rlm@2: E-mail: keriisgo@hotmail.com rlm@2: rlm@2: Title: A Senshi Reborn. rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: rlm@2: Chibiusa waved her hand in front of her friends face: rlm@2: "hey, Hotaru!" rlm@2: "What? Oh, sorry Chibiusa, i didn't mean too zone out." rlm@2: "That's ok Hotaru, but are you OK?" Chibiusa looked concerened for her new girlfriend. rlm@2: "Oh don't worry Chibiusa i'm fine, but could we finish our card game later please?" rlm@2: "OK Hotaru, so what do you want to do?" Hotaru looked at the floor. rlm@2: "Would you mind if i went home Chibiusa? I'd like to be alone." Chibiusa was a little upset but agreed none the less. rlm@2: "Sure Hotaru, we can play again later." Hotaru nodded, they hugged, kissed and then Hotaru left. rlm@2: Usagi came in and looked confused. rlm@2: "What's wrong with Hotaru?" rlm@2: "I don't know but she hasn't really been herself since Sailor Tethys left. She wouldn't even tell me Sailor Tethys human name." rlm@2: "Oh, why do you think that is?" rlm@2: "I really don't know anything about it, all i managed to get out of her was that Sailor Tethys was her sister in the Silver Millenium." rlm@2: Usagi looked sad. rlm@2: "Well, Chibiusa?" Chibiusa looked up. rlm@2: "How would you feel if you lost Hotaru, or me?" Chibiusa's eyes seemed to reply for her but she answered anyway. rlm@2: "I would die." That was all it took, plain and simple. Usagi nodded. rlm@2: "There you go then. It's no wonder she's sad, Sailor Tethys only just came back to her and then had to leave. She lost her sister and her only frind from the Silver Millenium." rlm@2: Chibiusa was very upset by this. rlm@2: "She didn't have anyone at all except Sailor Tethys, not even her parents?" rlm@2: "No, Chibiusa they died when she was born." Chibiusa's eyes filled with tears for her friend. rlm@2: "Poor Hotaru." rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: Hotaru was walking down the road, looking at the floor as she always did and she didn't hear someone running up to her and then... rlm@2: "OUCH!" Someone ran into her and they both fell to the floor. rlm@2: "Oh, i'm sorry Hotaru." Hotaru didn't even take note that the someone knew her name, she just stood up and walked on. rlm@2: "Hotaru?!" Someone called after her but she was already lost in her thoughts again, she didn't even realise her head was bleeding a little, as were her hands, from falling over. rlm@2: She got home and went strait to her room, Haruka and Michiru got to their feet and Setsuna poked her head out of her study. rlm@2: "Hotaru, Honey, Would you come down here please?" Haruka shouted up the stairs, not harshly, just to get Hotarus attension. rlm@2: There was no reply. Haruka made a face and was about to shout louder when Michiru stopped her. She walked up the stairs and knocked on Hotaru's room door. rlm@2: "Hotaru?" No reply. She opened the door and looked in, not a single lamp was lit, the room was pitch black apart from the shaft of light that came from the landing. rlm@2: When Michiru's eyes adjusted to the dark she stepped in and closed the door behind her, managing to make out Hotaru's form sitting on her bed. rlm@2: "Hotaru?" Hotaru was staring at the floor as far as Michiu could see. She went and sat down by Hotaru on the bed, this bought Hotaru out of her daze and she looked at Michiru. rlm@2: "Hai Michiru-Mama?" Michiru moved closer to Hotaru and hugged her. rlm@2: "Hotaru, Mina called just before you got in." Hotaru looked up. rlm@2: "Why should that include me Michiru-Mama?" Michiru looked concerned. rlm@2: "Because she said she ran into you today and you didn't say even look up, let alone say anything. Do you feel ill lovely?" Michiru put a hand to Hotaru's forehead and pulled away after a few seconds. rlm@2: "you don't feel hot but your clammy, why not come down and eat something?" rlm@2: "No thankyou Michiru-mama, i'm not hungry." rlm@2: "Again? But Hotaru, you haven't eaten anything for three days." Hotaru looked to the floor again. rlm@2: "I haven't really been that hungry Michiru-Mama, do you mind if i just go to bed now?" Michiru was worried but agreed to leave it there. rlm@2: "Of course Hotaru, see you in the morning then." Michiru kissed Hotaru's Forehead and left the room, shutting the door and blinking in the bright light. Haruka and Setsuna were waiting downstairs in the living room. rlm@2: "What did she... What have you got around your mouth?" Haruka asked. Michiru looked confused and got out her hanky, wipeing her lips. She looked at the hankie and wondered if it was blood, but where would it have come from? She dismissed it as cheap lipstick. rlm@2: Michiru went to put the Hanky away and saw more of the substance on her hand. She suddenly thought, I touched Hotaru's forehead with my hand and my lips! That means she's hurt! rlm@2: "Hotaru must have hurt herself when Mina banged into her!" Michiru said, stunned and the others put two and two together, they ran up the stairs. rlm@2: Haruka was the fastest and burst into her daughters room. rlm@2: "Hotaru!" Hotaru was still sitting in the position she was in when Michiru left her. Setsuna turned a few lamps on so they could see and Michiru hugged Hotaru tight as Haruka pushed back Hotaru's hair to have a look. Haruka gasped, she couldn't see the cut, there was so much blood. rlm@2: Hotaru went limp in Michiru's arms and Michiru knew she had feinted. rlm@2: "We have to get her to a hospital." Setsuna said. The others nodded in agreement and Haruka picked Hotaru up, flashing back to when she was holding Hotaru this way a few days earlier, to take her to hospital after she had a particularlly bad seisure and before that when they had met Sailor Tethys. rlm@2: Haruka put Hotaru in the back seat of the car with Hotaru's head on Setsuna's lap, and then she and Michiru sat in the front. rlm@2: "Everyone in?" Haruka asked and recieved two nods, she stepped on the accelorator and sped out of their driveway. rlm@2: Some minutes later (and alot of near collisions and cuss words) they were in the hospital, with a doctor, Ami's mother to be exact. rlm@2: She had bandaged Hotaru's head and disinfected her hands, she was just doing some general checks when Hotaru stirred. Her tree parents moved closer and Ami's mum smiled. rlm@2: "She's strong. Most people who retained a wound like that would be out for hours." All three smiled but it was Haruka who answered. rlm@2: "She is stronger than she looks." rlm@2: "I think you should be able to take her home in a few hours, i think she should be monitered for a while and then if she can stand unaided she can go tonight." The three nod. Ami's mum was about to walk out when Hotaru sat up. All four went forward to lie her down again but she refused. rlm@2: "I'm fine, see?" She stood up and stayed there, confident and strong. rlm@2: "Can i go now? Please?" Ami's mum seemed uncertain. rlm@2: "You did say i could." Hotaru stated. rlm@2: "True." Ami's mum admitted defeat and Hotaru and her parents left a few minutes later. rlm@2: As soon as Haruka stopped the car Hotaru was out. rlm@2: "Can i go and see Chibiusa... Please? Please?" She asked and the three laughed. rlm@2: "Go ahead, we'll see you later ok?" rlm@2: "Thankyou!" Hotaru said and walked off in the direction of Chibiusa's house. As soon as she was out of sight of her parents she started to run in the opposite direction. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: Chibiusa was worried about Hotaru and was about to go and call on her when the phone rang. She sighed and answered. rlm@2: "Moshi-Moshi, Chibiusa speaking." rlm@2: "Chibiusa? It's Michiru, Could i talk to Hotaru please?" Chibiusa pulled a face. rlm@2: "Hotaru went home at lunchtime, i was about to come over." Chibiusa heard Michiru relay the information to Haruka and Setsuna. rlm@2: "She said she was going to go see you and left, hours ago." Chibiusa gasped and said rlm@2: "We need to find her! She could be hurt!" rlm@2: "How did you know she was hurt?" Michiru asked. rlm@2: "She was hurt?! How?!" Michiru sighed and told her what she knew. rlm@2: "Poor Hotaru! We need to find her!" rlm@2: "Senshi meeting at Hikawa Shrine?" rlm@2: "Right!" They both hung up and called the other Senshi. rlm@2: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: "Lets split into 5 groups." Setsuna sugested. The others nodded. rlm@2: "How do we chose groups?" Minako asked. rlm@2: "NO TIME!" Chibiusa shouted and said rlm@2: "Mina, you go with rei. Mako, you go with Ami. Usagi, you go with Setsuna and Haruka, you with Michiru." They all nodded again and set off in the different directions. Chibiusa went to search all Hotaru's favourite spots. rlm@2: "HOTARU?! HEY HOTARU?!" Chibiusa shouted into the night. She heard voices coming from nearby and ran to see who it was. rlm@2: "Hotaru?" she whispered and looked around a tree. Hotaru was standing, talking to someone. Chibiusa called the others and was just about to step out of her hiding place when Hotaru ran to the other person and hugged her tightly. rlm@2: Chibiusa hid again to see what she was doing however she moved a lttle closer, behind more trees and listened. rlm@2: "I'd love to come back to Saturn with you Aura, but i can't, i have my future queen and future princess here. And the other senshi. And the person who i care about most in the world. Chibiusa. I couldn't leave her here." rlm@2: "So bring her with you." Aura suggested. rlm@2: "No! She can't come home. Aura, you can't understand. As much as i love you, i can't leave earth. My heart belongs here." rlm@2: "You forget that i can take what i want." rlm@2: "I have not forgotten that actually Aura. I know that you could have my mind, but you can't ever have my heart, and my heart is what keeps me here. Besides, i know... I know that you wouldn't do this, you wouldn't take my mind from me unless you didn't have yours. What happened after you were reborn?" rlm@2: "HEY! YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH BITCH!" Aura backhanded Hotaru and she fell to the floor. Hotaru looked into Aura's eyes, blood flowing out of her mouth and dripping thickly off her chin. rlm@2: "What happened to you? Who is doing this to you?" Hotaru reached up and touched Aura's face. Aura hit it away. rlm@2: "Don't touch me!" rlm@2: "Aura. I know we wanted revenge on everyone for all those years we spent alone, but we can live together with the senshi at least. I have them and they support me. I have Haruka-Papa and Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama, and I have Chibiusa, all of them are very special to me and all of them care for me. Can't you come and live with us in peace?" rlm@2: "NO!" Aura leant down and grabbed Hotaru's black T-shirt collar. Hotaru didn't stuggle or fight back. rlm@2: "I'm going to fight you Aura, Don't you remember that Haruka-papa was willing to die for me? Doesn't that give you a small example? Any one of them would give their lives for mine, and i would give my life for any one of them! I love them all, but i love chibiusa the most." At this Chibiusa couldn't help smiling. rlm@2: Aura dropped Hotaru, who fell to her knees and then forward onto her hands and knees. Chibiusa couldn't help but interfere, rlm@2: "Hotaru!" Chibiusa ran forward and helped Hotaru to her feet. She only just took note of alot of cuts and bruises that littered Hotaru's body. Hotaru had odviously been here and talking like this for all the time she was missing, at least 3 hours. Chibiusa was quite surprised hotaru had lasted that long, but she was very weak. rlm@2: "Hotaru?" Chibiusa leaned towards her friend, trying to keep her on her feet. Hotaru hadn't said anything and seemed like she would feint at any moment. Aura however, seemed completely unfased, it was odvious that Hotaru hadn't been fighting back. rlm@2: The other senshi arrived on the scene and were already transformed. Aura seemed aggitated by this. rlm@2: "You still think you pose a threat? That you have a chance of beating me? I proved last time that you are no match for me. Leave Hotaru and i alone." rlm@2: Aura lashed forward and everything was still for a minute, but then Hotaru and Chibiusa were sent flying into the dark of the forest. Hotaru had seen it coming and moved in front of Chibiusa to protect her but they were both still hit hard. The other senshi ran to where they had landed, Jupiter, Mars, venus and pluto in front, to protect them and then Uranus, Neptune and Moon all helped the two up. rlm@2: Hotaru, already being weak and having protected Chibiusa was very badly hurt but Chibiusa was hardly touched. rlm@2: "Leave us alone." Aura repeated. Everyone turned to look at her. rlm@2: "How did she attack without transforming?" Pluto asked no one in general. rlm@2: "Ha! You are more pathetic than i thought! You can't attack while your human can you?" The others were shocked but Hotaru pulled away from Uranus and Neptune. rlm@2: "Hotaru?" Uranus asked, stepping forward. Everyone turned around to look at Hotaru. rlm@2: "I should have known you'd have figured it out Hotaru." Everyone gasped at the thought. She could do it? rlm@2: Hotaru raised her arms infront of her and made a motion as if to hold something. The silence Glave materialised and she grasped it tightly. Chibiusa walked towards Hotaru. rlm@2: "Don't... Don't use your powers Hotaru, your to weak." The others nodded their agreement. rlm@2: "Leave." Hotaru said firmly. The others were shocked. rlm@2: "We can help you!" sailor moon said. rlm@2: "No, You can't, you'll just get in the way or get hurt, LEAVE!" Hotaru said and pushed Sailor moon away as she tried to get close. Sailor moon wasn't prepared for the sudden contact and fell backwards, only to be caught by Sailor Uranus. Uranus, Neptune and pluto were the stronger senshi but they knew that they didn't stand a chance, not even sailor moon did. rlm@2: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto all detransformed and turned around. rlm@2: "She's right you guys, come on." They started walking and the others started to understand that they didn't know much about Aura, but Hotaru seemed to, and she also seemed to be alot more advanced then them. They all agreed and turned to walk away. Chibiusa however didn't move. Usagi took her hand and started to lead her away. Chibiusa looked to Hotaru, who nodded and turned to face Aura. Chibiusa left with the other senshi. They all went to a cliff that was nearby so that they could see the fight. rlm@2: Hotaru and Aura stood facing each other, in their battle stances. The others were looking on when sailor moon had an idea. rlm@2: "We can do the sailor planet attack! We can still get her, even from over here!" The others all nodded and they formed circle, joining hands. They all focused their energies and then... rlm@2: "SAILOR PLANET ATTACK!!" The attack aimed directly at Aura hit her head on and she flicked her wrist and the sailor planet attack sailed off into the air, harmless. rlm@2: "NO! HOW?!" The senshi were stunned. Now there definatly wasn't anything they could do. rlm@2: "Now your friends are done interfereing, lets get serious." Aura tensed and Hotaru nodded and got into a better stance. rlm@2: Aura lurched forward and none of the denshi saw where she went. They didn't know what was happening until Hotaru surged forward and disapeared. They saw numerous trees fall and the ground being disturbed but nothing else. There was a particularly powerful surge and all the trees within 40 metres of the impact were flattened and the senshi were caught up in a fierce storm of energy and wind, all having to sheild their eyes. rlm@2: The energy cleared and they looked down to the clearing. Hotaru was lying on the floor and Aura was smileing over her. Hotaru opened her eyes and sat up, then stood. rlm@2: Hotaru picked up her glaive and shouted rlm@2: "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!" Her attack flew forward and hit Aura hard, Aura had not even tried to move as she wasn't expecting much power. She was wrong. As the attack persisted Aura was thrown backwards and hit the floor, seemingly unharmed. But she didn't get up. rlm@2: "Hotaru did it!" Chibiusa shouted but the outer senshi were still looking on worriedly. rlm@2: "This battle is far from over." Setsuna stated and they all looked down at Hotaru and Aura. Aura had already got up and Hotaru was preparing for the worst. Aura straitened her arms and grabbed at an invisable stick, which when touched became visable. rlm@2: The stick was almost exactly like Hotaru's glaive but it was black and had a long strait spike instead of the unknown shape on top of Hotaru's. rlm@2: "SILENCE SWORD STRIKE!" Aura shouted out and pointed her sword towars Hotaru, who braced herself. rlm@2: The attack flew forwards, a flaming arrow. Hotaru put up a silence wall but the attack pierced through her sheild and then through her stomach. She stayed still for a few seconds, her eyes widening and then she fell to her knees and onto her stomach. The blood seeping through her t-shirt and onto the floor. rlm@2: "HOTARU!!" Chibiusa screamed out and started to run down the hill when Haruka grabbed her arms. rlm@2: "Don't try it Chibiusa, you'll just get hurt, she wouldn't want that and you know it." Chibiusa pulled her arm away. rlm@2: "Well i refuse to sit here and watch!" Chibiusa continued to run towards the clearing. rlm@2: When she reached it Hotaru was having severe trouble breathing but was on her feet again. rlm@2: "Hotaru!" Hotaru turned around so fast it made Chibiusa dizzy. rlm@2: "You shouldn't be here! LEAVE!" Hotaru was incredibly angry but even more concerned. Chibiusa stood no chance on this battlefield. rlm@2: Aura decided to take advantage of Hotaru being distraced. She jumped forward and swung the blunt end of her blade at Hotaru's head. Hotaru only just saw it in time and jumped back out of the way. The force of the swing seemed nothing to Hotaru yet it forced Chibiusa off her feet and onto the floor a few feet away. rlm@2: "Chibiusa!" Hotaru ran to Chibiusa's side and helped her up. rlm@2: "You shouldn't be here, you don't stand a chance." Hotaru turned Chibiusa around and gave her a push in the direction of the cliff. Aura didn't like to wait and so she blind-sided Hotaru and she was sent flying through the air, yet she still managed to land on her feet. But that time Aura used the sharp end of her blade and it sliced through Hotaru's side easily. Hotaru held her wound and gave Chibiusa another push. rlm@2: "Please just go." rlm@2: "But i can't just leave you here!" Chibiusa was crying and Hotaru pulled a pained face, Chibiusa, thinking it was because she was hurt ran forward. rlm@2: "No Chibiusa!" Chibiusa was halfway to Hotaru when she realised Hotaru made that face because she didn't want Chibiusa to get hurt. Chibiusa stopped short of Hotaru. Hotaru smiled and nodded. rlm@2: "Go back to the cliff, there is nothing you can do for me." Chibiusa was about to turn when Aura came behind her and swung. Chibiusa screamed and the crystal activated but wasn't fast enough. By the time the crystal had activated she was already in the air... In the AIR?! Chibusa looked up to see Hotaru. She had jumped and picked Chibiusa out of harms way. rlm@2: "Phew, thanks Hotaru." Chibiusa smiled at Hotaru and Hotaru smiled back. Chibusa was happy to see Hotaru smile and was about to say so when they heard Aura scream her attack from behind. Hotaru dodged but was slowed by Chibiusa and the attack just caught her right hand. rlm@2: "Kuso!" Hotaru muttered under her breath. Chibiusa was looking where the attack had gone. She heard Hotaru swear and looked up at her, she was in pain. Chibiusa looked to her right hand. rlm@2: "Hotaru! That looks painful." rlm@2: "It is." Hotaru stated and started flying towards the cliff. rlm@2: "I didn't know you can fly Hotaru." Chibiusa said. rlm@2: "I only recently learned, it's not perfected yet." rlm@2: "It seems fine to me." Chibiusa laughed and Hotaru couldn't help but grin. rlm@2: "Stop laughing!" She fired her attack again and Chibiusa told Hotaru to move but Hotaru couldn't. She was flying strait at the cliff with the senshi on it, if she moved, they'd be hit. Hotaru couldn't let them die, not now. She threw Chibiusa, who was caught by Sailor moon, and turned to face the oncoming attack. rlm@2: "HOTARU!" Chibiusa screamed. Hotaru didn't take note of her scream and instead called her glaive forward. Hotaru started up her shield. rlm@2: "SILENCE WALL!" The attack slammed into the sheild, pushing her backwards. She kept moving backward until she felt her feet hit the cliff top. Hotaru heard someone coming up behind her. rlm@2: "Stay put!" Hotaru shouted over her shoulder. Whoever it was stopped and Hotaru focused again on her sheild. She was puched back a few more steps and felt 2 hands on her back. She knew it was Chibiusa. She thought how as Chibusa's hands came round her stomach that they were keeping her together, stopping her exploding into pain. rlm@2: "That's it!" Hotaru cried out. rlm@2: "Please let go now Chibiusa." Chibiusa sqeezed her tighter and then let go. Hotaru focused one last time on her shield. rlm@2: She took a small step forward and the ends of her sheild came off the floor. Then another step and the ends straitened out to become a disc in front of them. The others started to wonder what she was doing. rlm@2: Hotaru took one last step forward and the sheild encircled the attack. The attack inside grew and grew and then started to shrink. Hotaru fell to her knees but was still concerntrating. The attack dwindled and died. rlm@2: "YAY HOTARU!!" Chibiusa cried, showing her younger side again. rlm@2: Hotaru looked up. rlm@2: "It's not over yet." They all looked up to see a very angry Aura staring at Hotaru. rlm@2: "I hate you, why can you always beat me? Why can you always have fun and laugh? And have friends?" Hotaru seemed to relax at this. rlm@2: "Why? To be honest i don't know why. I definatly didn't deserve them." The senshi all moved forward to Hotaru. rlm@2: "Yes you did!" Hotaru smiled slightly. rlm@2: "Then Aura deserves you too. Right?" Hotaru asked them all. They all stopped and stuttered. rlm@2: "But... but..." Hotaru and Aura smiled together this time. rlm@2: "But?" Aura chided. rlm@2: "But, She has the same circumatances as i did when you first met me." Hotaru smiled at them all. rlm@2: "I am the same." Aura said. The others couldn't deny it. rlm@2: "but... she's done so many bad things, like hurting you!" Chiniusa stated. rlm@2: "True, but so did i." Hotaru also stated. rlm@2: The others couldn't disagree, she was right. It was sailor moon who spoke up first. rlm@2: "Everyone can be our friend if they truely want to, and give friendship in return." Aura sneered at sailor moon. rlm@2: "You pathetic little wimp! Your the one who just leaves Hotaru to her death by me!" rlm@2: "She wanted us to go!" rlm@2: "She's my sister! I know what she feels! She wanted you to stay!" Everyone gasps and looks towards Hotaru who ws looking at the floor with a small smile dancing on her lips. rlm@2: "Hotaru... Is that true?" Sailor moon asked. Hotaru didn't look up or answer. She finally looked to Aura. rlm@2: "Do you remember those days during the Silver Millenium? When we lived on Planet Saturn?" rlm@2: "Of course i do! They were the loneliest in my life!" Aura shouted at Hotaru. rlm@2: "NO! They weren't! We played together, in the castle, in the gardens. We had fun. Don't you remember?" rlm@2: "NO! SO SHUT UP!!" Aura fired her attack again and the senshi were all about to be hit when Hotaru stood up and attacked aswell. Her attack hitting Aura's and diminishing it, then going on to hit Aura. rlm@2: Aura screamed as it hit her, falling to the ground and flinching every few seconds. rlm@2: "What did you do Hotaru?" Chibiusa asked. rlm@2: "I just gave her some of my memories, the good and bad of both times and worlds." Everyone looked down at Aura, who was on a lower ledge. Hotaru stood and was about to jump down when she took note of something, a metal device shining in a tree nearby. The others followed her gaze and saw it aswell. rlm@2: "It means something." Hotaru said. rlm@2: "But how do we get it?" Sailor mars asked. hotaru smiled. rlm@2: "I will." Hotaru jumped off the cliff and landed in the top branches of the tree. Everyone was stunned. rlm@2: "Hotaru! That was at least 30 feet!" Hotaru laughed and then got back to the matter at hand. She reached down and went to touch the machine when it let out a type of pulse, the only evidence a light flash and then Hotaru falling. rlm@2: The light went over each of the other senshi but all were unaffected. rlm@2: "How could it effect Hotaru that way when she is the strongest?" Chibiusa asked. The others were just as bewildered. rlm@2: Hotaru lifted herself up onto her knees and then onto her feet. rlm@2: "Hotaru?! What happened?" Chibiusa called over the cliffs edge. Hotaru looked up towards the machine but didn't answer, she couldn't. Hotaru had no idea what happened. rlm@2: "What happened...? and why did it only effect me?" Hotaru whispered to herself, touching the trunk of the tree. Aura came out of nowhere and pinned Hotaru to the tree, smileing. rlm@2: "Aura, what are you doing?" Hotaru asked. rlm@2: "Nothing, you wanted to know why it only effected you?" Aura asked, knowing the answer. rlm@2: "Yes..." Hotaru answered, becoming increasingly suspisous. rlm@2: "It only effected you, because i designed it to only effect you. It's tuned to you. So it will only hurt you." rlm@2: "It didn't hurt me." Hotaru stated blankly. rlm@2: "You don't think it did, but what you think and what are, well they're two VERY different things." Aura smirked and released Hotaru, but Hotaru didn't move from where she was. rlm@2: "What have you done to me Aura?" Hotaru asked, her voice serious. Her eyes flashing dangerously as if warning Aura not to tempt her into anything. rlm@2: "You'll see soon enough!" Aura laughed and vanished, leaving Hotaru in a very bad state of mind. She appeared calm, but she was looking at the spot Aura had been and the last few movements and words still playing in her mind. rlm@2: Chibiusa put a hand on Hotaru's shoulder, and Hotaru, not being completely out of her daze lashed out at her with her fist, catching her in the stomach and forceing her to the floor. Hotaru realised who she'd hit and immidiatly knelt down besides Chibiusa. Knowing that Chibiusa would be really hurt from that punch, considering how much stronger Hotaru was. rlm@2: "I'm so sorry!" Hotaru appologised and lifted Chibiusa's t-shirt, showing a glowing red pmark in the shape of Hotaru's fist. Hotaru hadn't used her healing in a long time but she had no choice, Chibiusa meant alot to her and she wasn't about to let Chibiusa suffer for her stupity. rlm@2: "It's fine Hotaru." Chibiusa said but she was still struggling for breath. Hotaru held her hands over the mark and they started to glow, reducing the redness. Chibiusa sighed and Hotaru looked up to her, still healing. She realised that Chibiusa was relaxing into Hotaru's energy. Hotaru went back to healing properly and was soon finished, though very worn out from her battle and then healing for the first time in ages. rlm@2: "Hotaru? Are you ok?" The question was directed at her from Michiru. Hotaru looked at chibiusa and then at her Michiru-mama, then round everyone else, not sure what to tell them all. They had all seen her fall and all seen Aura, but no one had heard what she'd said. rlm@2: Hotaru decided that Aura was probobly bluffing and that she didn't need to tell the others. rlm@2: "I'm fi..." Hotaru started but didn't finish, she feinted onto Chibiusa's lap. rlm@2: "HOTARU!!" Everyone called. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: Hotaru woke up in a dark void, something she was used to seeing from her recent dreams. rlm@2: "Princess Saturn, I'm glad your awake." Hotaru looked around to see who knew her like that. rlm@2: "Show yourself!" A young girl, looking only 8 or 9 walked out of the shadows. As she got closer Hotaru realised she was in a sailor Fuku. Hotaru recognised him. rlm@2: "You're... You're Sailor Rhea?!" Hotaru was dumbstruck. rlm@2: "Hello Sailor Saturn." Sailor Rhea smiled. rlm@2: "It's been a while little sister." Hotaru enjoyed being in the presence of her little sister alot but... her twin, identical, and age wise. She wanted to see her twin the most. rlm@2: "Have... Have you seen...?" Hotaru didn't get to finish. Sailor Rhea moved aside and someone else walked forward. An exact twin of Hotaru. The only difference, the sailor fuku. It was a delicate lilac body with a dark purple skirt and delicate lilac gloves with a dark purple rim. Her bow, dark purple and a pure heart crystal in the middle, just like Hotaru's. rlm@2: "Sailor Telesto!" Hotaru cried and ran forward, hugging her twin tightly. Sailor Telesto was hugging back and tears were staining both their faces. rlm@2: Sailor Rhea ran towards them. rlm@2: "Hey! don't leave me out!" They all hugged and laughed and cried. A crack appeared in the top of the void, letting light spill into it. rlm@2: "What's happening?" Hotaru asked. Sailor Telesto and sailor Rhea looked at each other and then at Hotaru. rlm@2: "This void was just to protect you while you were unconcious, and now your waking up so... so now we dissapear." Sailor Telesto said softly. rlm@2: "NO! DON'T GO NOW! I ONLY JUST GOT TO SEE YOU!!" Hotaru shouted as the void got lighter and they started to dissapear. rlm@2: "Will i see you again?!" rlm@2: "Of course, but while we are human, maybe very soon." Sailor Telesto said. Hotaru was very relieved. rlm@2: "It's good to see you two again. My only family from the silver millenium." They all hug again and Hotaru closes her eyes. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: When Hotaru opened her eyes again she was lying in a hospital bed. She sat up and felt a short sharp pain hit her body. It made her clamp her eyes shut but she didn't make any noises. She looked around the room and noticed how no one was there. Her heart seemed to feel upset but then she remembered Sailor Rhea and Sailor Telesto. rlm@2: Hotaru hated hospitals and didn't want to stay so she got up and found her clothes on the chair next to her bed. Putting them on she noticed they were clean and folded. She didn't dwell on it however and walked out of the room, out of the ward and then out of the hospital. No one took any notice as she looked so healthy. rlm@2: Hotaru walked strait back to the mansion she shared with her two mama's and her papa. She used her key and let herself in silently. Hotaru walked to the living room door and heard Usagi's voice. Then Makoto's and then Haruka's. Haruka's voice was raised and Hotaru heard what she said. rlm@2: "You pulled me away from my child, who the doctors don't know if she'll get up or not, just to tell me that Ami's computr has picked up another two senshi?!" rlm@2: Hotaru heard the phone ring, and waited. Everything was quiet for a while and then Haruka, who she presumed had answered the phone shouted again. rlm@2: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?!" Hotaru heard her slam down the reciever and then heard everyone get up and come running to the closed door. rlm@2: "What do i do? I can't face them all, how would i explain what happened then?" Hotaru whispered to herself. rlm@2: "Up here!" Hotaru heard a voice calling her. It was Sailor Rhea and Sailor Telesto, in their human forms! Hotaru wasted no time in running up the stairs and hugging them, forgeting about the others comeing. She was just hugging Sailor Rhea's human form when she felt her knees give way and she fell to the right of the stairs, out of view with Reah . rlm@2: Tammi was leaning down to help them, her head out of view so when the others came into the hallway they saw her body and, being Hotaru's identical twin, they thought it was Hotaru. rlm@2: "Hotaru!" They all shouted at once. Tammi looked down at them all and laughed, a laugh exactly like Hotaru's. Chibiusa noticed something strange, but what could it be? There was a strange moment when no one moved but then they heard someone elses voice from around the corner. rlm@2: "Hey Hotaru, you got a new friend?" Makoto asked. Tammi laughed even more and picked Reah up off Hotaru. rlm@2: Hotaru was relieved to get the weight of her chest but was still having a little difficulty breatheing. Tammi noticed this and remembered. rlm@2: "Oh god Hotaru, you were always having seizures! I'm sorry, i forgot!!" She leant down and helped Hotaru up, supporting her while she tried to breathe. rlm@2: "Forgive me?" Tammi asked. Hotaru couldn't exactly answer right then so she nodded instead. rlm@2: A few gasps and confused noises came from the bottom of the stairs. rlm@2: "Hotaru! Hang on!" Chibiusa shouted up the stairs and ran up to her, taking her weight from Tammi and hugging her hard. Coughs racked Hotaru's body and Chibiusa released her, looking concerned. rlm@2: "Hotaru, you haven't had a seizure this bad since Mistress Nine!" Chibiusa stated. Hotaru nodded and tried to explain. rlm@2: "I, i used... My healing... abil, abilities." She managed before her knees gave way again, Chibiusa, who wasn't expecting it, was going to fall to, when Tammi caught Hotaru and Reah caught Chibiusa. rlm@2: "You mean you only have sezures because you use your healing abitlities?" Chibiusa asked in disbelief. Hotaru had caught her breath a little and answered. rlm@2: "Not exactly, when i use alot of my energy i have seizures and healing takes alot more energy than something like fighting." Hotaru seemed a little uncomfortable, being the centre of everyone's attention. Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna picked up on this and said rlm@2: "Hey, why don't we all go into the living room, have some tea and talk this out?" Everyone nodded and followed the three into the living room. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: "So, You're twins?" Haruka asked, indicating to Hotaru and Tammi. rlm@2: "And you're all sisters?" Michiru asked, indicating to all three. All three nodded a yes. rlm@2: "If your both here, what about your parents?" Minako asked. They all looked down to the floor quietly. Hotaru knew them all the best and so she answered the question. rlm@2: "Our parents died when Reah was born, our father was out fighting and mother died while giving birth." Everyone was quiet and sipping their tea half-heartedly. rlm@2: Just as Hotaru was about to say she needed to rest she felt Aura transform. Hotaru, even with her ability of being able to fight when human, would still stand no chance against Aura as a sailor senshi so she transformed. rlm@2: Everyone wondered what she was doing when a brick came through the window, heading for Chibiusa. Sailor Saturn used her Silence Glave and blocked it. The brick had a note tied to it and Sailor Saturn read it aloud. rlm@2: "There is only one of me, there are twelve of you, if you want to save the world you'llhelp me out. Sailor Saturn, come to the cherry blossom tree that you once sat under as a child. Bring Sailor Telesto and Sailor Rhea, but the others are to stay put. No tricks." rlm@2: Hotaru sighed and nodded to her sisters. They both transformed and all three were gone in a flash. rlm@2: "We can't let them go alone!" Chibiusa cried out. rlm@2: "We have to, you heard what the note said. We don't get a say in this." Setsuna said. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: "Come on out then Sailor Tethys!" Sailor Saturn shouted. rlm@2: "All in due time." Sailor Tethys voice replied, seeming to echo, like when she first appeared, making it immpossible to know where it was coming from. rlm@2: A power ball came flying throught the fog and Sailor Saturn dodged it, as did the others and it vanished into the fog again. They weren't expecting it when it came hurtling back out of the fog and so it collided with Sailor Rhea and Sailor Telesto but Sailor Saturn still managed to dodge it. rlm@2: Sailor Telesto fell to the floor first, Sailor Rhea hitting the floor a few feet away from her. Sailor Rhea was crying. Hotaru ran forward and knelt between them both, taking Sailor Rhea into a hug and bringing her onto her knee. She also put a hand onto Sailor Telesto's back, stroking gently until she felt Sailor Telesto's muscles tense up. Sailor Telesto pushed herself up off her stomach and onto her knees. rlm@2: "That hurt." Sailor Telesto stated. Sailor Rhea was still crying and Sailor Saturn ribbed his back and rocked him gently. rlm@2: "Aww, so touching." Sailor Tethy's voice taunted them. rlm@2: "Don't you remember?! Remember when you hurt yourself? And I came out and hugged you tight. The plaster i put over your knee, you remember the pattern on it? It was ours." Sailor Saturn cried into the fog. They all heard Sailor Tethys mutter something and she walked towards them through the fog. rlm@2: "It was... it was a picture of a blood red eye." Sailor Tethys said smileing. Sailor Saturn brightened up. rlm@2: "Yes! Yes it was! And do you remember what it stood for?" rlm@2: "It stood for... Hmm, the eye stood for us being able to see right through each other, the blood red stood for the same blood running through our veins and then the pupil of the eye stood for... the centre of our love!" Sailor Tethys seemed happy she had remembered. rlm@2: "Exactly! I knew you'd remember!" Hotaru cried and ran up to Sailor Tethys, hugging her. rlm@2: A blueish colour substance came out of Sailor Tethys mouth and Sailor Saturn looked at it as it landed on the floor. Sailor Tethys seemed her normal self again. rlm@2: Sailor Saturn used her glaive and sliced the slime in half, it made a fizzing noise and disolved into nothing. rlm@2: "What was that?" Sailor Saturn asked. rlm@2: "It was one of my little creatures, only i accidentally spilt a chemical on it and it went bad, and when i say bad, i mean evil. rlm@2: They all hugged again and then all detransformed. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: All four of them walked into Hotaru's house and were greeted by 9 heads poking out the living room door, all of the four sisters laughed, when Tammi said rlm@2: "It's time for us to go Hotaru." Hotaru was very upset to say the least, but she still smiled and hugged them all. They all hugged and appologised and said goodbyes to everyone else and everyone was sorry to see the three go. rlm@2: "Goodbye you guys, i love you all, never forget me ok?" Hotaru cried and they hugged one las time before a flash of light came and went, taking the tree with it. rlm@2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ rlm@2: rlm@2: Everyone went home after a while and Haruka and Michiru went out to dinner and said they needed a holiday so they wouldn't be back until morning. Setsuna had to go guard the time-gate so Hotaru and Chibiusa were left alone. rlm@2: "Hmmm, Chibiusa... that means we have the night alone together..." rlm@2: "I guess it does..." Both had a mischevious grin on their face as they ran upstairs.