiously, speeding up with every second. Sakura sensed something behind he and turned towards the window, seeing Lee there with tears in his eyes. rlm@2: Sakura was surprised for a moment, but quickly grasped the situation. She looked him right in the eyes and shook her head. Without a second glance she turned back to Madison and closed the kiss. When she looked back at the window, Lee was gone. rlm@2: Madison bumped her head on Sakura's shoulder and looked up surprised. "Did something just happen?" rlm@2: Sakura nodded. "Lee was here. I saw him at the window." rlm@2: Madison blushed. "Was he alright?" rlm@2: "I don't think so... he was crying." Sakura looked at the window sadly. rlm@2: Madison reached out and rubbed her cheek. "Let's go find him. We have to see if he will be O.K. or we'll never be able to rest." rlm@2: Sakura nodded and they both got up, heading downstairs and out the door. Kero watched them go, shaking his head. rlm@2: rlm@2: Maylin lay against the mailbox with one hand over her eyes and the other on the ground next to a pair of binoculars. She had followed Lee from home to Sakura's house. She was sure he was going to tell her he loved her. It had hurt Maylin a lot, but she had to make sure. After all, it could have been a Clow card. He'd tried to leave her behind before. rlm@2: She'd seen Sakura and Madison kissing from across the street, even before Lee made it to the tree. At first she'd been shocked, having had no clue. Then she was overjoyed, because now she knew that there was no chance Sakura would go after Lee. rlm@2: All that left her when the scene suddenly changed. Lee was gone and Sakura and Madison were running out the door. rlm@2: "He looked so sad." Sakura was saying. "I just didn't know what to say so I tried to show him. Then he was gone." rlm@2: Madison put her hand on Sakura's shoulder. "It wasn't your fault Sakura. But we need to find him and talk with him." rlm@2: "I know Madison, it's just..." Their voices faded as they ran down the street. rlm@2: Maylin at that moment realized the hurt Lee must have felt. It was the same way she'd felt when she had known why he was coming here. Suddenly it didn't matter how she felt or whom Lee ended up with. Right now she wished Sakura and he had gotten together. Anything so that Lee wasn't sad any more. rlm@2: "And what do we have here?" Miss Makinzy asked, causing her to jump. "Seems everyone is out tonight." rlm@2: Maylin looked up at her and frowned. "What do you want? I thought you were out for a 'walk'." rlm@2: She smiled and sat down on the curb. "Maylin, now is not the time to play games, so I am going to talk to you out in the open. Is that alright?" Maylin looked at her suspiciously, but nodded. "You saw most of what went on over there right?" rlm@2: "Yeah... though I'll bet you saw all of it." Madison said angrily. "It's not fair. None of the magic I can learn would let me catch the cards." rlm@2: Miss Makinzy smiled. "Let's just say I saw enough. Right now Lee is very upset and confused. I think he needs someone who he cares about to talk to." rlm@2: Maylin snorted. "Sakura and Madison are already on their way already." rlm@2: She smiled. "You've known Lee your entire life. When has he ever told anyone he cared about them?" rlm@2: Maylin thought about it for a minute. "Never... not since his parents died." She gritted her teeth. "He was going to tonight though. Why should I even bother if she can get him to do that?" rlm@2: She answered with another question. "And what does he do when something frightens him Maylin? When he feels something strange and new that he doesn't understand and scares him." rlm@2: Maylin blinked in confusion. Lee, afraid or not understanding something? Impossible, her mind said. But then she'd thought about it. The times he'd come into her room during a thunderstorm or after a scary movie and offered to stay with her as long as she didn't do anything mushy while he was there. Or when he had first been told about his magical powers and that he was not the one to get the cards. He had gone right out to do it anyway, even if it meant he had to give them to her later. At the time Maylin had just been glad he was there, but now... rlm@2: "He acts like it doesn't. He... I don't know. He pretends it's somebody else's problem and he's just there to help. He doesn't even know he does it." rlm@2: Miss Makinzy nodded. "So if he really cared about someone, what would Lee Sho-ron do?" rlm@2: "He would... he would turn his back and run in the other direction, making it seem like he was running right at it." She whispered. That couldn't be right though. He had been running towards Sakura this entire time. The one he'd been ignoring was... "Who are you Miss Makinzy?" rlm@2: The woman smiled. "I am merely your teacher Maylin." She stood up and brushed the dirt off her pants. "If you find Lee, tell him I said hello." rlm@2: Maylin shook her head. "But I didn't see where he went. I'm not a... um... How am I supposed to find him?" rlm@2: Miss Makinzy began walking away. "I think you know Maylin. Goodnight." rlm@2: Maylin frowned and watched her go. Then she got up off of the cement and began walking. Maybe she did know where Lee might have gone. rlm@2: rlm@2: Lee had run for a long time, despite the exhaustion he felt from using the Time card. Why did Sakura have to do this to him? She'd taken away the one thing he'd thought would make him feel better. The thought of being with her took away all the confusion he felt. It had seemed like she was the one right path. rlm@2: Suddenly he stopped and sat down in front of the clock tower, where he had gotten his first Clow card. Miss Makinzy's words came back to him. Had she known about Sakura and Madison? Maybe... or maybe she had just been talking with his guardian and he had tried to get her to hook him up with Maylin too. rlm@2: He buried his face in his hands and shook his head, tears falling down his face. It had seemed like a sure thing. The way Sakura had sent him, the way she had hugged him tightly when he'd come back, even the bears they had sent each other. He had been certain that she was in love with him. rlm@2: Now that he thought about it though, she would have done the same for Madison. Would have done more apparently, he thought as the image of them kissing danced in his head. She may have even loved him then; maybe she still did as a friend, but Sakura had made it quite clear who she was in love with. rlm@2: He thought about Maylin for a second and his stomach twisted into knots. What was it about her that made him so uncomfortable? And why was he thinking of her instead of Sakura? The last one made him feel worse so he decided to focus on the first question. rlm@2: A part of it was guilt. He felt bad about the way he ignored her, told her to go away, and never smiled at her. The fact that she never seemed to mind for more that a minute and that brief look of pain made it all the worse. Especially the time he'd told her she was in the way. rlm@2: It wasn't that he didn't like her or want her to be happy. In fact he liked seeing her smile. That was why he'd agreed to train with her, even though she didn't have any powers. It was also why he'd gone out into the rain to get her lost bird for her. He had no idea she'd fall in love with him. He still didn't even know why she did with the way he treated her. rlm@2: He heard footsteps and turned around. Maylin was standing there, looking at him and biting her lip. Lee's shoulder's stiffened and his face took on its normal deadpan look. Maylin watched in fascination as she realized he didn't even know he'd done it. He expected her to ask why he was crying, not even wondering why she was there. rlm@2: Instead Maylin walked over and sat down next to him. Without saying anything to him, she leaned against him and buried her face in his shoulder. They were like that for a long time. Lee simply sat there like a rock. rlm@2: Finally Maylin smiled and said. "I love you Lee, even if you are a coward who tried to get another girl so he wouldn't have to say it back to me." rlm@2: Lee's face cracked into a real frown as he stood up and he yelled, "I am not a coward!" rlm@2: Maylin stood up and looked him in the eyes. "Oh yeah? The prove it." He stood there glaring at her. "Ha, I knew it. No wonder you were passed over to be the card's keeper. I'll even make it easy on you. You don't have to say it. Just kiss me one time on the lips to prove it and I'll never call you a coward again." rlm@2: Lee just stood there gritting his teeth. Maylin went 'Humph' and turned to walk away. As she did the smile disappeared from her face. Suppose she was wrong and didn't know Lee as well as she thought she did? What if he really did love Sakura? rlm@2: The question disappeared from her mind as she felt herself spun around and Lee's lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed back, closing her eyes. Lee held her close and kissed her harder. After a long time he finally pulled back and looked at her, still frowning. rlm@2: "There, now will you please stop calling me a coward?" He asked. rlm@2: She took a minute to catch up, but a smirk crossed her face. "Sure thing Lee." The both began to walk down the street towards their home. "But you are still a wimp." rlm@2: "Wimp?" He yelled. rlm@2: "Yeah. That's why I keep beating you in our training. And remember the time with the Fight card? You were on the ground and I had to save your butt." rlm@2: "Yeah, I remember. I saved you when the card had you backed into a corner." rlm@2: "Ha! Now you listen to me Lee Sho-ron..." Their voices faded as they turned the corner. rlm@2: Sakura and Madison watched them go with smiles on their faces. They had arrived just after Maylin had. rlm@2: "You know, I'm glad that Maylin was here to help him." Sakura said. "I had no clue what we were going to say to him." rlm@2: "I know what you mean Sakura. Though it was nice for you to try." Madison said. rlm@2: Sakura nodded. "Though that does mean we're out here for no reason in the middle of the night wearing night gowns." She shivered as a cold breeze blew over them. rlm@2: Madison smiled and took her hand, kissing her on the cheek. "It's O.K. Sakura. You were just trying to help Lee. Come on, let's go back to your house." rlm@2: Sakura nodded and they both turned to walk down the street in the opposite direction as Lee and Maylin. rlm@2: rlm@2: The End rlm@2: rlm@2: Author's note rlm@2: I got it into my head to write one of these from Lee and Maylin's point of view. While I was writing it I was clued in by a friend of mine about what happened at the end of Card Captors and worked it into the story, realizing that Sakura would have acted the same way if Madison had gone away. Only she would have kissed Madison when she got back, not just hugged her. I have only seen the few episodes they show on the WB myself (not even the ones they are getting on Toonami yet). rlm@2: I've noticed a basic formula to these kinds of anime shows, mostly Tenchi Muyo, which I have written many fics for at www.tmffa.com. You take the star of the show and have them go through a change (Turn into a sorcerer, become a captain, find out you're an alien prince, get cursed and turned into a girl, etc.) Then you have the hero hook up with a group of people including old friends, members of the opposite sex, and someone who's a family member but is in love with you anyway. rlm@2: In my view Lee is the Aeka of this show. He came in right after Madison made a comment about what they needed the camera for that made Sakura blush and became Madison's main competition. He was also stuck up, elitist, rude, a total jerk and related to Sakura making him even more like Aeka. Which makes Maylin the Ryoko of the show. She is super strong, pushy, in love with the guy and jealous of the other girls. She is also way cooler than Lee. While she is a bit rude too, she'll at least smile on occasion and the scene where she fought the Fight card was awesome. rlm@2: I could do some more comparison (Miss Makinzy = Yosho) but I won't. If you have any questions about this or any of my other fics or want to tell me what you thought of this one, email me at clayton_n@hotmail.com rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: